Super God Bloodline

Chapter 102 New Ruins

Walking along the road inside the academy, Qin Yang walked slowly, with a smile on his face.

Bloodlines, nearly a hundred kinds of bloodlines, almost all high-level bloodlines, also have three king-level bloodlines, and one royal-level bloodline, giving him a certain level of ascension in his physical fitness. And, the perception of heaven and earth has become clearer.

In particular, the blood of Baize Lion seemed to give Qin Yang a certain amount of wisdom, allowing Qin Yang to have a new understanding of the world and everything.

"I thought it would take at least two months to reach the Divine Soul Deva middle stage. Based on the current situation, it would take three days to reach the Divine Soul Deva middle stage. Moreover, if you strengthen your understanding of the Baize Lion bloodline, let Baize Lion From the bloodline Ascension to the bloodline method Realm. Even the Practitioner facing the Realm of Heaven and Earth should have the power of a battle." Qin Yang said to himself, "Of course, the most important thing is to restore Weishengshou a little ability. ."

Weishengshou, a creature from outside the earth, Yunlan Realm, was quite powerful before the physical body was destroyed. Even if the body is destroyed and the soul is weak, it can severely injure a master like Dugu Jiuyao.

If it is possible to restore Weishengshou to a certain amount of combat power, Qin Yang will not be afraid even if he is dealing with the Practitioner of Realm.

"How about Crazy Li's research on the bloodline of Vientiane?"

Qin Yang raised his head and looked at the ninth building.

Building No. 9 is independent and mysterious as before.

"Qin Yang, Qin Yang."

A familiar voice rang, Qin Yang turned his head to look.

"Zhang Haishan?"

Since Zhang Haishan joined the Chinese-Western Alliance, Qin Yang has seen much less of Zhang Haishan.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Yang did not want to join the forces.

To join a certain strength, freedom is bound to be subject to certain restrictions.

Next to Zhang Haishan, there is a very ordinary-looking student, but his eyebrows are extremely rich and have a width of one cent.

"Finally I found you." Zhang Haishan smiled, "I heard that you held another wrist-wrestling competition and you also won Bai Yujing. That's awesome, then Bai Yujing is the top existence of the Beijing Academy."

"No, I lost." Qin Yang said.

"That's right, Qin Yang, you are very powerful, but Bai Yujing is the young generation genius of the Bai family in Beijing, and the owner of the Beijing Building. He is extremely powerful. You are definitely not his opponent." Zhang Haishan smiled. .

Qin Yang: "..."

Perhaps this can be pulled out to play Jiji a hundred times, and teach him a profound lesson.

"Are you looking for me?"

Before Qin Yang hit Can Zhang Haishan, Qin Yang immediately changed the subject.

"We want to invite you to go to a ruin, a newly discovered ruin." Zhang Haishan's eyes faintly gleamed.


Qin Yang's expression moved.

Ruins, but a good thing.

From the information obtained, most of the avant-garde technologies discovered today, as well as Star-level Cultivation Techniques, Guiding Techniques, and Blood Vessel Secret Techniques, have a great relationship with the ruins. Even the Martial Dao tower and blood vessel originated from the ruins.

In the ruins, people have discovered horror technology beyond the present, which seems to come from another era.

The ruins of Loulan are a relic that can be opened up. From this medium-sized ruin that had been open for a long time, Qin Yang captured a good fighter from it, guarding it slightly. Therefore, Qin Yang has a lot of interest in the ruins.

"A brand-new relic?" Qin Yanghu questioned.

"Yes." Zhang Haishan said, "This relic was discovered by my fellow villager. He is called Niu Shoutong. He joined the organization of the Martial Dao Society in Beijing Academy. This new medium-sized relic was discovered by him."

Medium-sized ruins, comparable to the ruins of Loulan Ruins.

"If you found it, why don't you look for the master of Dali Martial Dao, but find us?" Qin Yang stared at Niu Shoutong.

"If you tell Dali Martial Dao, more than 80% of the things found in the ruins will be turned in, and I can get only two layers at most. Next, the National School Ruins Competition is about to come, and I hope to enter the competition." Niu Shoutong said solemnly. .

This Qin Yang knew about the National School Relics Competition. It is a wonderful event jointly organized by the Tenth University of the Federal Republic of China, allowing the geniuses in the Tenth University to compete with each other to capture the supreme glory and the treasures in the relics.

However, not everyone can participate in the Relics Contest. It must have the power to slay the Demonic Beasts emperor.

"Qin Yang, the Ruins Competition is an honor for every student. It is definitely a great honor to be able to participate in the competition. Once you stand out in the competition, you can definitely make the world's top forces throw an olive branch." Zhang Haishan smiled and said, "If the treasures obtained from this medium-sized relic can allow us to quickly Ascension and qualify for the competition, we must go to this medium-sized relic."

"I should be qualified." Qin Yang said lightly.

Zhang Haishan: "..."

Have a chat.

Also let people not speak well.

However, Qin Yang's current strength, defeating Dugu Jiuyao, did have this qualification.

Zhang Haishan took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "Qin Yang, a brand-new ruin is equivalent to a lot of treasures and points. Let's first explore the ruins, dig out all the treasures, and then report the ruins. Earn points."

The ruins are reported, and you can have a few points among the capital schools.

And found a ruin, its points are more than the task. Depending on the situation, a small ruin may have at least 5,000 points; if it is a large ruin, it may also have at least 100,000 points.

"Then I'll ask another question, why are you looking for me?" Qin Yang asked.

What he needs to care about is whether this is a certain method of the capital building.

"I need a top-notch master to explore the ruins together. Most masters have power, but some do not. You are one of them. Moreover, Haishan is my fellow, he knows many people, and he introduced you to me." Niu Shou Tong, "However, I discovered the ruins, and I want at least 40% of the things in them."

"Don't worry, Qin Yang, Niu Shoutong and I are fellow villagers. Our middle school is still in the same class. He is not in the capital building." Zhang Haishan saw through Qin Yang's thoughts, "Furthermore, we need to prepare for the National Academy Relics Competition. ."

Qin Yang was silent for a long time and nodded.

Loulan ruins, let him see many things. He knew that if he wanted to know the world better, perhaps it was a good choice to enter more ruins. What's more, entering the ruins can be a good test of his strength.

"Send me the time, people, and gathering place. I have something to do now."

"No problem." Zhang Haishan laughed.

Qin Yang turned and left.

"Aniu, I'll say there is no problem." Zhang Haishan smiled, "Qin Yang is very good at talking."

"um. Thank you."

Niu Shoutong looked at Qin Yang's leaving back, a ray of light flashed across his eyes.

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