Super God Bloodline

Chapter 108 Black Guards (fourth more, for subscription)

In the ruins of the palace.

Qin Yang walked side by side with Xing Zhuo and Cheng Xiaoxiao.

These two guys look a bit funny, but they also have some usefulness. Like Cheng Xiaoxiao, he seemed very familiar with the ruins of the palace.

"This ruin is like the imperial palace in the AD era. In the capital, there is an extremely ancient Forbidden City. It is similar to the Forbidden City, but it is much larger than the Forbidden City." Cheng Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "If there are any in the ruins. In terms of things, it should be in the so-called inner court, where is the important place."

"Inner Court?" Xing Zhuo looked puzzled.

"The inner court, in the AD dynasty, seemed to be the place where the emperor, the emperor's empresses and concubines lived, and idlers were not allowed to enter the front center. Some foreign tribute to the imperial palace would also be placed in the inner court." Cheng Xiaoxiao said, "These are all I have seen from some books, and I don't know whether they are true or not."

Qin Yang glanced at Cheng Xiaoxiao, who actually did some research on this kind of thing.

AD era.

The age of blood, the age of Practitioner.

Most people are mainly studying Martial Dao, and very few people go back to study some history or something. Quite simply, history is not very useful for actual combat.

"But someone should have come to this palace, and some flowers and plants have been excavated. According to some signs, these flowers and plants have been dug away for about a month." Xing Zhuo glanced at the surrounding scenery.

"Xing Big Brother is really amazing, even I know this." Cheng Xiaoxiao looked at Xing Zhuo beautifully.

"That is." Xing Zhuo straightened his chest, "I was also a member of the military department at the beginning, but I left for some reason. I still remember this trick clearly."

"Qin Yang, what do you think of this ruin?" Cheng Xiaoxiao asked.

"Look with your eyes." Qin Yang said.

Xing Zhuo: "..."

Cheng Xiaoxiao: "..."

"Passing through this passage, you should be able to enter the position of the inner court." Cheng Xiaoxiao stopped and turned his head to look at a spacious passage.

The passage is very long, with a distance of about a thousand. And the width has reached ten meters, which is very spacious.

The same black ground and white walls give people a very simple and elegant, but strange and terrifying feeling.

"That's the inner court?" Xing Zhuo looked over.

Qin Yang also looked over.

Along the way, there is indeed a very strong sense of familiarity. This sense of familiarity is just like when visiting the Forbidden City.

The ruins of the palace belonged to the extremely ancient palace model as Cheng Xiaoxiao said.

The three of them walked in the direction of the inner court.

On the walls along the way, I saw some sword marks, fist marks and palm prints, and some scratches and blood stains from fierce beasts, which seemed to have gone through a great battle.

"There has been a war in this ruin, and both sides have a lot of numbers." Xing Zhuo stared at the wall, "One is the human force, and the other is the Demonic Beasts force. To be able to leave such an obvious mark on these walls, at least Martial Dao Great Master late stage, it may also be the soul of Deva."

"Xing Big Brother is really amazing." Cheng Xiaoxiao praised.

"It's not a big skill." Xing Zhuo waved his hand, but the triumph in his eyes was very obvious.

Do you want to leave?

Do you want to act alone?

In Qin Yang's heart, Deva is at war. These two are a funny comparison. Is this a romantic comedy?


Qin Yang looked towards a wall in front of him. The whole wall was directly damaged and cut off, and the cut was very smooth. At the incision, there is even more blood, surrounded by a faintly domineering sword energy.

"Let the attacking aura be preserved?" Qin Yang's face was slightly condensed, and he secretly said in his heart, "At least it is the Practitioner of the Realm of Heaven and Earth."

The Practitioner is the unity of heaven and earth, and the power of heaven and earth is contained in each move. The attack it produces can last for a long time and remain on the object.

This wall crack is a manifestation.

"It's a domineering sword energy, at least it's an attack from the Realm Practitioner." Xing Zhuo also walked over.

"Heaven and earth are one Realm?" Cheng Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly.

"Yes, Realm's Practitioner can keep its own attacks for a period of time. This should be a group of Practitioners who came to Practitioner earlier and has amazing methods." Xing Zhuo said, "The things in this inner court can shock the harmony of heaven and earth. Practitioner, it’s better not to go in."

"Don't go in?" Cheng Xiaoxiao was startled.

"Yeah, if you encounter Demonic Beasts of the big Demonic Beasts level, I am afraid you will have to explain it." Xing Zhuo worried.

The reason why Xing Zhuo was retired by the military was timidity.

Once in danger, Xing Zhuo would retreat, and was naturally despised and dismissed by military leaders.

Demonic Beasts of the big Demonic Beasts level, it is a realm Practitioner.

Demonic Beasts that reach this level are mostly large in size. Even the small Demonic Beasts can quickly expand and grow in size by relying on the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is called the Big Demonic Beasts level.

"Xing Big Brother, there may be a god in it, which can give us the ability to quickly Ascension." Cheng Xiaoxiao touched Xing Zhuo's arm, "Moreover, with Xing Big Brother here, we must be in no danger."

Xing Zhuo's height increased.

"Moreover, Xing Big Brother also said that these battle traces are at least a month ago. Therefore, there should be no danger." Cheng Xiaoxiao touched Xing Zhuo's cheek with her white hand, "Xing Big Brother, you Say yes?"

"Of course." Xing Zhuo's eyes glowed and his aura was high. "The battle has been over for a month. Even if there are big Demonic Beasts, they should be beheaded. There is no danger. Besides, I will protect you when there is danger. "

"Xing Big Brother is awesome." Cheng Xiaoxiao said softly.

Xing Zhuo grinned silly.

He is not bad, but he has never had a girlfriend.

It's very simple, as soon as he meets a girl, he falls completely. He has true affection for every girl, but this affection is very quick.

And every time she saw the girl's gaze, she was unscrupulous, directly showing a strong pig brother. Therefore, there is no girlfriend until now.

Qin Yang: "..."

Romance drama.

It must be a romantic drama, right.

And it is the kind of romantic drama that is extremely sand sculpture.

Qin Yang noticed Cheng Xiaoxiao a little, this Cheng Xiaoxiao was not simple. From the time when I was in the Great Hall earlier, it showed something extraordinary.

Qin Yang could hear Xing Zhuo's footsteps approaching the Great Hall, but did not hear Cheng Xiaoxiao's. Moreover, Qin Yang was very concerned about Cheng Xiaoxiao's understanding of the ruins of the imperial palace and his desire for the inner court.

This Cheng Xiaoxiao should have his own purpose.

Due to the dog-blood romance drama, the three of Qin Yang continued to walk towards the inner court.

Except for that domineering sword aura, after that, I didn't see too much power remaining. Some traces of fighting have gradually diminished.

Besides, three people came to a palace.

No White House.

"No White House?" Xing Zhuo looked up.

"This should be an important palace in the palace ruins." Cheng Xiaoxiao blinked and smiled, "Xing Big Brother, let's go in and take a look."

"Okay, follow me." Xing Zhuo patted his chest and walked into the Wubai Palace.

Qin Yang thought for a while, and followed.

There is no White House, just like the name of the palace, there is no whiteness in it.

The palace building, black ground, white walls. But in the White House, even the walls are black, as if rendered by ink, and the sparsely remaining flowers and plants are not white at all.

There is no White House, no white exists.

"This palace is really strange, why it's all black, not even a trace of white." Xing Zhuo said.

"Xing Big Brother, let's go into the room and take a look." Cheng Xiaoxiao said.


Xing Zhuo walked towards the room, and Cheng Xiaoxiao deliberately fell a step behind.

All this, Qin Yang naturally saw it.

The three people walked into the room, which was very large. It is thirty corns long and more than ten meters wide. The inside is divided into an outer room and an inner room. The furnishings are very classical, but there is no white, mainly black, supplemented by some other colors.

Qin Yang glanced at the rooms, and found that the things in these rooms looked very ordinary, but they also had an extremely long history. This feeling is like looking at a stone.

This is a stone that is billions of years old, but worthless.

After a brief observation, he walked out of the room.

As soon as they walked out of the room, Qin Yang, Xing Zhuo, and Cheng Xiaoxiao stopped and stared at a black figure in the courtyard.

The black figure, to be precise, is a black armored guard. He is covered in black armor and cannot see his face clearly. He is holding a long knife in his hand. The long knife is also black. From the blade to the hilt, it is black.

"Those who enter the White House without permission, die."

The black armored guard had no expression on his face, or the expression on his face could not be seen at all. The long knife in his hand slowly lifted, and the blade turned, emitting a bright black light. Immediately afterwards, the figure shook and disappeared in place. The next moment appeared in front of Qin Yang's trio, and the black long knife suddenly cut down, like a dark long knife that cuts off the light.


Xing Zhuo yelled, and his whole body vigorously burst into a powerful momentum. He pointed his finger like a sword, and his Yuan Li condensed into a sword, and his finger faced the black long sword.


The swords cried, and the power burst into all directions.

"Dead." Yan

The black armored guard drank again, and the black long knife smashed Sword Qi and killed Xiang Xing Zhuo.

Xing Zhuo's figure moved and wanted to pass by. However, a big hand came down quickly, and a palm fell on Xing Zhuo's body, slapped him on the ground, and vomited blood.

"The situation is middle stage in disguise." Xing Zhuo looked solemn.

When Xing Zhuo was injured, Cheng Xiaoxiao moved, like a civet, and fled outside the White House.

"Go first? Stay!"

The black armored guard lifted the black long knife, and suddenly cut it out, turning into a ten-zhang black sword light, killing Cheng Xiaoxiao. Cheng Xiaoxiao hurriedly responded, patted out with a palm, and the palm wind resisted the ten-zhang knife.

However, Dao Mang was overbearing, especially Cheng Xiaoxiao could resist, and the wind broke instantly. That terrifying power even moved towards Cheng Xiaoxiao, as if to split Cheng Xiaoxiao in half.

Cheng Xiaoxiao's face was as gray as death.

At this moment, a Daoist shadow stepped forward and appeared in front of Cheng Xiaoxiao.

Raising his hand, Yuan Li condensed, grabbing a ten-zhang black sword with one hand.

The next moment, the fingers exerted force, and the ten-zhang black blade light shattered, turning into energy stars and dissipating without a trace.

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I wanted to make five chapters and fifteen thousand, but some things were delayed. But there are four chapters and twelve thousand, which is pretty good. Here, just be shameless, ask for a subscription, and ask for support.

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