The bloodline of the king class, the bloodline of the split-air black-winged bird is excited.

The black wings stretched out from behind Qin Yang, a breath of the king surging out, squinting the world, disdainful of all directions.

The power flowed in endlessly, the aura stunned one side, and even the flow of air seemed to be much slower.

Everyone was shocked.

"That is the bloodline of the king rank, the bloodline of the rifted black wing bird."

"Splitting black-winged bird is one of the birds, with extremely fast speed and extremely sharp claws. A Practitioner with such a bloodline has a natural advantage in speed."

"It's such a powerful breath, the bloodline method is so powerful, it deserves to be a king-level bloodline."

"With Qin Yang's current state, perhaps he can really fight Kunlun Academy."

Wei Changfeng stared at Qin Yang with a solemn expression in his eyes. The breath radiating from Qin Yang actually made him a little scared and shocked.

Ascension strength can indeed be achieved by the bloodline method, this is well known.

But Wei Changfeng didn't expect that after Qin Yang's blood veins were merged, the momentum would be so turbulent, so amazing. Is this the bloodline method of the king-level bloodline?

Wei Changfeng's blood is eighth-level, the wind of tearing, the wind of tearing is the natural blood, which can make him natural and elemental, can control the wind, and is extremely powerful.

But in front of Qin Yang's bloodline power, there was a faint sense of being suppressed, suppressed above the bloodline level.

"Even if it is a king-level bloodline, he is just a Practitioner in the early stage of the situation." Wei Changfeng secretly said, "Moreover, the bloodline power needs to consume a huge amount of vitality and soul power, and he should not be able to support it for long."

"As long as you entangle the past, when he is weak, you can easily defeat him."

Bloodline method phase can provide decent combat power Ascension, but the same consumption of vitality and power of the soul is extremely great.

With Qin Yang's current Realm, the bloodline of the Black-Winged Bird in the Air Splitting can only last for ten minutes at most.

However, ten minutes is enough.

Qin Yang clasped the black yuan spear tightly, with small scales in his hand, like the skin of an eagle's claw, standing proudly, watching Wei Changfeng: "Persevere with all your strength."

Wei Changfeng's expression turned gloomy for a while, his eyes surged with murderous intent.


With a cry of arrogance, Wei Changfeng moved, and all turned into a violent wind, tearing everything apart. The wind swept across the sky, covering the earth, like countless sharp blades blowing in, to destroy everything and destroy it.

Qin Yang looked calm, watching Wei Changfeng's every move, and at the moment the gust of wind approached, a cold star passed by in his eyes, and the black yuan spear moved instantly.

The shot moved, shocking the world.

As the black yuan spear turned, it carried the powerful yuan force and lifted it high. Immediately afterwards, a shot slammed into it, it seemed that even the space was sinking, and the air made an unexpected sound of explosion, like the thunder of Nine Heavens.


Accompanied by the thunder and loud noises, such as tens of thousands of catties of boulders smashed into the void, smashed into the wind. That terrifying force instantly destroyed all the wind blades.


The wind condensed and turned into Wei Changfeng's body, his face was extremely pale, a mouthful of blood spewed out, fell from above, and hit the ground fiercely, forming a big pit.

The audience was silent.

The students in the air on the island were all sluggish and shocked.

Everything is beyond their imagination.

Wei Changfeng was defeated, so easily and so quickly.

He was a complete Practitioner in disguise, and he was so vulnerable.

No, it was not that Wei Changfeng was vulnerable, but that Qin Yang was too strong.

The king-level bloodline method is combined, and in conjunction with the Star-level Qianyuan spear method, the power of that spear is like the suppression of the Five Elements mountain, and the ten thousand demons surrender.

"Senior Wei."

"Wei Changfeng."

"Senior Wei."

The students of Kunlun Academy ran to Wei Changfeng's front immediately and checked Wei Changfeng's situation. It was found that Wei Changfeng had broken several bones, was seriously injured, and fell into a coma.

Someone immediately took out the Medicine Pill and fed Wei Changfeng to let him slowly recover.

Kunlun Academy is very traditional. They hardly use medicines and gene fluids. Everything is made from refined Medicine Pill. Medicine Pill is a must in Kunlun Academy.

Even some of the Medicine Pill circulating on the market, most of them come from Kunlun Academy.

Hearing the exclamation of the students of Kunlun Academy, others gradually reacted, and their expressions were still shocked.

"That Wei Changfeng was defeated?"

"This is too fast. Defeating a Fengyun in disguise with a single shot completes it in disguise, then is Qin Yang really just the early stage of Fengyun in disguise?"

"Realm does not represent strength, Qin Yang's strength is indeed beyond ordinary people."

"A king-level bloodline, a king-level bloodline can actually make people Ascension to such an extent. No wonder, to become the supreme and unparalleled powerhouse, most of them are from the king-level bloodline."

"Qin Yang's strength is ranked among the ten universities."

"With his strength, perhaps he really defeated Dugu Jiuyao, and even surpassed Bai Yujing by his wrist. Although, the wrist wrench does not reflect anything."


Qin Yusheng raised his head to look at Qin Yang, his eyes flickering.

"Is this Qin Yang's strength? The amazing thing about the king-level bloodline."

"Bloodline is not an absolute power." Si Qiu said calmly, "Although a powerful bloodline has a lot of ascension for the strength of the Practitioner, but a Practitioner with a weak bloodline has the same possibility of aspiring to the highest."

"The second person in China, Daoyi's bloodline was very ordinary back then. But now, he is also one of the strongest people in the world, and his strength is beyond the supreme."

"Si Qiu, can I really beat Qin Yang?" Qin Yusheng asked softly.

In the previous fight with Qin Yang, he knew that there was a big gap with Qin Yang. But now seeing Qin Yang's strength after invigorating his blood, the gap seems to be even greater.

Can he really beat Qin Yang?

"Yes, as long as you work hard, as long as you have a strong will."

Si Qiu said lightly, soaring into the air again and appearing in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang was about to leave, but when he saw Si Qiu's arrival, he stopped and looked at Si Qiu.

He naturally has a little understanding of Si Qiu. Although not as good as Lu Jianyi, it is definitely one of the top ranks among the capital schools.

"Hand over Shui Lingjing." Si Qiu's tone was flat, as if he was talking about a trivial thing.

"Oh?" Qin Yang raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to snatch the water spirit crystal too?"

Si Qiu stopped speaking, and stepped forward. A strange Sword intent spread rapidly, covering the 500-meter area. In this area, the autumn is faint, like a slum, and the staleness of autumn hits, making people drowsy, and even the vitality air in the body has slowed down a bit.

"late autumn."

Si Qiu raised his hand, and a light long sword appeared in his hand. With one sword drawn, there is no Sword Ray that shocks the world, and there is no overbearing to hit three thousand realms.

A sword, turned into a thin line, extremely sharp, beheaded to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang stared at Si Qiu's sword. This sword was too ordinary, and this sword was too sharp, so that he didn't want to resist it, and wanted to see the extraordinary features of this sword.

"No, it's the power of blood."

Qin Yang's thoughts moved, and he quickly recovered. The soul trembled, and a magical power shook all directions, breaking away from the influence of the bloodline power.

Looking at Si Qiu's sword again, it was sharp and fast.

"Qian Yuan is broken."

A shot came out, shaking the universe, shattering the Sword Qi, and the rest of the force turned into a fierce spear light, rushing towards Si Qiu.

A touch of surprise appeared in Si Qiu's eyes. He didn't expect Qin Yang to wake up from the influence of the bloodline so quickly. The gunman attacked, but a sword blocked it.


Pei Ran's strength came from the gun light, causing Si Qiu to back down again and again, with a touch of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Autumn meaning is full of blood."

Qin Yang stared at the injured Si Qiu, secretly said.

The blood of Si Qiu's awakening is a ninth-level blood and a special kind of blood. This bloodline can affect the spirits of others and make people drowsy.

His sword moves are also called Qiu Yi Nong, see the power of blood and Sword intent into a sword, produce a magical effect, make people unable to resist and want to give up resistance.

Si Qiu's Sword Technique is not very clever, but it is very pure, pure speed, pure sharpness, and can cut everything. Coupled with the power of the chaotic blood, the effect is extraordinary.

To some extent, Si Qiu's sword is already close to Realm's level. Within these five hundred meters, is Si Qiu's Realm, which makes people affected by the power of autumn's strong blood.

For ordinary people, perhaps Si Qiu's sword is outstanding, even for Lu Jianyi. But in the face of Qin Yang, the effect will be greatly reduced.

The bloodline of Vientiane is very strange and seems to have the power to control all bloodlines. No matter how magical the Qiuyi thick bloodline is, it can't make the Vientiane bloodline addicted. After a brief period of blurring, he quickly wakes up.

"Do you still want to do it?" Qin Yang looked at Si Qiu.

"I lost, Shui Lingjing is yours." Si Qiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said calmly, without any resentment or frustration.

To lose is to lose.

"Then yours?" Qin Yang glanced around the students who were onlookers.

"No, we won't do it."

"I'm nothing with this."

"I am a melon-eater, and I don't know how to do it."

All the onlookers took a step towards retreated, and started talking and clarifying the relationship.

Qin Yang is a ruthless person.

Wei Changfeng was defeated.

Si Qiu was defeated.

These are two Realm Practitioners in disguised form, much better than they can come.

The bloodline method was removed, and Qin Yang drifted away, no one dared to stop him.

"Qin Yang's strength is so terrifying."

"It seems that the rumors are true. He defeated Dugu Jiuyao and even Bai Yujing."

"Will Bai Yujing really lose?"

"Regardless of whether Bai Yujing will lose or not, time is limited, so I'll look for Hongzhu first."

When the matter was over, the onlookers dispersed quickly.

The same is true for Qin Yusheng, Si Qiu and others.

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