Bloodline, from first-level bloodline to ninth-level bloodline, above the ninth-level bloodline, the king-level bloodline, and above the king-level bloodline is the royal-level bloodline.

In the entire earth, since the awakening of the bloodline, there have been very few phoenix hairs who have reached the bloodline of the imperial level. Even Qin Yang has no more than three imperial bloodlines, Baize Lion bloodline, Dongji Qinghua emperor bloodline, and Satan bloodline.

The blood he got was the Baize Lion blood, the East Chi Qinghua blood and the earth blood.

There is a level difference between bloodlines, not just the gaps between major levels, even if it is the same as the first-level bloodlines, there is also a gap.

Like a king-level bloodline, the bloodline of the Sky-Splitting Blackwing Bird can only be regarded as an ordinary bloodline. But the bloodlines of Zidian Thunder and Lu Dongbin are extremely powerful in the bloodlines of the king level.

The same is true for the imperial bloodline.

The blood of Satan appears very ordinary among the blood of the emperor, not the weakest, nor the strongest.

But the bloodline of Emperor Qinghua of the East is considered to be the top bloodline among the bloodlines of the emperor rank. Compared with the blood of Satan, it is much stronger than the blood of Baize Lion.

Not to mention the blood of Emperor Qinghua, even the blood of Baize Lion is higher than that of Satan.

Yang Jingtian returned to the people of China, his expression still showing a bit of arrogance and dust. In soft words, it is handsome, even breathing is very handsome.

"Boss Yang, you won." Wen said with a soft smile.

"Yang Jingtian, your strength seems to be more terrifying than before." Fu Zhuo's eyes flashed, "Now, can you challenge the inspector?"

"Not yet." Yang Jingtian shook his head lightly. "The strength of the inspector is not comparable to that of the general supreme and unparalleled Practitioner. I want to challenge the inspector unless I reach the supreme and unparalleled perfection."

The inspector is equivalent to the limit of Supreme Wushuang's perfection, and it can also be said that half of the foot stepped into and surpassed the Supreme Wushuang Realm.

This kind of existence is not comparable to that of ordinary supreme Warriors Practitioner. Moreover, the inspectors of the Martial Dao Pavilion in the world are almost usually from the Tianxing Pavilion, and they are all genius evildoers.

"How about Kaoli?" Nalan asked Xiaoxiao.

"The strength is a bit quicker, slightly stronger than Fu Zhuo. As for the rest of you, none of his opponents, so don't go to the Dragon Fighting Stage with him." Yang Jing Heavenly Dao.

"Understand." Long Yunzhi smiled.

"Is it just slightly stronger than me?" Fu Zhuo was startled slightly, "Is the imperial bloodline so little for the strength of Ascension?"

"The blood of Satan is not too strong compared to the blood of the Great Devil. What's more, the time of his bloodline transition is too short, and it is difficult to exert the power of the sub-emperor bloodline. If he is given a month, his strength can be further improved. Ascension." Yang Jing Heavenly Dao.

"Shook the sky, defeated Caoli, you got another hundred points, go to Qingfeng Tower." Long Yunzhi smiled.

"Okay." Yang Jingtian nodded, "but I still have something to deal with. We will go to Qingfeng Tower in the evening."

"You handle things first." Long Yunzhi said.

Yang Jingtian left Tianxing Pavilion.

Qin Yang, Fu Zhuo, Wen Qingrou and others also dispersed one after another to cultivate.


On the stage of fighting the dragon.

Caoli clenched the crown of his teeth, his teeth almost snapped.


He lost again.

Even if the bloodline of Ascension reaches the bloodline of Emperor Satan, it is not Yang Jingtian's opponent, is it that Yang Jingtian is really much higher than his talent?

There is also a gap in the royal bloodline?


The blood of Satan is not comparable to the blood of Emperor Qinghua of the East.

Caoli's eyes flickered, and a gleam of light passed.

God bloodline.

If even the bloodline of Satan can't compare with the bloodline of Emperor Qinghua of the East, there is only the omnipotent God.

In the history of the bloodline age, the bloodline of God has never appeared.

The blood of God is not weaker than the blood of Satan. It is definitely the top existence among the blood of the emperor, and it may not even surpass the blood of the emperor.

Caoli struggled to stand up, and walked off the fighting dragon platform. I glanced at Leica and Li who came by, and walked back alone.

From small to large, Caoli knew that only his own strength is everything.

Relying on others is not as reliable as relying on yourself.

Reka and Li glanced at each other, both a little helpless, both knew Caoli's personality.

All three of them are geniuses from the Federation of America, mainly Caoli. But all of this was because Reka and Li were willing to each other. Caoli never said that he was the leader of the three.

"Do you want to keep up?" Li asked in a low voice.

"You should be aware of Caoli's personality. It's useless for us to go up." Reka shook his head. "Let him recover by himself."

"Yeah." Li looked at the direction where Yang Jingtian had left, "Yang Jingtian's strength is still as terrifying as ever, I am afraid it is almost the same as the supervisor."

"It's true." Reka agreed.


"Caoli lost again."

"Yes, even if the bloodline evolves to the royal bloodline of Satan, it still loses."

"Yang Jingtian's strength is indeed the first person in the Tianxing Pavilion. With his strength, even in the Tianxing Pavilion, growth is limited, and the only thing that can attract him is the guidance of the pavilion owner."

"After Yang Jingtian, Fu Zhuo and Qin Yang appeared again. The genius of the China Federation has always been the top presence in Tianxing Pavilion."

Everyone is discussing.

"Yang Jingtian, the Federation of China, I must surpass everyone."

Tator's eyes flashed in the Indian base city, full of firmness.

He wants to rebuild India.

I want to see the country of Grandpa's time, not a small base city.

With Tator's genius, there are many people who want to recruit him, very many. Even if all the major federal forces wanted to recruit Qin Yang, they were all rejected by him. He wanted to change the situation in the Indian base city by his own power.

Everyone went back to cultivation.


High-tech residential area, inside the martial arts hall.

There were grey air currents around Qin Yang. The grey air currents were very mysterious. There were 18 channels in total. They were running around his body and could resist any attack.

Surpassing the Star-level defensive Cultivation Technique, gritty.

The first stage of the gray cut can form eighteen gray air currents. Even the realm Practitioner's attacks can be easily resisted, even the Supreme Warriors early Practitioner can resist most of the attacks.

The second stage can form thirty-six gray air currents, even the attack of the supreme wrestler late stage Practitioner can withstand you.

The third stage can form 72 gray air currents, which can block the attack of the Supreme Warriors Realm. After reaching the Ninth Stage, the earth's attack could no longer harm Qin Yang.


Qin Yang opened his eyes and checked the information on the life bracelet.


A task issued by Director Cang Sheng himself.

This is extremely rare.

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