Caoli, Elizabeth, Tator, and Charles looked at Qin Yang together.

Ghost world?

They have never heard of it.

In the documents of the Tianxing Pavilion, the ruins are very likely to be connected to Otherworld, which they knew.

But what is Otherworld? How many Otherworlds are there?

They are ignorant.

Although Ren Cangsheng knew the Yunlan Realm, and possibly even the Ghost Realm, he had already identified this as the top secret. This information will never be circulated randomly.

After all, while Otherworld represents an opportunity, it also represents a danger.

Like the ghost world in front of you.

If the ghost realm invades the area in an all-round way, Martial Dao's century-old earth cannot resist the power of the ghost realm at all, and it will directly become a small planet under the control of the ghost realm.

"Ghost World?" Charles was taken aback for a while.

"Is it an Otherworld?" Caoli asked.

"Yeah." Qin Yang nodded, "This ghost world is an extremely powerful world that cannot be confronted by the earth. However, the current channels are still extremely limited, and the energy contained in it is not that strong, and at most the Supreme Wushuang Perfection We still have a chance to deal with the ghosts."

"The supreme perfect ghost?"

Caoli's heart moved, thinking of the pointed man he had met earlier. That, it should be a ghost from the ghost world.

If not with management, let the channel continue to expand?

Whether there can be more powerful ghosts from the ghost world, when the blood of Satan absorbs these ghosts, they will become more powerful.

But this thought only appeared for a moment before it was pinched off by Caoli.

Not to mention whether he can deal with those powerful ghosts, his strength is indeed strong, but he is also unable to resist the strong who transcends the Supreme Warrior Realm.

Of course the most important thing is to face Ren Cangsheng's anger.

Ren Cangsheng is the number one person in the world, known as the savior of mankind, and his personality is considered easygoing. But once someone threatens mankind, he will endure Ren Cangsheng's anger.

Opening the channel is a threat to mankind.

"Qin Yang, can that passage be destroyed?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, a space channel is similar to a bridge. As long as you have enough power, you can go back to that bridge. With the current situation, the supreme and unparalleled combat power should be able to destroy the space channel. If time continues to go on, I am afraid that it will surpass the supremacy. The unparalleled powerhouse shot." Qin Yang explained.

"Then we should do it quickly." Tator said.

"Caoli, you decide." Charles looked at Caoli.

"Do it now." Caoli ordered, "Once you find something that looks like a space passage, immediately destroy it."




"Then act."

Everyone looked at the rich green aura Realm, their whole body vigorously surrounded their bodies, and walked into it.

Stepping into the richer green aura, I suddenly felt an invisible pressure oppressing him, like a mountain crushing on his shoulders. But everyone's strength is extraordinary, and they are not afraid of this pressure.

Keep walking forward.


Among the dilapidated buildings.

The general's face was extremely gloomy. To be precise, his face was originally extremely ugly, but now it has become even more ugly, and even the air seems to be frozen.


Both men are dead.

In the green qi, the bloodline Practitioner should be suppressed, and the ghost strength Ascension is right.

However, the two opponents seemed to be completely uncompressed, and easily killed the two subordinates of own.

However, a few people were finally gathered.

The bloodline of the Five Supreme Warriors Realm Practitioners, if they can be allowed to enter ghosts and be controlled by own, they will have a better grasp of expanding the scope of ghosts.

If this special planet can be taken down, it will definitely satisfy the owner.

"Come on all."

The general's gaze fell on Qin Yang, Kaoli and others, and when they saw them approaching the dilapidated building, he slowly let out a black breath. Black Qi squirmed in front of him, turning into mysterious runes.

"Galodye, the black evil kills..."

The general made a weird sound, like some kind of call, some kind of curse. A wonderful force escaped, pulling the space channel on the ground of the dilapidated building.

The space passage like a whirlpool, like spreading its fangs, swallowed the dilapidated building.




Not a taboo at all.

The old man lying in the corner didn't seem to notice the changes in the dilapidated building, and his body followed the dilapidated building into the vortex. After entering the whirlpool, a green and red light appeared in the old man's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

The body was swallowed by the whirlpool.

The general stood in the air, standing on the vortex, still muttering in a low voice.

Groups of black energy emerged from the vortex, and part of this group of black energy entered the general's body. That huge power made his aura continuously Ascension, from the supreme warrior middle stage to the supreme warrior late stage, Stayed in the Supreme Unparalleled Realm.

The remaining black energy turned into ghosts, whizzing in the direction of Qin Yang, Kaoli and others.

"Resentment and resentment, killing and ghost..."

The general continued to mutter.

An astonishing sound of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded from the vortex, the sound getting louder and weird, coming towards the earth and gradually spreading.

Amidst the howls of ghosts and wolves, the green air continued to roll, as if it had been greatly stimulated, and the ground was constantly cracking, forming a series of intricate cracks several meters deep.


Qin Yang, Caoli, Elizabeth, Tator, and Charles stepped into the dense green Realm.

Through the faint line of sight, they barely recognized their location, and the place where they were located seemed to be a dilapidated square. In front of the square, there are abandoned buildings.

The uncomfortable feeling also comes from those buildings.

"The front is uncomfortable." Elizabeth looked at the building complex. "The so-called spatial passage is very likely to be inside."

"It should be."

Caoli stared at the ghosts flying in front of him, and the blood of Satan inside his body became faintly excited, wanting to swallow these ghosts. Inspiring the blood of Satan, the shadow of Satan suddenly appeared and turned into a huge Devil.

And at this time.

A burst of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded, the sound was sharp and piercing, which made people very uncomfortable.

Caoli, Elizabeth, Tator, and Charles immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, and even the shadow of Satan behind Caoli was much dimmed, and it was about to dissipate at any time.

Qin Yang was unharmed, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves rushed into his ears and entered his mind, affecting his soul. But the power was not transmitted to the soul, it was easily resolved by the soul of the god, it was just a bit ugly.

Spiritual attack means.

Qin Yang knew this power immediately.

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