Super God Bloodline

Chapter 226 Going to Australia

Capital, Bai's house.

The Bai family is a family that has been passed down for a long time. In the AD era, the Bai family was extremely famous in the capital. In the AD era, with the revival of Yuan Li, the birth of the Bloodline Practitioner, the rise of the Bai family, and quickly became one of the three major families in the capital.

In the early stage of the A.D. era, a Practitioner with a king-level bloodline appeared in the Bai family, which was also one of the earliest king-level bloodlines. The Practitioner was named Baishixi, and he was so talented.

He became one of the first Practitioners to step into the Star Realm, even if it was not as good as Ren Cangsheng at the time, it was not far off.

After entering the Star-Treading Realm, after Baishixi cultivated the next generation of the Bai family, he left the earth directly and began drifting in the universe. He was the first person to cross the Universe and reach the moon, and then there was no contact.

After Baishixi left, the Bai family still maintained its prosperity. His nephew, now the old Patriarch of the Bai family, was an inspector-level existence. Today's Patriarch of the Bai Family, Bai Yue is also an inspector-level existence.

The next generation of Bai Yujing, whether it is a mixed capital school or in the Tianxing Pavilion, performed very well, and was a top genius. The royal Baize Lion bloodline he possessed greatly increased his chances of stepping into the star realm.

The Bai family has maintained a prosperous state since the AD era.

The Bai family is a large courtyard house located in Zhaoyang District of the capital. It is rumored that it was established during the AD dynasty, and it has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and it is very old.

Inside the lobby of the courtyard house.

Qin Yang, Baijia Baiyue, and Li Yuan are all among them. As for the old Patriarch of the Bai family, he had already started Closed Door Training two months ago, and he wanted to try to hit the star realm.

After reaching the Supreme Wushuang Consummation Realm, some Practitioners will continue to deal with affairs, and some Practitioners will choose Closed Door Training to attack the stars.

Especially for the Practitioner at the inspector level, most of them hit the star realm.

In addition to the three, there are two others from the other two of the three in Beijing, Huang Mingsheng and Feng Jiafeng Ruyue.

Huang Mingsheng is a middle-aged man with strong eyebrows, piercing tiger eyes, and a height of eight feet.

Feng Ruyue is a beautiful young woman with charming eyes, which makes people indulge in it. She is naturally charming and seduces people invisible.

"Everyone." Bai Yue stood up, "I also introduced the situation of the Dancui Rainforest. It should be able to reach the level of the numbered ruins, and the treasures contained therein are of great help to us."

"From the previous investigations by Li Yuan and I, the Dancui Rainforest is dangerous, but it shouldn't be a problem for me to save our lives. Therefore, we did not invite the Practitioner who stepped into the star realm together."

"So, I'm saying it for the last time. If anyone thinks this trip is too dangerous, you can just leave."

Huang Mingsheng laughed: "Lao Bai, the three of our capitals have been advancing and retreating together since the A.D. era. You have found a brand-new relic, and you tell us the news, how can we push it out?"

"Old Huang has a point." Feng Ruyue said with a charming voice, "This year's numbering of the relics, our Feng family has already used up, and there is a brand new relic, which is of course a good thing."

Li Yuan said, "You and I discovered this ruin. Of course I went."

"Go." Qin Yang only had one word.

No one knew that he reached the Star-Treading Realm. Everyone thought he was just a Practitioner with the combat effectiveness of an Inspector. Moreover, Qin Yang's performance in the No. 3 Ruins was so special that Bai Yue invited him.

If Qin Yang can perform outstandingly in the brand-new relic, it will give everyone more resources.

As for Qin Yang, the reason why he agreed.

On the one hand, Bai Yujing has a pretty good relationship with him.

On the one hand, I want to test the extent of my own strength.

The ruins are often the best place to check the strength.

Qin Yang has roughly figured out the situation of the No. 3 Ruins. But a brand new relic, this is what makes him feel happy, maybe something dangerous has appeared.


The group decided to go to the ruins and set off immediately.

As the inspector of Realm's Practitioner, his strength still ranks among the top in the world. As long as he doesn't encounter Demonic Beasts, he is fearless. Even if they encounter the Demonic Beasts, where the Great Demon Emperor exists, there are ways to escape.

To reach Realm, every Practitioner has extraordinary means.

You can get a glimpse of what happened in Atlantis, Ruins III.

Qin Yang flew through the air with five people to reach the Dancui Rainforest in Australia from the Federal Capital of China, and it only took more than ten minutes.

When I came to the Dancui Rainforest, I looked down at the vast rainforest below. Large trees stood tall, and the thick leaves covered the sky, making it difficult to see the light below.

Qin Yang stared at the situation below, Divine Sense swept lightly, without noticing a special place, a strange color flashed across his eyes. Soon after, I took a closer look and found stone pillars more than 20 meters long in the Dancui Rainforest.

"Don't waste your time." Bai Yue smiled, "Our Divine Sense can't find the ruins at all. Maybe it can reach the Practitioner of Star Stepping Realm."

Tally Star Realm's Practitioner, Divine Sense, to a certain extent, also has a gap with the general Practitioner.

Stepping on the stars Practitioner, freed from the bondage of the earth, without the bondage of the earth, the power it exhibits is naturally unique. The scope and precision that Divine Sense can detect has also been greatly enhanced.

"Let's go." Li Yuan said.

Everyone speeded up, swooped down, and soon came to the stone pillars.

Observing the stone pillars closely, Qin Yang found that the seventy-seven stone pillars seemed to be placed in a special pattern with their eyes. And on each of the stone pillars, there are incomparable mysterious lines carved out, not the lines of any civilization on the earth, but it seems to come from an alien planet.



In today's era, science fiction does not exist anymore.

The manifestations in the major relics have all proved the existence of alien civilizations, and those alien civilizations are different from earth civilizations, and even higher than earth civilizations.

Bai Yuedao: "The ruins are among these stone pillars. We can't see them here. Only by entering them will the ruins appear."

Huang Mingsheng smiled and said, "Then we don't leave soon."

Bai Yue said: "Let's go then."

The five people walked towards the circle surrounded by stone pillars.


The summit of Mount Everest.

Asgar, the principal of the Hunter Foundation, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Australia, with a smile on his mouth: "It looks like he was hooked."

"Asgar, you can leave now." Thor's message came over.


Asgar stood up, the snow on his body instantly dissipated, and even the snow on the ground in a radius of 10,000 meters, all melted, it was very strange.

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