Tread the stars, capture the moon, and bite the sun.

The three Realms are the three Realms that can be reached by Practitioner breakthrough the earth.

In today's earth, most Practitioners just step on the stars. Even if it is Twelve Heavenly Yuan, the strongest one is just stepping on the star realm to achieve Consummation.

There are only two people who have reached the Moon Realm. The first is the human Practitioner, and the second is the Demonic Beasts powerful five-clawed golden dragon.

Both Ren Cangsheng and the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon belong to the terrifying existence of Realm in the Moon Realm. Their goal is not to be different from other Practitioners. What they want to break through is the Sun Biting Realm.

The Practitioner owner of the Sun Devouring Realm has the ability to devour the power of the sun, so powerful that it can easily destroy a planet.

No matter which one of Ren Cangsheng and the five-clawed golden dragon reaches the sun-biting state, they can establish the future development pattern of the earth.

Human dominance.

Or Demonic Beasts dominates.

Deep in the Pacific Ocean.

The huge five-clawed golden dragon lay on a boulder, the dragon's eyes suddenly opened, and a golden light passed by. He raised his head and looked towards the west.

"Look at the moon."

The eyes of the five-clawed golden dragon were slightly fierce and revealing.

"It's not Ren Cangsheng, it's another human being. Human beings have one more moon-holding state. It's really a terrifying race."

"It must be strangled."

"Before Ren Cangsheng comes back."

The five-clawed golden dragon moved away from the Pacific Ocean.

Practitioner stepping on the stars, he doesn't need to care. However, those holding the Moon Realm couldn't tolerate him not caring anymore.


Daoyi stood in the air, feeling the mystery of heaven and earth. Lifting his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of wind and clouds, and he saw the dim moon that was spinning outside the earth.

"Looking at the moon stage." Daoyi whispered to himself, "This is the mystery of holding the moon stage."

Daoyi realized that he was not only Yuanli Ascension, but also ascension of heaven and earth. As long as you are willing, you can quickly bring the blood of the beast Fei Lian to the realm of the blood.


My own control of power has become more subtle, and my understanding of bloodline has become more and more profound.

After reaching the Lunar Realm, Ascension was once again in all aspects.

This feeling is really amazing.

Stepping on the stars, holding the moon, and biting the sun, every Realm is an Ascension in all aspects. It's not like Realm, Ascension, the power of Ascension; the unity of heaven and earth, Ascension.

"Sure enough, there is a great opportunity between life and death."

Daoyi looked at Qin Yang in the distance, with a hint of joy on his face.

Qin Yang's strength exceeded his expectations. And it was precisely because of Qin Yang's strength, that unmatched shot that made him resist with all his strength, and then dissipated his vitality after failure.

Between life and death, the instinct of the body stimulated his hidden power, inspired all his background, broke through the shackles of those decades, and reached the state of holding the moon.

He, Dao Yi, is the second human Practitioner in the world to embrace the Moon Realm.

Daoyi moved to Qin Yang's side, smiling: "Qin Yang, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Qin Yang responded lightly, looking at Daoyi.

Indeed, the aura that I felt in Dao Yi's body was different, adding a touch of softness, and a touch of mystery. This is the strength of the Lunar Landing Realm.

"Look at the moon."

Auguste came to Daoyi, looking at Daoyi with complicated eyes.

"Dao Yi, congratulations on reaching the moon-holding state."

August's mood is very complicated. He and Tao Yi and two have taught each other nearly a hundred times, all in order to be able to break through the shackles and reach the moon-holding state. But now, Dao Yi has reached the Moon Landing Stage first.

"Dao Yi, what is special about Lunar Realm?"

Jennifer, the ice queen, came too, staring at Daoyi, directly in charge.

A Practitioner at the level of Dao One, August, and Jennifer. Federation and skin color are not a problem anymore. They have been friends who have cultivated together for many years, all in order to break through the moon.

Therefore, when Dao reaches the moon-holding state, Jennifer will ask directly.

"Looking at the Moon Realm..."

Daoyi was about to answer, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, his expression showing a dignified color, and there was fear in this dignity.

Qin Yang, August, Jennifer and others also looked over.

"Golden Dragon?! Is it a five-clawed golden dragon?!"

"The five-clawed golden dragon is here?!"

"Why did the five-clawed golden dragon appear?!"

Practitioners such as Li Yuan, Bai Yue, Huang Mingsheng were terrified and terrified.

The five-clawed golden dragon, the strongest among the Demonic Beasts, is the existence of the moon realm, and only one person on the earth can compete with the five-clawed golden dragon.

The huge body of the five-clawed golden dragon came as if it was suppressed by a golden mountain, giving people an extremely powerful sense of oppression. The breath of the dragon clan alone is unbearable before it has demonstrated its power.

Supreme Warriors Practitioner is like this.

The same goes for Practitioner.

The five-clawed golden dragon swept away the dragon's eyes, the golden light flowed, and it was very strange. His gaze fell on Daoyi, Daoyi's aura of embracing the Moon Realm was too obvious. As soon as the dragon claw lifted, he slapped towards Dao, the terrifying aura sealed the heaven and the earth, making it difficult for people to move. Thirty-foot-sized claws, like a big mountain, came from suppression.

"Five-clawed golden dragon, dare you break the promise."

Dao shouted loudly, venting his powerful momentum, and the Moon Realm's vitality was rushing like a torrent, trying to get rid of the shackles, but found that it was impossible to do so.

The same is the Lunar Realm, he is just entering the Lunar Realm for the first time, and the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon is looking forward to the Sun-Biting Realm, and the two are not on the same level.

Daoyi is clear about the agreement between Ren Cangsheng and the five-clawed golden dragon. Unexpectedly, the five-clawed golden dragon ignored the agreement and directly chose to do it all.


The five-clawed golden dragon snorted coldly, sounding like a thunder, still patted it with one claw.

Dao was shocked and angry, but there was no way. The five-clawed golden dragon is too terrifying and too powerful, and he has no resistance at all.

Under the five-clawed golden dragon, not only Dao Yi, but Qin Yang, August, and Jennifer were also among them. Facing the horror of the five-clawed golden dragon, there was no resistance.

Qin Yang raised his head to look at the claws of the five-clawed golden dragon, feeling the terrifying and powerful power, his eyes faintly exuding colorful rays of light, noble and eternal.

The soul trembled, dissolving the terrifying power of the five-clawed golden dragon. The Black Yuan Gun was held tightly in his hand, and the Purple Lightning Thunder Realm and Baize Lion Realm displayed simultaneously.

"Thunder Gun."

A shot suddenly blasted out, the void shattered, and the five-clawed golden dragon was killed.

There was a strange color in the eyes of the five-clawed golden dragon. In addition to Ren Cangsheng, there was a dragon that people could get rid of, and it was just a Practitioner who stepped on the stars. However, he ignored it at all.

Shooting it down like a dragon's claw, it easily shattered the attack of the thunder gun.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Seeing dragon claws smashed several people.

Qin Yang held his acquaintance and wanted to use the mysterious little sword. But in the next moment, he stopped and looked to the west.


A dazzling Sword Ray came from the west, cutting through the world, like a sword of an immortal, with antelopes hanging on its horns, completely natural.

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