Super God Bloodline

Chapter 304 Realm

Qin Yang's gaze fell on the man with bright silver hair. The man's limbs were like mechanical limbs, but they were obviously far more advanced than Na Tai Duoruo.

Simulating mechanical limbs can do exactly the same as human limbs. However, in order to maintain the characteristics of the mechanical race, he did not specially make the skin, but revealed the energy red line.

Moreover, Qin Yang felt a powerful aura from the mechanical clan man. The aura was so strong that it surpassed the three of Star, Taidoro, and Mingdoros.

"Master Love."

"Master Love."

Tedoruo and Mindoros both looked respectful when they saw Love.

"You all go back to heal your injuries." Love waved his hand.

"Yes, Lord Love."

Teduoluo and Mingdoros immediately left the Devil's Domain.

They believed that Qin Yang would not be a problem with Master Luofu.

Super Universe weapons are indeed precious, and Master Kolov also has Super Universe weapons in his hands, which can destroy Qin Yang's intimate clothing.


Qin Yang looked at Luo Fu. As the life of the machine race, Luo Fu looked very handsome, a little like the elves in the Universe who were famous for being handsome and handsome.

"You are behind the scenes? What is your purpose?"

Qin Yang asked directly, the mechanical races in the two inner realms were so respectful to him, I'm afraid that he was the big boss behind the scenes.

"The purpose, as I said before, hand over the chip." Love said lightly, "Use the chip in exchange for your life, otherwise you won't be able to get out of the Devil's Domain."

"Really?" Qin Yang smiled softly, "I don't think you have this ability?"


Love snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared instantly. In the next instant, he appeared in front of Qin Yang, blasted out with a punch, and even the space fluctuated for a while, and his fist rushed towards Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's pupils shrank, shocked by Love's movements.


too fast.

The speed of Star, Tedoruo, and Mindoros was in front of Love, as slow as a tortoise. And even if his Qin Yang used the speed of the Seventh Stage of Thor's Indestructible Body, and he was too imaginary to walk, he couldn't compare to Love.

The power of that random punch is so terrifying and amazing, even the space has been agitated. I'm afraid, it is difficult for a perfect Practitioner in the general domain to achieve this level.

Love's speed is fast, but Qin Yang's reaction speed is not slow. At the moment Love shook his fist, a powerful breath erupted from him, thunder and lightning roared.

Raising his hand, it was also a punch, and the thunder and lightning was wrapped around the fist, which was very strange.


The fists slammed into each other suddenly, thinking that the terrifying energy burst out in an instant and swept across all directions.

Love shook his body and took a step towards retreated.

Qin Yang flew upside down, and the violent force came from Love's fist, rushing into his body, trying to destroy Qin Yang's Meridians. With a turn of Qin Yang's internal vitality, this violent energy was easily suppressed and resolved.

He raised his head and looked at Love with a bit of alertness in his eyes.

Love's speed and strength surpassed Qin Yang, and even the Seventh Stage of the Thor's Immortal Body couldn't stop Love's power.

"Is it because of the mechanical limbs?"

Qin Yang glanced at Luofu's mechanical limbs, which contained powerful and vast energy. At every moment Love moves, that energy bursts out.

"It's no wonder that you are able to defeat Medoroth," Love said, "Unfortunately, it's over here."

When the voice fell, the red lines of Love's mechanical limbs became more and more strange, and he could sense the turbulent and powerful energy and revolve in it. A powerful force was brewing, and the moment the hands were raised, even the space fluctuated.

Above Luo Fu's hands, the heaven and earth powers madly gathered towards him, terrifying and astonishing. That powerful breath makes people tremble.


Energy release.

The air instantly burned, as if even the space was about to be destroyed.

Such a terrifying power, even the sun can easily destroy it. If it weren't for the special garbage star No. 166, it would not be able to carry this powerful force.

In order to be able to carry more garbage stars, the garbage stars themselves are extremely special, and the space is very stable. It is extremely difficult for the Practitioner to tear the space apart. Moreover, the special formations and electromagnetic fields set up by most junk stars make it difficult to even teleport.

Garbage Star 166 is not an ordinary garbage star, it is still the third ruin of the Tianji tribe. Therefore, its space is extremely stable.

Love's attack could even burn the space, showing the terrible part of his attack.

Qin Yang did not evade.


The energy hit Qin Yang instantly.

"Even if you have a superior Universe defensive weapon? The fluctuations generated by this force are enough to shock your internal organs." Love said, but his face changed suddenly in the next second.

The sound of a dragon chant suddenly sounded, alarming Jiuxiao and shocking the sky.

What followed was an extremely powerful breath, rising to the sky, sweeping across all directions, making a sensation in the world. It seems that a beast is awakening, and it is like Ancestral Dragon Zhentian.

At the source of the breath, it was really Qin Yang.

As Qin Yang stepped out, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, faintly condensing into the posture of an ancestor dragon, looking down on the sky and watching the world, an invincible person in the world.

"Is that Ancestral Dragon?" Luo Fu looked at that Ancestral Dragon's aura, shocked in his heart.

Zulong, that is the ancestor of the dragon family, beyond the terrifying existence of Venerable Realm.

The dragon clan is more powerful than the mechanical clan, but it is a strong clan in the universe like the heavenly mystery clan. And Zulong, even the ancestor of the dragon clan, is the pioneer of the dragon clan, which is very terrifying.

Qin Yang took the ninth step, and the moment he took the tenth step, his figure disappeared in place, appeared in front of Love, and blasted out a punch. The space trembled and seemed to burst at any time.

Luo Fu's face changed suddenly, and his hands quickly crossed before him, blocking Qin Yang's punch. But Qin Yang's horrible punch still wounded him, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person flew upside down hundreds of meters before stopping.

The same behavior as Love's previous, but faster and stronger.

Luo Fu's face was extremely condensed, and Qin Yang's displayed strength was too terrifying, surpassing the strength of the inner realm. Compared to Galaxy Cluster, it is not bad.

"Paulina." Love shouted loudly.


The fire swept across, burning the sky and burning the sea. That terrifying flame instantly enveloped Qin Yang, as if he was about to melt Qin Yang.

Paulina appeared and fell by Love's side.

"Even you are hurt, this Qin Yang is really not easy to deal with."

"It is indeed powerful. I am afraid it has reached the level of Galaxy Cluster Huanyu." Love said in a deep voice, "I hope your flames can be useful and can burn him directly."

"My flame can burn even super Universe weapons, and the body of a human Practitioner can be counted again..." Paulina hadn't spoken, her face changed in shock.

The two looked at the place where the flame was burning.

The flame gradually disappeared under the action of a force. Qin Yang's figure gradually appeared, and he even swallowed the flames. It was a flame that even super-universe weapons could burn.

"Use Realm." Love said.

"Yeah." Paulina nodded.

Two strange forces surged out in an instant, sweeping a distance of one million meters, covering Qin Yang in it.

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