The three thousand generals of the Oscar Empire are the warriors of the empire on all major planets, maintaining the stability of the empire. Their strength may not be the strongest on every planet, but their background is the least to provoke.

General Wild was dead, General Benju was arrested, and Jinchi ore veins were robbed. This piece of news swept the entire Oscar Empire like the wind, and even the surrounding Galaxy organizations got this information.

It caused a sensation in the calm bright light Galaxy.

"General Wild is dead and General Benju was arrested. This has not happened for a long time."

"Six hundred years ago, the Tatto of the Screw Research Association was sentenced to death because he killed a three thousand generals and was sentenced to capital punishment. Even the Screw Research Association has nothing to do."

"The Screw Research Society has the existence of Venerable Wushuang Realm, and it has a good position in the Mingguang Galaxy. But if you step into and kill three thousand generals, the Screw Research Society can't help it."

"General Benju was arrested, I am afraid it is too bad for good."

"Don't you care about the gold pond veins? I got news that the gold pond veins have been strengthened by one million catties of gold soul stones. One million catties of gold soul stones, what an amazing amount of wealth."

"Yes, there are a million catties of golden soul stones, and you can get a good cultivation place in Emperor Xing, and even those who can transform their bodies are as powerful as Ganges sand fighters."

"The imperial royal family has issued an order to hunt down Qin Yang."

"It's really surprising that Qin Yang wasn't killed. The original Tatu was directly ordered to kill him."

"I heard that Qin Yang has something to do with the Tianji clan, so His Majesty Benjamin ordered the arrest instead of hunting down."

"His Majesty Benjamin is close to the Tianji clan, everyone knows that. However, in the West Universe, our Tianji clan is the race that controls most of the Galaxy."

"I don't know that Qin Yang is hiding there."

"I am afraid that many people want to hunt down Qin Yang. The reward is really tempting."


Scarlet will.

There is a special mechanical clan organization in the Oscar Empire. The five-pointed star crystals on the chests of the members of the organization are all blood-colored, and everyone's hands have been specially modified to have a strong combat effectiveness.

"One million catties of Golden Soul Stone, this is not a small sum, we must get it."

It was a man with a red bald head. To be precise, his whole body skin was red, and there were lines of black modified mechanical circuits on his arms, and there were mysterious energy patterns on the lines.

He is Reid, one of the principals of Crimson, with one president and four principals of Crimson. Every principal has the perfect Realm of Ganges Sands, with extraordinary strength.

"This is what Qin Yang looks like."

Reid lifted up and put it away, and a three-dimensional holographic projection of Qin Yang appeared, and even a strand of hair was clearly displayed, lifelike.

"From the information obtained, Qin Yang should have a complete Realm of the Ganges River Sands, so you can't underestimate it."

"One Ganges sand number is complete. With the ability of our three principals, it can be captured." Johnny, one of the four principals, smiled lightly.

"Jessica, can you detect Qin Yang's trace?" Reid looked at the only woman among the four principals, Jessica.

Jessica was very beautiful, with deep brown-black eyes, a high nose, and her skin as white as snow. Beside her pointed ears, there are two metals flowing with stars.

Jessica is good at Mental Energy among the four principals. Her mentality is very powerful, she can vaguely glimpse into the future, and can be used to find characters. It is very magical.

"It should be in the Yellowstone area. As for the specific planet I can't determine." Jessica said.

"The Yellowstone area?" Johnny said, "The Yellowstone area is a place where non-intelligent life is located. The planets there have not yet born their own civilization. Most of the planets are civilizations brought by the machine race, but there are not many bases. ."

"Furthermore, there are more than 90 million interests in Huangshi. It is not a matter of consent to find out that planet from 90 million."

"With Jessica's ability, close to the Yellowstone area, it should be more certain." Reid said.

"You can try." Jessica wasn't sure.

"Okay, then we will set off immediately and head to the Huangshi area." Reid set the action.

The three move together.

As for the other principal, who is in the Closed Door Training cultivation stage, several people have not called.


Bach the Gold Swallower.

Bach is a famous fugitive from the Oscar Empire. He once slammed three civilized planets and was wanted by the Oscar Empire. He was caught in prison, but he escaped.

His strength is extremely powerful, reaching the complete Realm of the Ganges Sands, even if he is not far from the dominating stars. What he likes most is the devouring of metals, all kinds of metal minerals have to be swallowed, and they are called gold swallowers.

On the one hand, the Cultivation Technique he cultivated is very special, which can absorb all kinds of metal superpowers; on the other hand, his body has been modified. Various metal minerals are not only harmful to him, but also can ascension his body's energy.

"One million catties of Golden Soul Stone?" Bach's eyes glowed, "If I can get it, I will definitely be able to break through to the point of dominating the stars."

"If it reaches the point of dominating the stars, all the lives of the falling white star, I will let them all disappear."

Lubaixing, when Bach was arrested, it was on Lubaixing.

"Find the trail of Qin Yang first."


Black star.

The black star is a very special planet. Ninety percent of it belongs to the ocean, and only ten percent is land. The strangest thing is that the ocean of black stars is black, not colorless and transparent like other planets.

Above the black star rolling over the sea, there is a stone pillar three hundred feet tall. On the stone pillar, there is an ordinary square object, a house that can be seen everywhere in the machine clan.

But this place is not accessible to anyone. He is the head of the three thousand generals, Howard.



Lloyd and Feroda came to the house.

"How's it going?"

News came from inside the house.

"It has allowed Mikrondoras to erase the memories of those people and block the information about the Tianji chip. Everything is okay." Feroda said.

"Well, well done. Are you sure that human Practitioner Qin Yang has a secret chip?"

"From the news we got, Qin Yang has a 90% chance of owning a secret chip. General, many people in our Oscar Empire have already noticed Qin Yang, are we going to do it?" Feroda asked.

"I have got eight chips, one chip is in Qin Yang's hand, and I have asked Tom to pick up the other chip. So, I must find Qin Yang soon. Lloyd and Feroda, Qin Yang will leave it to you. NS."

"Yes, General."

"Yes, General."

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