Super God Bloodline

Chapter 329-The Forest of All Things

"This is the Forest of All Things?"

Qin Yang looked at the huge forest in front of him and murmured.

The Forest of All Things is the root of Kucha Star. It is rumored that Kucha Star’s civilization originally came from this Forest of All Things, and its natives are a kind of tree people.

Treants are a very special race. Their appearance is somewhat similar to that of humans, but their bodies have the texture of trees, and they can also photosynthesize like trees.

Treants also have the ability to manipulate trees, which is very powerful.

Unfortunately, in the face of the tyrannical mechanical clan, the tree people could not resist at all. The Kucha Star was occupied by the Machine Race in this way, and the tree people can only be reduced to an indigenous race of Kucha Star, and the number is getting smaller and smaller.

Most of the tree people are hidden in the Forest of All Things, and only a few of them are in other parts of Kucha Star.

The Forest of All Things is very large, very large, and its area exceeds the area of ​​a sun. In the Forest of All Things, there are so many races that even the Oscar Empire cannot fully explore the Forest of All Things.

The Oscar Empire has sent many three thousand generals to the Forest of All Things in an attempt to completely occupy the Forest of All Things. However, that battle suffered heavy casualties. Three thousand generals lost more than one thousand people, and even the original general Philoz was hit hard in the Forest of All Things.

Since then, the Oscar Empire no longer has the idea of ​​hitting the forest of all things.

"There is a heavenly secret chip in the Forest of All Things?" Qin Yang secretly asked, "How does the Elemental Magic God know?"

The Forest of All Things is a place with rare human traces, but the elemental magic god knows that there is a heavenly secret chip in it, which is very surprising at first.

"Go in and have a look."

Qin Yang thought for a while, and decided to enter the Forest of All Things to take a look. Of course, he will not go deep, but wait for the arrival of the elemental god.

He didn't know where the Heavenly Secret Chip was, but the Elemental Dharma knew it.

Qin Yang walked into the Forest of All Things. As soon as he walked into the Forest of All Things, he felt a strange power. Under this force, Qin Yang's perception of heaven and earth continued to shed.


"What a weird energy."

With Qin Yang's strength, his Divine Sense can completely cover the entire Kucha star, and even extend a strange planet. After being able to enter the Forest of All Things, his exploration range became extremely limited, only tens of millions of meters.

The distance of tens of millions of meters seems to be very far, but for existences like Qin Yang, it is completely a matter of thought. A distance of tens of millions of meters can be exceeded in a single thought.

"Not only does it limit the detection of Divine Sense, it also isolates the inside and outside of the Forest of All Things."

Qin Yang looked back, although he could clearly see the scene outside the Forest of Everything. However, during Divine Sense's exploration, his boundary was only woods.

"There are a lot of Demonic Beasts, and there are some peculiar existences."

The Divine Sense probe of tens of millions of meters, although weaker, can also detect the situation in some areas. Under the cover of Divine Sense, more than thirty Demonic Beasts were found.

One of the Demonic Beasts reached the point of inland territory, with an area of ​​3 million meters in its territory. Within the area of ​​3 million meters, other Demonic Beasts dare not enter.

It was a Demonic Beasts with a green unicorn on its head. It looked like a tiger, but its skin became red, which looked a little weird.

Not far from the unicorn tiger Demonic Beasts, there is a group of electric wolves. There are flashes of thunder and lightning on their bodies, and the strength of their wolf king has reached the Realm of the Heavenly Cavern Realm.

"This is just the entrance. There are Demonic Beasts within the domain. If you go deep into it, you don't know how powerful Demonic Beasts you will encounter."

"Let's observe a distance of tens of thousands of miles. If there is nothing to discover, just go back to the entrance and wait."

Qin Yang thought for a while and made a decision.

Go deep into the forest of all things.

Qin Yang's speed was not fast. With a single tap, Divine Sense continuously probed the situation of the Forest of Everything. As for the Demonic Beasts, Qin Yang avoided it and didn't come close.

These Demonic Beasts' Blood Essence and demon core were of no use to Qin Yang.

And after dealing with these demons, causing a change in the Forest of All Things, then the gain is not worth the loss.


Qin Yang looked towards a huge lake in the Forest of All Things, saying that it was a lake, which was bigger than the Pacific Ocean on the earth. Qin Yang's Divine Sense probe only detected part of it.

The figure flickered and came to the lake.

The lake is clear, sparkling in the sun, and you can vaguely see the existence of some fish and shrimp Demonic Beasts in the lake. Some strange plants grow near the lake.

"Someone is here?"

While observing the lake, Qin Yang sensed that someone was approaching the lake, and the number of people was in the minority. His figure shook, he jumped onto a big tree, and light and shadow flowed on his surface, gradually disappearing.

King bloodline, chameleon light bloodline.

The bloodline of the scarlet dragon is the continuous evolution of the bloodline of the chameleon, and it is synthesized by mixing with other bloodlines. A bloodline that can manipulate nearby light, can hide itself, and even its breath can be perfectly hidden.

Soon, ten mechanical warriors came to the lake. The headed one is a middle-aged man with two sturdy arms. His upper body is bare, with electric current flowing in the upper body. The transformed body contains powerful power.

This man reached the Ganges Sand Level.

The few people behind the man are all extraordinary, at least Galaxy Cluster Huanyu Realm.

"Broo, the Demonic Beasts you are talking about is in this lake?"

A young man with a green bald head came up, staring at the lake with his eyes.

"Well, it's in the lake." Bruce, the middle-aged man with stout arms, said in a deep voice, "Blood Crowned Mechanical Snake."

"Blood-crown mechanical snake." Young Balza groaned, "My father wants to break through to Venerable Realm. The blood-crown mechanical snake is an indispensable thing. Get me the blood-crown mechanical snake by hand."

Another mechanical clan came up. On the way up, his body changed rapidly and turned into an energy cannon. The light flows on the energy cannon, and there is a five-pointed star energy body on the top of the energy cannon.

The energy is crazy and sharp.

"Blood Crown Mechanical Snake?"

On the tree, Qin Yang, who was in a hidden state, looked down and said to himself in his heart.

For the blood-crown mechanical snake, he just swept across the star network, it was a different kind of snake. There is a blood crown like a rooster on the top of the head, and the blood crown contains surging blood, which is of extraordinary use for cultivation, cultivation, and refining medicine.

"If you want to use the blood crown of the blood crown mechanical snake to help breakthrough Venerable Realm, the origin of these people is not unusual."

Qin Yang looked at the actions of several people.


After the energy cannon was assembled, an astonishing roar sounded.

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