Super God Bloodline

Chapter 348: Run?

The youth who descended from the sky immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xisen and Bodobona looked up one after another, seeing the purple diamond crystal on the young man's forehead, their eyes suddenly became solemn.

Some of the mechanical races who were onlookers in the distance also looked at the young man with a look of astonishment.

"Who is that person?"

"Rhombic crystal, he belongs to the Heavenly Ji clan."

"It's not just as simple as the Tianji tribe, he has purple diamond-shaped crystals. He is the ancestor of the Tianji tribe and an absolute nobleman."

"Why did the Tianji tribe's meeting come to this little Domroduo star?"

"For the Golden Doramon?"

"How could it be for the Golden Dora Beast, if the Tianji tribe wants the Golden Dora Beast, the entire Western Universe does not know how many forces will try to get the Golden Dora Beast to give it to the Tianji Clan."

Everyone was surprised at the arrival of the Tianji Clan, which holds a very high status in the West Universe.

"Tianji Clan?"


Qin Yang was also looking at the machine clan that day, his eyes moved slightly.

Because of the Tianji chip, Qin Yang learned some information about the Tianji clan. The Tianji clan is one of the big clans in the Universe, and has a good low position in the Western Universe.

Inside the Tianji tribe, there is a distinction between good and bad. For example, the young man with purple diamond crystals in front of him belongs to the ancestor of the Tianji tribe, and is the top noble in the Tianji tribe. There are also rhomboid crystals of other colors, white, black, gray and so on.

According to records, diamond-shaped crystals of different colors represent the difference in the direction of the Etianji tribe’s practice. Purple is the noblest, closest to the ancestor of the Tianji clan, and can be cultivated in any way of cultivation.

"Tianji Clan?!"

When the gold swallower Bach saw the young man of the machine clan that day, his face changed wildly, and his expressions were even more ugly than the faces of Hesson and Podobona. When you move your body, you turn around to flee.

But as soon as he turned around, his figure stopped in the air, unable to move. Even the breath of the whole body was blocked, like a statue.

"Can you run away?"

The young man from the Tianji tribe smiled softly, stepped out, his figure appeared in front of the gold swallower Bach, and he calmly looked at Bach.

"Thief, Bach."

Bach's pupils were wide open and he looked at the Tianji Clan youth in horror, but he couldn't move anymore.

The Tianji clan youth slowly stretched out his hand, and lightly tapped the five-pointed star crystal on Lily's chest. The hard five-pointed star crystal shattered like ice, revealing a small purple crystal fragment. From this small piece of purple crystal fragment, there is a vague atmosphere of the heavenly mystery clan.

The five-pointed star crystal was destroyed, Bach's breath was completely dissipated, his eyes were dim, and he fell from mid-air.

The Tianji clan youth put away the purple crystal fragments and tilted his head to look at Qin Yang. The next moment appeared in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, the Tianji clan youth's movements were so fast that he didn't even react. That is not teleportation, but pure movement.

Although the aura of the Tianji clan youth was extremely restrained, Qin Yang was able to snoop a little. The opponent is a Venerable Realm and belongs to the Venerable Realm.

Venerable Complete Realm, even the Oscar Empire does not exist Venerable Complete Realm.

"Your method of converging energy is really amazing, even I can't notice it." The Tianji clan youth laughed, "Can you teach me this method?"

Qin Yang was startled slightly. He didn't expect this Tianji Clan youth to make such a request, but he still refused: "No."

His technique of restraining breath was created based on his own King’s Landing Realm. Without King’s Landing Realm, it is naturally impossible to use the method of restraining breath. King's Landing Realm was also triggered by Qin Yang's Vientiane Bloodline, and other people simply couldn't cultivate such a technique of restraining breath.

"That's it." The Tianji clan youth said helplessly, "Forget it."

Immediately afterwards, the Tianji clan youth left Domrodo Star.


When the Tianji tribe youth appeared, everyone paid attention to the Tianji tribe youth.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed Bach's body and witnessed Bach's Death.

"Bach is dead."

"Just die like this? It's too easy, he is the warrior of the stars."

"Is the Tianji Clan so powerful?"

"what is that?"

"The familiar breath is the energy fragment of the Heavenly Mystery Clan."

"Bach actually possesses the energy fragments of the Heavenly Mystery Clan. No wonder his progress is so fast. A hundred years ago, he seemed to be just a warrior of the inner realm. In a hundred years, he has reached the point of dominating the stars from the inner realm."

"The Tianji Clan found Bach just for that piece of energy."

"Huh? Tianji clan cares about that man, who is that man?"

Everyone was talking, and at the same time they noticed Qin Yang, and some people also felt Qin Yang's special and unusual.

"Have you noticed one thing? That man has no energy fluctuations."

"Yes, I can't detect the energy fluctuations, it's too weird."

"If I didn't see the youth there with my own eyes, I would really not believe there was a person there."

"It's a terrible energy control method. It can be regarded as the top assassin."

"The Tianji clan is gone."

The youth of the Tianji clan left, and the fear of the Tianji clan gradually dissipated, staring at Qin Yang one by one.

Xisen and Bodobona looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Qin Yang, with a somewhat complicated color in their eyes.



The youth of the Tianji tribe seems to be a little concerned about Qin Yang.

The golden Duoruo beast on Qin Yang's body was amazingly attractive to them.

In the end, greed prevailed.

"Hand over the Golden Doromon." Xisen shouted.

"If you want the Golden Doromon, it depends on your abilities." Qin Yang responded calmly.


Xisen snorted coldly, and a powerful momentum rose into the sky, shaking Jiu Xiao. The astonishing momentum of the entire Dom Rodo Star in Xisen is trembling, and it is about to break at any time.

He took a step, and Xisen slapped him with a slap. The wind was raging, surging like a wave, and instantly suppressed Qin Yang. The force of horror, the space has directly collapsed.

Qin Yang watched Xisen's attack calmly, and when he pointed it out, his Yuan Li condensed into the power of Star, which easily shattered Xisen's attack. Then, his body moved and disappeared in place.

"Want to run?"

Heyson looked up, and then his body disappeared.

Puerto Bona also quickly left the Andoru Basin.

After the three of them left, many mechanical warriors also followed. One by one, either wanted to see the results of the battle, or wanted to fish in troubled waters.


The universe is void, a desolate area.

Qin Yang reappeared, the reason why he didn't make a shot at Domrodo Star. It is because Domuroduo is too fragile to withstand the attacks of a few people. The attack just now almost exploded the planet.

At the beginning, the Kucha Star, the Forest of All Things played against each other.

Because of the power of the ancient god tree, Qin Yang dared to use the precious white heart sword. Otherwise, the Sword intent of the White Heart Sword alone can destroy most of the Kucha Stars.

As for the small planets like Dom Rodo, I am afraid that even the Sword intent of the Supreme White Heart Sword can't bear it, and it is directly torn apart by the Sword intent.

"You can't escape."

Xisen appeared in front of Qin Yang, and a realm force instantly acted on Qin Yang.


Qin Yang smiled faintly, Zulong Zhentian, the momentum is noisy.

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