Three days passed in a flash.

Residents of the imperial capital have entered the safe areas one after another, waiting for Fitzrien's impact.

"Fitzrien shock? I have never seen it before, and I can finally see the legendary shock."

"The last Fitzrien shock was something that happened 30,000 years ago. It's normal not to have seen it. The shock was earth-shattering, but extremely precise."

"Tell me, what exactly is Fitzrien shock?"

"The so-called Fitzrion shock is an energy pattern created by a mechanical family named Fitzrion Venerable, which can stimulate an amazing shock wave. Under this amazing shock wave, most Objects will be broken down instantly, only the things with the Fitzrien pattern inscribed remain."

"It's no wonder that in the past three days, many patterners have been drawing energy patterns everywhere. It turned out to be Fitzrien shock."

"The energy of the Fitzrien impact is too strong, even with the Fitzrien pattern, it may not be able to guarantee 100% safety."

"Look, there seems to be a pattern under the ground."

"That is the Fitzrien shock pattern. This pattern spreads over the entire imperial capital. In fact, the entire Leyner Star has the Fitzrien shock pattern, but the imperial capital is the core pattern, which occupies more than Ninety percent of the power."

Everyone stared at the underground of the imperial capital, each of them gradually lit up.

Those energy patterns are extremely complex and amazing, and each one has been carefully calculated, and there is no room for mistakes.

Benjamin looked far away, looked at Lehmandor on a tall building in the distance, and waved his hand.

"Prepare for the impact, and perform the impact after three seconds."

3, 2, 1.


Give an order.

All the Fitzrien shock patterns in the underground of the imperial capital lit up, forming an extremely mysterious force. Under this mysterious power, a blue light was surging, and the blue light covered the entire Imperial Capital, suddenly soaring into the sky, turning into an astonishing blue beam of light.

In this blue attention, buildings, trees, flowers, and soil are broken down and annihilated. Even those depicting Fitzrien's protection patterns, many of them were destroyed.

Demonstrated the amazing power of Fitzrien's impact.

"Lehman, do you think you know that Qin Yang still has space weapons?" Benjamin's mouth curled up slightly, "If you want to capture Qin Yang, I'm afraid you need to do it in the universe."

The impact lasted for two minutes before it stopped.

The residents of the entire imperial capital felt this powerful force and were shocked by the terrifying shock of the impact. Even the existence of Venerable supreme Realm, entering it will be shocked and destroyed.

Before the impact stopped, Benjamin, Lehmandor, and some people disappeared in the safe zone of the imperial capital.


Within Baiyun Guan.

Qin Yang of Closed Door Training cultivation was suddenly awakened, and he felt an extremely powerful energy fluctuation. This energy fluctuation impacted on Baiyun View, although it did not affect Baiyun View, it also shocked Qin Yang.

"Old Bai, what happened?" Qin Yang asked.

"Master, there is an extremely powerful impact from the outside world acting on the view of Baiyun." Qi Lingbaiqing said, "It is a force similar to electric current."

"Current surge?"

With some doubts, Qin Yang left the Baiyun Temple with a trace of Realm's power to investigate the situation of the outside world. Perceiving that shock wave, he was slightly startled.

"Is this Fitzrien shock?"

"This should be the last resort of the Oscar Empire." Qin Yang gradually revealed a smile on his mouth. "I thought I wanted to leave in addition to rushing, or even further exerting his Baiyun View ability. Unexpectedly, this Fitz Lean shock helped me."

Qin Yang looked up, his gaze seemed to penetrate Baiyun Guan, looking at the outside world.

"I'm afraid that the royal family members want to capture me in the Universe, but unfortunately, they also need to be able to discover Baiyun Guan and find me."

Qin Yang lifted his hands, and the electric current kept flickering and changing in his hands. The power and breath of the electric current are also constantly changing, gradually becoming almost the same as the Fitzrien shock from the outside world.

Among the many bloodlines, the Saint-level bloodline that Qin Yang first merged and was born with was Mieshi Lei Ting. Qin Yang can be said to be familiar with thunder and lightning.

He has also integrated a variety of thunder and lightning bloodlines, such as Jiuxiao Red Thunder, Shocking Thunder, Fengchi Current Electricity, etc., and he is only one step away from fully grasping the thunder and lightning bloodline, which is the god-level thunder and lightning bloodline.

Simulating the Fitzrien impulse current can be done easily.

This is also the ability he has mastered in the past year. He originally wanted to simulate the current flowing through the cloud flow wall. Unexpectedly, first encountered Fitzrien shock.

The power of the electric current enveloped the Baiyun View, followed the Fitzrien impact and rushed out of the Lena Star, appearing in the Universe.

Appearing in the Universe, the Baiyun View still has no change in shape, but has left Lena Star far away. It stopped just a million kilometers away from Lena Star, and the energy of Fitzrien's impact was also dissipated.

Qin Yang appeared in the void of the Universe, hiding in the void, coupled with the effect of the restraint technique, no one could detect his location.

Qin Yang put away the Baiyun Guan and looked at a strong Venerable outside of Lena's star sphere, with the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

"There will be a chance to play slowly."

With a whisper, Qin Yang turned and left.

No one noticed his appearance, and no one noticed his disappearance.


Lehmandu appeared in the Universe, and the surging Mental Energy shrouded hundreds of millions of miles, paying attention to all situations. When Fitzrien's shock energy rushed out of the universe, Lehmandor kept staring at the energy, knowing it had disappeared.

"what happened?"

There was a stunned expression on Lehmandor's face.

"Nothing exists?"

Leimandor couldn't understand. If the space weapon was destroyed and Qin Yang was killed by shock, then the baby sword would definitely appear. If the space weapon is not destroyed, the location of the space weapon should be found in the empty Universe.

However, nothing exists.

The impact energy hit a million-mile range, and then gradually disappeared, and there was no trace of Qin Yang.

"Is he not in the imperial capital?"

Lehmandor looked down at Lena Star.

Benjamin also appeared in the Universe. He saw Leimandor and searched Qin Yang's traces. But like Leimando, he found nothing and found nothing.


"There is no trace of Qin Yang?"

Benjamin was dumbfounded.

"Richard, check Qin Yang's location for me immediately."

Not only Lehmandor and Benjamin, but three Venerable Realm also appeared in the universe. They spied out the purpose of Benjamin and Lehmandor from the impact of Fitzrien, and also wanted to search for the trail of Qin Yang, but they also found nothing.

"Your Majesty, Qin Yang is gone." Richard responded.

"Gone?" Benjamin was startled.

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