Super God Bloodline

Chapter 360: Blue-ray Orb

The Aldrich laboratory has many areas. From the perspective of holographic projection and introduction, there are energy pattern area, science and technology area, Demonic Beasts area, mineral area and so on.

If Dr. Xisen that Qin Yang met back then was a mad scientist. Then, Aldrich is an enchanted researcher.

He researched all kinds of things, Demonic Beasts, minerals, rare materials, plants, even mechanical races, humans, and various races.

Aldrich's biggest goal is to replicate the magic of the Tianji clan, to realize the power of the law, and to replicate the power of the law.

"Research room, research room."

Rebecca looked frantically on the holographic building, looking for the research room.

The Aldrich laboratory is very large, but the research room is the core. He is the place where Aldrich's research law is manifested, and it is also the collection point for all his research materials.

"found it."

Rebecca's eyes lit up and she quickly converged. He glanced over several people and said.

"We search separately, find all the materials in Aldrich's laboratory, and come back here to gather."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rebecca immediately left the main control room.

Several other people also left after hesitating a little.

Qin Yang paid attention to the holographic model in Aldrich's laboratory, and was also very interested in Aldrich's research. However, this is something of his descendants after all, and there is not much enthusiasm.

"Demonic Beasts?"

Qin Yang thought a little, and headed to the Demonic Beasts area and the plant area.

The bloodline is more attractive to him. The more blood veins copied, the more condensed the spirit of the gods, and the more powerful blood veins can be formed by fusion.

Especially the saint bloodline like Shishi Lei Ting, has a lot of combat effectiveness for him now, Ascension. If a god-level bloodline can be born from the fusion of a holy-level bloodline, it will not only gain Ascension from strength, but it will even be possible to master the power of the law and achieve dominance.

After arriving in the Demonic Beasts area, Qinyang King’s Landing Realm spread, replicating the blood of these Demonic Beasts. During the copying process, he also observed these Demonic Beasts.

There are more than 100 kinds of Demonic Beasts in the Demonic Beasts area. Each Demonic Beasts has a different strength. They exist from the Star Stepping Realm to the Inner Realm, and they are all locked in a cage. The cage has an energy pattern, and even Demonic Beasts who use the inner world cannot get rid of the cage.

Qin Yang's gaze fell on one of the Demonic Beasts, a red fire bull in the region.

The size of the red fire cow is similar to that of a normal buffalo, but the whole body is red, with flame patterns on its body, exuding a scorching breath. The horns on the top of the head are not physical, but rather like flame horns formed by two groups of flames.

On the Red Fire Bull, there are various mechanical devices, each with blue, red, black, and white metal pieces that are smaller than buttons. The location of each kind of metal sheet is different, a burst of energy is irradiated from the metal sheet, and each metal sheet is connected to form a new energy operation route.

These energy operation routes forcibly changed the original energy operation route of the Red Fire Bull itself, but instead operated according to this energy operation route.

"Forcibly change the demonic Beasts' instinctive way of practice. It's a domineering method, a crazy idea."

Look at the lines on Qin Yangding and Red Fire Niu carefully.

Gradually, he noticed something familiar.



"These lines?" Qin Yang's eyes moved slightly, "It is the lines on the fragments of the heavenly secret, which have undergone some changes."

During this period of time, Qin Yang has been studying the fragments of the sky constantly, so he is very familiar with the fragments of the heavens. The Yuanli running route on the Red Fire Bull is the transformation of a certain pattern on the Tianji chip.

"What about the other Demonic Beasts?"

Bloodline replication can only replicate the most essential thing, which is the appearance of Demonic Beasts itself, and cannot replicate the celestial fragments of Demonic Beasts. Therefore, although Qin Yang knows that there are many Demonic Beasts here, he does not know how the Demonic Beasts are running.

Blood-Crowned Mechanical Snake, Breeze Wolf, Moruo Beast...

Each Demonic Beasts has these mechanical devices on them, forcibly reversing the course of Demonic Beasts.

"Each Yuanli's operating route is different, and the more complex it is. The more powerful Demonic Beasts, the more complex the operating route on its body, and there are even a few top energy patterns that exceed those announced by the mechanical clan."

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, staring at an iron-clad dragon elephant that looked like a hill, densely covered with mechanical decorations, more than 100,000, forming an extremely complicated line of Yuanli's operation.

"Could it be that Aldrich really realized the power of the law?" A light flashed across Qin Yang's eyes.

The law, the supreme power, is everywhere, but it cannot be captured.

The universe of the tens of thousands of tribes has also reached the point where the laws of the heavenly secret tribe have been realized. If Aldrich really realized the power of the law, it would be an epoch-making impact, impacting the status of the heavenly machine clan.


A loud noise caught Qin Yang's attention.

"What happened?"

With some doubts, Qin Yang disappeared in the Demonic Beasts area.


The entrance of the research room.

Rebecca stared at the door in front of her, but couldn't open it.

He even cracked the energy pattern on the door, but there was no way. It seems that there is a peculiar power hidden in the door, which hinders Rebecca's entry.

"Damn it, it's all here, you must not let the opportunity pass. This is something from Aldrich's laboratory. I have been with that little guy for decades to get so close to him, so I can't just give up like that."

"Could it be that this door also needs the power of blood to be able to open, and must Ingram arrive?"

Rebecca gritted her teeth, if Ingram arrived. Unless she killed Ingram, she must first hand over all the research materials to Ingram.

"What happened?" Qin Yang arrived.

Rebecca was shocked and quickly recovered her composure: "Master Qin Yang, the door of the research room cannot be opened. I have already cracked the energy pattern, but there seems to be a wave of energy that prevents me from opening the door."

"Master Qin Yang, do you need Ingram to come, with his blood..."

Qin Yang stepped forward, and under the eyes of the truth, the situation at the gate of the research room was at a glance. A palm was pressed on the door, and the vitality surged, and the door of the research room was quickly opened.



When Rebecca heard the words, she couldn't open it even though she tried so hard. Qin Yang opened it as soon as he arrived, and this was too expressive. Who is this Qin Yang?

"Let's go."

Qin Yang said and walked into the research room, and Rebecca followed.

The research room is very clean and tidy. There is a blue ball of light dots in the central area. There are complex mysterious lines inside the ball, full of endless mysterious.

As soon as Qin Yang saw this blue sphere, he was immediately attracted by it, and thoughts flashed through his mind. The shackles of practice were explained at this moment.

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