Super God Bloodline

Chapter 493 Cultivation Technique Hall

The Cultivation Technique Hall is different from the Supreme Treasure Hall. On the Cultivation Technique Hall, there are also light groups, but these light groups are composed of words, exuding a mysterious and mighty aura. Look carefully at these Cultivation Techniques, every step of the Cultivation Technique contains the breath of the law, which belongs to the Cultivation Technique of the law.

Even the rule of Cultivation Technique has some gaps. The difference between ordinary Cultivation Technique, Inheritance Cultivation Technique, Immortal Cultivation Technique, Xeon Cultivation Technique, Immortal Cultivation Technique is the same as that of Supreme Cultivation Technique.

The main difference lies in the application of each law to the law of heaven and earth.

The Tiangong of Ancestral Dragon Town is the Dragon Cultivation Technique, if it is in the hands of the Dragon, it can be comparable to Immortal Cultivation Technique. But in Qin Yang's hands, it was nothing more than inheriting the Cultivation Technique.

Some Cultivation Techniques require corresponding races and corresponding talents to cultivate. Otherwise, the cultivation of others is useless at all.

Like pulling the sword and cutting the sky, Qin Yang was already able to give full play to the power of the inheritance Cultivation Technique. However, Realm is also inferior to Duanmu Jianxin when he uses the sword-drawing and heaven-slashing technique.

Duanmujian has a unique experience, has a special chance, a special understanding, and a special connection with kendo. Even Qin Yang couldn't match this point.

Qin Yang possesses the Vientiane Bloodline, which can be said to be an almighty existence. If he wants any Cultivation Technique and any attribute, he can easily master it. However, it is difficult to match Duanmu Jianxin in kendo.

Unless, Qin Yang can control.

"Cultivation Technique."

There are many masters in the Cultivation Technique hall. These masters sit in Lotus Position, or lie down, or look up at the light group, insight into the mystery of Cultivation Technique.

Cultivation Technique is not just a light group of words, but also a Sword Qi, a ray of red light, a leaf, a piece of training... each of them contains an extraordinary aura.

Qin Yang's gaze fell on one of the Sword Qi. Sword Qi was fierce and overbearing. Even the space was faintly broken, and extremely powerful.

The aura of destruction faintly emanating from the surrounding masters, it is obvious that there are many people in Insight, Sword Qi.

Qin Yang thought about it a little bit, and then began to insight into Sword Qi.

A sense of Sword Qi, enlightenment naturally emerges in my heart.

The Three-Life Sword of Nirvana, Immortal Cultivation Technique, is domineering and destroys everything, and contains the law of destruction and the law of death.

The laws contained in the Immortal Cultivation Technique are extremely mysterious and powerful. Even though Qin Yang's combination of three thousand laws has condensed the spirit of the gods and contains infinite talent-like wisdom, he still feels a little difficult.

However, this is only a little difficult.




Three Lives III.

Each thought flicked through Qin Yang's mind, and every thought flew past like a silver thunder. About the bloodline of the Three Life Sword of Nirvana, gradually surrounded my heart.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Qin Yang had just recovered from the Sword of Three Lives of Nirvana, a pair of eyes flashed with divine light, and there was a faint breath of breakthrough through the ages, life and death of nirvana.

There are three swords in the Three Life Swords, which cut away the past, destroys the present, and cuts off the future.

Each piece contains different powers, extremely powerful. It is more mysterious and more powerful than Zhantian Swordsmanship.

Qin Yang swept around, the masters were still cultivating.

With the information about the land of immortality, it has been a long time since the land of immortality was opened, and it took a hundred years. Within a hundred years, you can cultivate in the land of eternal life, and you will inevitably be forced to withdraw from the land of eternal life after a hundred years.

The cultivation is ten days, very short, very short.

Qin Yang looked at the other Cultivation Techniques, his gaze fell on the text light group that exuded the mysterious atmosphere, and he began to insight.

Dao ancestor Fan Tianyin inherits Cultivation Technique, Space Law, Power Law and many other laws. One palm can control mountains, chaos the sea, kill enemies, and destroy demons.

Although Daozu Fantianyin is not as good as the Three-Life Sword of Nirvana, it is also an extremely extraordinary Cultivation Technique. Jieyin kills, can be turned into a space barrier of hundreds of thousands of miles, destroying everything.

It was another five-day cultivation, and Qin Yang had just realized part of the mystery of the Taoist Fan Tianyin, and he could use its power.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yang realized a magical power called Tai Xuan Mirror.

Tai Xuan mirror, inherits the Cultivation Technique, can evolve supreme Tai Xuan mirror, contains the divine light of destruction.

The more he cultivated Cultivation Technique, the more Qin Yang became aware of the peculiarities of the land of eternal life.


Cultivation Technique.

Each is different, and the level is not weak, and there is even an Immortal level, as if it was specially arranged.

For example, the arrival of Qin Yang is a fellow practitioner of the Immortal Land provided by the Supreme Baro of the Tianji tribe.

When communicating with Duanmu Jianxin earlier, Duanmu's pass was also provided by a certain supreme being.

One more thing, in the ten years of Qin Yang's understanding of the land of immortality and information search. There will indeed be a lot of skill and treasure in the land of immortal life, but it is absolutely impossible to exist at the Immortal level.

Immortal-level treasures and kung fu have already reached the top immortal, and they have been used with some Immortal lives. Some Immortal lives, even Immortal treasures do not exist.

The place of immortality seems to be a special place created by the Supremes, to cultivate the use of the younger generation. It would be difficult to support resources like this with the highest financial resources.

If many supreme members join forces, then why?

Qin Yang recalled the pictures he had seen at the bronze gate of the earth and the evil spirit demon Chaka that had been greatly influenced by the power of the law.

After reaching the Domination Realm, Qin Yang faintly felt the difference in the whole world, and there was a faint crisis. This crisis has swept across the universe and is irresistible.

The Supremes opened the Land of Immortal, Immortal Corridor, and Supreme Galaxy Cluster, perhaps for this purpose.


Only strong strength can cope with the next thing.

Qin Yang continued to insight into the Cultivation Technique above, choosing only a part suitable for his own. As for the unsuitable ones, such as the Cultivation Technique, and the Cultivation Technique if the law is compatible, they are discarded.

It took nearly a month since the Cultivation Technique Hall, Qin Yang left the Cultivation Technique Hall.

After walking out of the Cultivation Technique Hall, Qin Yang continued to walk straight ahead.

Entering the main hall is not a Great Hall, but a corridor.

This corridor is located in the Galaxy Cluster. The surrounding Galaxy Cluster changes, countless stars are born and destroyed, countless energies appear and disappear, countless rays of light flow and annihilate.

Universe is a mysterious place, containing mysterious and mysterious operating rules. These operating rules are related to the existence of laws.

Walking on the corridor of the Galaxy Cluster, you can vaguely feel the existence of the law and the law of the universe, which is very helpful to the understanding of the law.

After walking for a while, he saw a light gate again, and Qin Yang stepped into it.

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