The ninth picture is called up.

The position of the picture is the position of the stone forest. Large or small stones are scattered with stars and irregularities.

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy walked unhurriedly along the path in the stone forest, his immature face, but his age was not mature. Especially a pair of eyes, slightly cold, their eyes are sharp and unstoppable, like a sharp sword, piercing the sky.

The young man had a rough wooden sword in his hand. It was said to be a wooden sword. It was more like a simple processed branch from the local materials.


Suddenly, a roar of exclamation sounded.

Looking along the direction of the sound of the wind, it was a Demonic Beasts ten meters high. The body is somewhat similar to the stone, it is blue-black, and the facial features are not big, as if a small face fell on a huge stone.

The Bluestone Black Beast, a Demonic Beasts with amazing defense power, has a seventh-level bloodline, and is extremely extraordinary.

The bluestone black beast roared, and its prestige vibrated, and all directions surrendered. A pair of eyes locked on the boy's body with a little cyan light. The breath emanating from it turned out to be a complete Demonic Beasts lord.

Consummation The Lord Demonic Beasts is still an extraordinary Demonic Beasts in the island, and the bluestone black beast is an outlier among them, and his defense power is amazing. Waiting for the Martial Dao Great Master to complete the Practitioner, it is impossible to break the defense of the bluestone black beast.

"Complete Lord Demonic Beasts."

"One hundred points."

The young man calculated lightly, and did not seem to notice the killing intent shot from the eyes of the bluestone black beast, and the terrifying aura on his body.

The bluestone black beast sensed the young man's contempt, and roared again, his huge body moving suddenly. The sturdy and short limbs suddenly exerted force, bounced up, and rammed towards the young man.

The huge body, terrifying power, even a huge boulder, would be smashed into pieces by the bluestone black beast.

Juvenile Huanhuan raised his head and looked at the Bluestone Black Beast calmly, when the Bluestone Black Beast was less than ten meters away from him. The rough wooden sword in his hand slowly lifted, and then, the wooden sword turned into a peerless Divine Armament, and the shocking Sword Qi shot out, like a net of heaven and earth, wrapping the bluestone black beast.

The huge body of the bluestone black beast stopped in midair, less than a breath, cracks appeared on the body, and bright red blood overflowed. After the blood appeared, the bluestone black beast turned into blood clots and fell on the ground.

"One hundred points."

The boy muttered to himself, avoided the flesh and blood, and continued to walk forward.


Inside the fighter jet.

Dongfang Ling and Jiang Wantong glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes.

"What a fierce Sword Qi, even the bluestone black beast's defense can be easily broken." Jiang Wantong took a deep breath.

"He has understood Sword intent, otherwise he would not have such an amazing means of attack." Dongfang made his eyes move, "Quickly, give me his information."

Soon, a piece of information about the teenager fell into the hands of Dongfang Ling and Jiang Wantong.

Duanmu Jianxin, an ordinary student on a small island in the south.

The Martial Dao Tower passes through the seventh floor.

Special admissions.

Awakened bloodline rust-stained iron sword, first-level bloodline.

"First-level blood?"

Dongfang Ling and Jiang Wantong exchanged glances again.

The first-level Practitioner has such a terrifying attack.

When the Martial Dao Tower passes through the seventh floor, the extraordinary point of Duanmu Jianxin, an extremely talented figure can be seen in particular.

"Rust-stained iron sword? It seems that I have never seen this kind of blood." Jiang Wan channel.

From the bloodline age to the present, nearly a hundred years, there have been tens of millions of bloodlines, and the number is huge. From the first-level bloodline to the ninth-level bloodline, to the king-level bloodline, to the bloodline beyond the king-level, all exist.

But occasionally some special blood veins may appear. Some of these blood veins cannot be judged by the blood pulse meter, some are hidden and dusty, and some are weak.

Therefore, the power of some blood vessels is not easy to determine, and can only rely on the response of the blood vessel.

"I haven't seen it before." Dongfang Ling frowned, "But, is it really a first-level bloodline?"

"There are many bloodlines, some of which we still can't understand. But this Duanmu Jianxin, who understands the Sword intent, with his swordsmanship Cultivation Base, is enough to make us take it seriously. He should also be listed as one of the objects of attention." Jiang Wandao .

"Well, with his swordsmanship power, he is qualified to fight for the first place in special training." Dongfang Ling said.

"This time, the special training for freshmen is much more exciting than before." Jiang Wantong smiled softly, "Huang Yunxi, Yi Qiaoren, Le Zhenglinsong, Duanmu Jianxin, they are all rare geniuses. By the way, before. Qin Yang also had to pay attention to."

"First, it is indeed worthy of attention."


The fighting on the island continued.

The students of the Beijing Academy are all the dragon among the people, the phoenix among the people, and they are extraordinary. There are many Demonic Beasts on the island, and there are not a few Demonic Beasts at the lord level. They can face the new students of the capital school, but most of them are defeated.

A famous freshman hunted Demonic Beasts.

One by one, the freshmen fight against other freshmen and win the points badge.

The powerful Demonic Beasts defeated the freshmen, and the freshmen had to withdraw from the special training.

Different messages came from everywhere.

Qin Yang walked slowly, finally stepping out of the jungle area and looking forward.

Power, flowing in his body.

When leaving the jungle area, he conducted another half an hour of gathering Yuan Gong cultivation, accumulating strong power, otherwise it would be a little troublesome to run into the King of Demonic Beasts.

"The number of Demonic Beasts is too small. It has been about three hours. I haven't even seen a Demonic Beasts." Qin Yang said to himself, "I don't know if anyone has killed the Demonic Beasts yet? "

Qin Yang got quite a lot of points in his hands. The inferior Lord Demonic Beasts, the middle Lord Demonic Beasts, and the higher Lord Demonic Beasts have all been killed. When leaving the jungle area, he also killed a worm-like Lord Demonic Beasts. In addition, the points badges obtained from the hands of each student are quite a lot, reaching 500 points.

Five hundred points seem to be a lot, but killing an inferior Demonic Beasts king will have a thousand points, and the gap is not small.


While Qin Yang was thinking about it, a violent roar sounded. Then, accompanied by the roar of a Demonic Beasts.

"There are people, but there are still a lot of people."

Qin Yang touched his chin, thinking about the direction of the human voice.

With his strength, even the Lord Demonic Beasts can be killed even if he is consummated, and there are very few Demonic Beasts that can threaten him on the island. As for the new students, as long as they don't run into those few people, they can easily deal with them.

Of course, even if he met those few people, Qin Yang had a burning intent in his heart.

Approaching the direction of the sound, Qin Yang saw a clear stream coming from the west and flowing to the east. There are two Practitioners on both sides of the small river.

One is Nie Zhuo mentioned by Zhang Haishan.

The other turned out to be Qin Yusheng, whom Qin Yang was familiar with.

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