Apartment dormitory.

Qin Yang first continued to check Madzi Li's information.

Crazy Li was born as Li Qingshan and was a researcher in the AD era. Then the Universe spacecraft came, and the bloodline era began. Li Qingshan belonged to the first awakened bloodlines. At that time, Li Qingshan's awakening was not the bloodline of the illusory territory, but a third-level bloodline of the smart monkey.

After awakening the blood of the monkey spirit, Li Qingshan and some scientists formed a bloodline research institute and began to study the power of various bloodlines. The blood of Demonic Beasts, the blood of humans, and even the air of the world is extracted for research.

The Bloodline Research Society was the most profound in bloodline research that year, and there were many strong people, and Crazy Li was one of them.

Sixty years AD.

Li Li Qingshan left the Bloodline Research Institute and disappeared afterwards. Later, he was discovered to have entered the Capital Academy and became a madman Li.

Twelve days of yuan.

The information mentioned by Lu Jianyi is only a brief summary, only mentioning Li Qingshan as one of the twelve days, but there is no information about the twelve days. Qin Yang also got on the Internet and found that there was only twelve days worth of information.

Twelve Tianyuan information is obviously highly confidential information, and Qin Yang's current identity is not enough to detect this information.

"Mad Li, Li Qingshan."

Qin Yang whispered to himself for a moment of joy, then he took out Crazy Li's bloodline research notes and began to look at the research notes.

From the bloodline research notes, Qin Yang has a new understanding of bloodline. There are many types of bloodlines, and each bloodline has its own characteristics, and they are good at Realm.

Generally speaking, the higher the bloodline level, the stronger the power of the qi and bloodline. But as long as the blood can be fully utilized, even ordinary blood can generate amazing power.

Blood Vessel Phytophase.

Bloodline supernatural powers.


Qin Yang was completely immersed in Crazy Li's bloodline research notes, and his understanding of bloodlines became deeper and deeper, and he had a full understanding of various bloodlines. Of course, this bloodline secret technique is also recorded in Crazy Li's bloodline research notes, named Wuxin Chaotian.

The Five-Heart Upturning Secret Technique can mobilize the heaven and earth's vitality and constantly baptize the power of blood.

Qin Yang tried the five-hearted bloodline secret technique, and found that this bloodline secret technique was far from being compared with the so-called Solely God Technique.

The five-star Secret Technique of Chaos to the Sky only mobilizes the heaven and earth to baptize the bloodline. From the strength of the baptism Ascension, I am afraid it can be close to the Star-level bloodline secret technique.

But the God alone is more mysterious. The God alone is not only a baptism of blood, but also has the physical quality of Ascension. And, most importantly, the condensed consciousness of God can extract power from the blood and continuously strengthen itself.

The more blood, the stronger the consciousness of the gods, the more heaven and earth energy that can be mobilized, the higher the comprehension, and the easier the practice.

Martial Dao practice.

The more advanced Realm, it is not easy to make breakthroughs.

But this is not a problem for Qin Yang, as long as he has sufficient blood, his understanding will be more astonishing. Realm's shackles are almost non-existent to him.

On the one hand, study the bloodline research notes.

On the one hand, we work hard at Ascension Martial Dao Realm.

Qin Yang's life at the Beijing Academy is very fulfilling, with various courses and self-study, very comfortable and very sufficient.


Task building.

To earn points, students from Beijing Academy need to come to the mission building.

There are various tasks in the task building, which are characters provided by the Capital Academy, and the points that can be obtained for each task are different. Some low tasks are just more than ten points, and some difficult tasks can reach hundreds or even thousands of points.

As for the tasks with more than 10,000 points, it can be said that only the Practitioner of Realm can receive them.

The missions provided by Jingcheng Academy of over 10,000 points are very few, but most of them are kept in the mission building. Because the task of over 10,000 points is too difficult, even the Realm's Practitioner may not be able to complete it.

Qin Yang came to the mission hall and posted missions on the wall one by one, using an extremely old pattern. According to the words of the Beijing Academy, this may stimulate competition among students.

When Qin Yang walked towards a task, all the students in front of that task left, as if they had encountered a plague god.

For this scene, Qin Yang was very natural and calm, and the actions of other students did not arouse any strange emotions.

Ever since he rejected Bai Yujing and made a choice, he has thought about this.

The capital building spoke out, and anyone who comes into contact with him is the enemy of the capital building. Therefore, in the school, most students hide from Qin Yang when they see Qin Yang, and no one wants to anger the brows of the capital building.

Of course, exceptions are students from the China-West Alliance and Jiangnan Misty Rain.

But Qin Yang proposed not to join any forces, and the attitude of Jiangnan Misty Rain and the Sino-Western Alliance towards Qin Yang can only be regarded as ordinary attitudes, not far away or close, just as an ordinary new student.

The reason why Qin Yang came to the mission building this time was not for mission points, but to test how his own strength was achieved.


After the freshman special training, his points are 7870 points, which is a good point, which can be exchanged for SS-level weapons, various advanced Martial Dao Cultivation Techniques, Advanced Guiding Techniques, and Blood Vessel Secret Techniques.

But Qin Yang does not lack Martial Dao Cultivation Technique, Guidance Technique, and Blood Vessel Secret Technique for the time being, or does not need it. Therefore, the points did not attract him much.

And getting Crazy Li’s bloodline research notes is more thorough in bloodline research, coupled with the Ascension of his own strength. Qin Yang wanted to give it a try as to what extent his strength could reach.

Task is one of the methods.

"At least it is a mysterious mission at the Divine Soul Deva level."

Qin Yang inquired about various tasks.

The characters in the Beijing Academy are mainly divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang.

Characters of each level represent different strengths. Yellow-level characters can be completed by Martial Dao Great Master; heaven-level tasks require the integration of heaven and earth Realm to be able to proceed.

Looking at the various tasks, Qin Yang's brows narrowed slightly.

Except for a small number of Martial Dao Great Master tasks that can be completed individually, other tasks need to be grouped and multiple talents are required to perform the tasks.

But Qin Yang's current state, let alone letting a team carry out tasks with him, even asking someone to accompany him on tasks is extremely difficult.

This is one of the suppression methods from the capital building.

Task suppression.

In order to ensure the safety of students and a certain degree of teamwork and competitiveness, the Capital Academy requires multiple talents to receive most of the tasks. This point caught Qin Yang off guard.

Qin Yang turned his head to look at the other students, and each student walked away.

Qin Yang: "..."

"Qin Yang."

A familiar voice rang.

—————————— This is a dividing line of contemplation——————————

Thank you book friend "Xiang Meng" for your five hundred rewards and book friend "Yunlan Painter" for your rewards.

After thinking about it over the past two days, I feel that the plot advances too slowly, and I have a lot of explanations. So I decided to change it a bit, speed up the plot, distract the explanation, or write it out as a work.

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