Su Ping lazily joined her with her tongue, put on her coat and hung well, went into the living room on the couch and sat down, pouring herself a glass of water.


The water was just good, a delicate snow-white hand came, and he took a deep breath, who was not Su Ling Yue?

Seeing Su Ping looking back, Su Ling Yue frowned, is that what you mean, do you have an opinion?

Su Ping glanced at her shoulder blades above without any intention, it seemed that Xue Yanyue, feeling that being human, was still to be generous, so he did not compare with her, took the cup from the side, poured a cup again.

Su Ling Yue hummed lightly, tucked his body into the couch on the other side, and stretched his back, “Someone today is very superior, not bad, children are easy to teach.”

Su Ping didn’t pay attention, but rather judged in her chest this Beast Beast.

Very quickly, a review of the news popped into his mind:

Huyen Diem Beast

Attributes: Evil Beast System

Caste: Upper Three Classes

Combat power: 4. 6

Quality: Below inferior

Ability to control: Delusion, Inferno, Mind Magic, Spirit Piercing, Illusion

After watching this part of the news, Su Ping frowned slightly.

Under the sublime?

This one is a little less a. . .

He fostered Lei Guangxuan good and bad and could roll in it, this is simple . . .

Paying attention to Su Ping’s gaze, Su Ling Yue glanced at him, “You look at what you look at, I am an extraordinary elite Beast, the same stage is basically invincible, it is considered to meet the four stages of charismatic beasts, huh, who wins and loses, it is not certain!”

“Ha ha.”

Su Ping declined to comment.

This Beast Realm in front of him is the three stages of real power, but the combat power reaches 4. 6 , according to the reading system, is the fact that the combat power reaches the standard median quadrilateral!


Can pass the battle level, completely accurate considered excellent.

But, that’s it.

It must be known that he fostered Lei Guangxuan, but as a real powerhouse, there were 3. 6 combat power!

If you reach the three stages of speech power, it is possible to promote the five stages to the standard six stages of combat power, this is called terrible!

But, even if this kind of love Lei Guangxuan is just a system in the eyes of all kinds of qualities.

Taking Su Ping’s gaze, it seemed that this Xuanyuan Beast wanted to go too far, not to be excellent, good and bad to roll the middle class.

“um? Cold laugh what?” Su Ling Yue frowned, his expression unsightly, and looked at Su Ping.

Su Ping was a little silent, “Can’t even let people laugh?”

“But you’re here laughing coldly.”

“. . .”

“Alright alright, you guys are here again, come get some rice.” Li Qingyi was still hot with food, The two of them said: “Come and eat, don’t stay here to watch tv.”

Su Ping saw this, lazily joined Su Ling Yue, got up and went to wash his hands and eat rice.

The dinner was rich tenfold, fish soup added meat stock, there were roasted beans stir-fried meat and some food, seeing that Su Ping wanted to eat, washed his hands, and immediately began to eat.

Su Ling Yue also hugged the snow bridge and walked to the dining table.

Li Qingyi gave Su Ling Yue another cup of rice, sat down and asked: “How is the competition today, through a?”

Su Ling Yue took the chopsticks, the corners of his mouth were a little positive, and said coldly: “Today is just a preliminary competition, for me, it is a small matter, let alone my opponent is just the same freshman class, nothing provocative, In just one morning, I accumulated tons of accumulated points, which is quite a pity . . .”

“Pity what?” Li Qingyi was immediately a little worried.

“It’s a pity it can’t be the same three years, otherwise after the final on the field, there might be a place for me.” Su Ling Yue’s face was ten parts regretful.

“!” Su Ping almost choked, coughing dryly.

Su Ling Yue leaned over him a little, “No one wins with you, eating so fast is not afraid to choke to death.

Su Ping drank two new fish soups, did not pay attention to her, and continued to eat rice.

Li Qingyu heard Su Ling Yue say this, also reassured, and said angrily: “This little one, you have just taken this Qinglong Academy, maybe in the new student showed talent, it is not easy, no need to sum with those old students so, avoid bringing your tired body down.”

“Well, you’re right.” Su Ling Yue nodded continuously, a pair of eyes smiled into a moon.

Su Ping coughed again.

Su Ling Yue glanced at him in a flash.

Even without raising his head, Su Ping could feel the two daos glowing sharply in his own eyes. . . .

“I’m tired of dying today, eat a little more.” Li Qingyi put Su Ling Yue in a burger.

“Well, I ate some too.” Su Ling Yue smiled faintly.

Su Ping quickly finished eating, continuing to hold the second cup.

“Speaking of, today the academy tournament above is a freak, you don’t dare to believe it.” Su Ling Yue suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help but exclaim.

Li Qingyi was stunned, and said curiously: “What the hell?”

“There is a person who has the age of gi, who is also the first feng yun academy, today went to the field and used a Lei Guangyuan, who thought that she did something stupid, what do you guess? Lei Guangxue even won two games, and defeated the Demon Dragon Qi and The Beast!” Su Ling Yue said with shining eyes, a little agitated.

“Lei Guangxue?” Su Ping heard his ears rise.

On the other side, Li Qingyi rolled his eyes and said, “Defeating Ma Long Qiu and Yan Qingyu? You’re wrong, isn’t it Tian Lei? A is not right, it seems that Tian Lei Tri can’t do it . . .”

She was a regular Master, relatively familiar to the beast, knowing this was impossible!

Seeing Li Qingyu’s suspicious gaze, Su Ling Yue also did not sell the prince, and said with a smile: “Don’t say it, this Lei Guangyuan has two kinds of high-level ability, one is the ‘Lei Qi’ stage, the other is ‘Lei Xuan’! It is based on the two types of high-level ability, it easily defeats the Demon Dragon Qi, and the other DemonIc Beast can’t protect the master, is also defeated!”

Su Ping was startled.

Lei Xiu?


Was it really him cultivating the other?

No way . . .


Suddenly, Su Ping thought of the other Lei Guangyuan, who was very young, and su Ling Yue’s age was no less, looking like that, he could really be a practitioner.

The most important thing, Su Ping felt that, except for him, the other one that loved Lei Guang try outside, there would not be a second Lei Guang Test like that, and at the same time, they would all have the same ability.

“The world is small . . .”

Su Ping muttered to himself, laughing bitterly.

Without thinking about this little fire family, the master was with Su Ling Yue and the same academy.

“Two kinds of high-level abilities?” Li Qingyi was intimidated, “Is this Lei Guangyuan too strong?”

“That’s right, everyone’s scared.” Su Ling Yue was full of sympathy, “Its owner is such a genius, it is not much to make me Su Ling Yue, the other person is reluctant to consider as one.”

Su Ping recovered his thoughts, glared at her a little, thought to himself if you knew, this is the old man, do you even know this attitude?

Regardless of this notion, even if he said it, the opponent would not believe it, on the contrary, it would definitely blatantly satirize a battle.

After dinner, Su Ping and Su Lang Yue went on the road.

Su Ping finished washing up and went upstairs, thinking that the afternoon would be very spiritual, and as a result, he just lay down and felt the drowsiness coming, very quickly entered the beautiful dream.

The next day it was just morning.

Su Ping just woke up and saw a demonic face appear in front of him, yesterday he was just terrified in the blink of an eye, immediately regained his spirit, angrily glanced at the door with a cold smile Su Ling Yue, left the bed and went downstairs.

After breakfast, Su Ping and Su Lang Yue left separately, one went to the academy, one went to the shop.

Last night rested again for a night, Su Ping was in good spirits, ten-part motivation, he decided to go and collect food today, quickly earn energy!

Having arrived in the shop, Su Ping first fed Zi Yuxiu good dog food, then immediately closed the shop, in his heart, fostering the window position.

Very quickly, the window position appeared.

Su Ping chose one that only needed 1 point to transmit the energy of the face, choosing to enter.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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