At Liu Qingfeng left the field later, the referee also announced the results of the match, this battle, without a doubt, Xu Fan won, directly sat firmly in the chair!

At the conclusion of the result, the referee also left the arena, prepared to go for a little consolation, and also went to look for the bookkeeper.

Having just lost his life, no matter what, he asked to be a remuneration referee, it must be doubled!

Besides, he wanted to ask above, to give him a referee, or a guardian, to let him continue alone inside as a referee, he absolutely did not respond!

The world has just closed, who knows if the back of love can or will not exude even more terrifying monsters?

This time there is no complete loss of control, the next time if it is completely out of control, then it is completely done!

The more he thought the angrier he got, the more he cried without tears.

This mother a Elite Lien Re-refereed the position, all of whom were made into high danger by these people!

Making the level of Feng Hao salted fish, wanting to stay here to get a piece of rice, there is a danger to life, this life is too difficult a!

Hearing the referee’s statement, the entire school was startled to wake up, when they saw that they had left the Willow Qingfeng Courtyard, and the huge ground scorched the traces, only to find that the other one was unable to fight, it was real.

Liu Qingfeng was killed!

And even the referee who came out, was almost unstoppable!

The most terrifying yes, the referee summoned the entire Dragon Beast adult, and yet just went to battle, it was suppressed! !

This is indeed compared to the last time Su Ling Yue fought and wanted to be horrified!

In the silence that followed, onlookers erupted in applause, along with cheers.

This sound grew louder and louder, like the waves of the sea layer by layer, finally echoing the entire battle!

At this moment, the other set above the teenager, became the most dazzling school in existence.

Xu Fan stood on the stage, rolled his eyes, his eyes revealed a hot light, excited to clench his fists, his body was trembling a little.

He should be alive!

Live Zhang Yang, despise, arrogant!

At the same time, he also wants to live to have a double force, to satisfy himself at will!


Xu Fan looked towards the viewer, although he did not see the other face, but he was still deeply filled with eyes.

“And yet…”

The waiting area, before leaving the field of nine players, and nine shooters were all in this place, now all of them are full of vibrations, hard to believe.

They didn’t think of Xu Fan being able to win, much less of winning such a power, directly!

Besides, the other end of the Dark Dragon Qi emitted force, simply unimaginable!

Level nine skills and no money, including five great systems, this can be called love!

“This kind of monster… There’s obviously a second one.”

Many people’s gazes from Xu Fan’s body recovered, moved to the waiting area for a young woman on her body, her eyes showed a look of fear, which thought that at least one female appeared, was already full of scaremongering, did not think of exuding one.

“This family…”

Ye Long Tian’s gaze was extremely serious, and Liu Qingfeng didn’t feel the same way, but directly suppressed the other referee summoned completely mature Dragon Beast, there was also a little bit of scaremongering.

The opponent was a small figure, he basically did not pay attention, but now when he was in his heart, the level of danger was higher than Qin Shaotian, and the other young woman was calm.

On the other side Qin Shaotian, who was also a solemn expression, frowned, there was no previous time at the previous ten battles, and there was no leisurely looking around the sky.

Earlier in Su Ping in the shop, he met this Xue Fan, he basically did not consider it a significant matter, but did not think of this fire family as ugly in appearance, the fighting technique was usually not strange, hiding such a terrifying head.

“This guy went to the shop too… It must be…” Qin Shaotian suddenly showed a ring of aura in his mind, his eyes were a little squinted, feeling that this Xue Fan and the other Su Ling Yue on his body, both had a similarity, but this was the same thing, this place was terrible War Charisma.

In the waiting area outside the auditorium, The War God Academy was crowded with students sitting in this place, including Mu Chen, Section Chen, although he could sit in the Upper Seat, but he did not do so, but chose the same place in the academy.

After all, these practitioners inside also have extremely elite existence, the future can all develop into his own, waiting for him to succeed later, it is the Disciples who communicate.

He sat in the center, just like we were in the moon, very respected by all the practitioners.

Just from the graduating academy, he could shoot up to the top hundred people, this was already equivalent to not easy, with Mu Chen a hundred miles ahead of him who was also excellent, at least able to go into the top thirty positions.

At this moment, covering Mu Chen inside, a group of War God Academy practitioners, all of them looked at the figure.

That familiar body, so that everyone could feel a strange battle.

Is this really the guy who knows the other Madness?

In which the deepest feeling was Mu Chen, he was a little unawakened, when he appeared in his mind in the academy, this fire family repeatedly provoked him, when he won when he lost his recollection.

That’s why he lost at least a hundred times, this time not only straight to the Top 100, but also competed to shoot the title, in the end, he clearly shot successfully!

Besides, that’s what force rank it is!

The referee almost stopped him!

It’s just that the sixth-level, controlling the War Charisma force suppresses the ninth-level Dragon Beast? !

Mu Chen’s mouth widened, stunned for a long time, his eyes revealed a dim expression.

The front arranged in the stands.

The great powerhouse clans and the powerhouse city government, are all serious faces.

The more he saw, the other end of the Dark Dragon Qi, and the other the intensity skill, and the number, it seemed to him that it was also a terrifying killing weapon, all of which were extraordinarily rare, extraordinarily terrifying.

This kind of War Charisma, simply so Long Jia three rare first ranks, Long Su still wants to be rare!

They were also skeptical, this was not the Dark Dragon Qi, but the Dark Dragon Qiu who didn’t know the monster!


But obviously, this is a Dark Dragon Head, which can’t be faked!

The only thing that could be explained, was that this place the Dark Dragon Qiu head was too extreme, too loving!

The highest limit of beasts, determined by the bloodline, but the strong and weak beasts, determined by the quality!

Without a doubt, this is a quality that reaches the peak of the War Charisma level, and at the extremely high quality of the situation below, it is also absorbing extraordinary professionalism, the whole direction of fostering!

Combat power, energy, industry, aggression, all are not lacking!

Perhaps the first three positions can all reach the peak of the step, but lacking the ferocity, so it is the same from the ivory tower that has just graduated from the same form, just the high realm of the flower, at meeting a little fierce beast at the moment, there will be directly threatening to tremble the legs, the whole body of force ten is not enough one.

And this Dark Dragon Qi, obviously has no shortage of aggression.

Not only was there no shortage, on the contrary, a thick body stained with murderous blood, was enough to completely shake the majority of The Charismatic Warriors.

“Such a force, it seems that it is possible to go to the global round-robin competition in the ring…” Zhou Jia said in a low voice.

Others are silent, no one objects to this word.

Even the other level Feng Hao Middle referee, was almost beaten to death, this Dark Dragon Qi force, even if it was the one who was sitting, was a little taboo.

Thinking that this was only a sixth-level War Master, he immediately felt his heart tremble.

Cultivating to the ninth level, being intimidated by a sixth-level War Charismatic head, this is too humiliating!

“Go back and ask a little War God Academy Headmaster, look at who the other person is, if it’s not organizing words, we Pastor would have liked.” An old Clan Master said with a slight smile.


The others are cold, inwardly hitting this abacus.

At the whole school the cheers were inside, Xu Fan came down to the stage, a path that led the whole school to look at him.

“I win.” Xu Fan walked into Su Ling Yue in front of him, smirking a little.

At this moment, the whole school’s eyes were also hot.

The two strongest monsters, standing in the same place, with the same awareness, are saying the declaration of battle a?

A bit of autistic enthusiasm the viewer, even brainstormed these two in dialogue ——

“I won, next came you.”

“Well, want to beat me, it’s early.”

“Really, I want to see, it’s yours Dragon Charisma, it’s still mine Dark Dragon Qiu is stronger!”

“By then you’ll know a little bit.”

“Good, wait and see!”

How filled with the smell of gunpowder a!

In reality, Su Ling Yue heard Xu Fan’s words later, laughed, and said with emotion: “I even thought that he lent you the other end Dragon Beast, or the other Dragon Beast, I didn’t think of just this head black dog, much less think about… This head is so strong that it is not normal, compared to me Xiao Bai is even more terrifying.”

“Dragon Beast? Dry for a long time?”

Xu Fan heard extremely surprised, this is Su Ping on the other hand, the two Charismatic Warriors?

“You said Dragon Beast, is the other end Purgatory Dragon Beast?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

Su Ling Yue nodded.

“This . . .” Xu Fan immediately didn’t know what to say, his eyes showed a lot of light, in his mind, the first idea was to join Su Ping to ask, hire a head of Dragon Beast to play.

Even the Dark Dragon Qi was so strong, what was the other end of the Dragon Beast?

After a few sentences, the two separated, sitting down in one chair.

At this time, the arena was in disarray.

The referee did not see.

The instructor didn’t make the situation clear, so the referee appeared first, again speaking to Xue Fan and Liu Qingfeng a battle, warm a yard, as long as it was cold.

Regardless, the instructor did not dare to say too much, afraid of overreaching, this kind of thing could naturally pull the atmosphere, but Liu Qingfeng was Willow, Willow Family but wanted to face it, they talked too much, said that they would turn around and then go to Willow Family to the news door.

For (for) such a big family, they are a little guide, do not dare to tease, if killed, they will not pay attention, die bloody.

This is awkward work!

Fortunately, without letting the instructor wait too long, the referee came out again.

But this time the referee came out, it was two of them.

At the introductory referee, everyone knew, one another, also the referee, with the same identity as the fake Feng Hao level.

The reason for using two referees, the other referee gave the reason, this is because it avoids the appearance of late rescue, forming a injured player, affecting the back of the competition.

However, with only a few sharp eyes, this is clearly where the referee himself is afraid of death!

Regardless, before the other one risked a stage, this referee was almost killed, they can also explain, who can think of, this time, here Long Jiang is based on the Celestial Celestial Level, but it is terrible to this kind of rank.

This is basically compared to the entire continent of ten mighty battles!

After that, the two referees simultaneously went to battle, shooting the competition again!

Many players looked over on the radio where a referee was, there was a little silence, this is roughly Long Jiang based on the Lien Lai Tinh organization area so far, the first time on the radio appeared two Feng Hao referees.

A long line of rules, and yet when they were this time, they were transformed by the strong.

Come to think of it, a little bit of players in their hearts, and these monsters are born in the same gender, which is really extremely unfortunate.

As the shooting continued, the players were all left with nine remaining positions on their bodies.

Everyone’s eyes directly avoided Su Ling Yue and Qin Shaotian.

Going through the time before the battle, no one would go directly to choose the two of them, until now, these two people are not online, still players in their minds, they are all recognizing the second existence.

them? It’s not possible to be alive.

Very quickly, the ten powerhouses inside the relatively correct expression of Ye Hao and Su Yanyue, were all chosen by the people.

According to a fierce battle, the two of them defended at the ten ranks, the Charismatic Warriors, although they all had only one, but the expression for the viewer was a little shocked, they all had eighth-level combat power.

Such a force, at the inner ten, is not particularly strong, but is considered relatively elite, and can even rank up to seventh and eighth in the right order.

But inside, there were a few moderate expressions, all of whom were provoked, but all of them defended themselves, inside there was only one person, successfully provoked.

Each was provoked through people, in no way provoked.

He meant nine shooters, there were a few inside, who could only give up shooting.

After all, either for me to be confident enough, to get ahead of the challenge, or, I can only go to face no one to challenge Su Ling Yue and Qin Shaotian.

But hey, choosing not to provoke is no different, and avoiding exchange for a dear, with bad luck in words, saying that even small lives are lost.

According to the end of the competition, the ten powerhouses are all over.

The chances of volatility are not great.

Only two people moved, becoming new.

In the previous period, Lien Rei was inside, the ten battle powerhouses were just an appetizer, after all, the true powerhouse, at each battle group at the moment, would show all the talent. There is bad luck of the other kind, two powerhouses coexist in a nest, the loser will also be in the competition first, directly provoke others, win the title.

It’s like The Crazy Promise.

And the others were hesitant, even if they were reluctant to be classified as ten-powered, not that this one was in a circle looking for a target.

Anyway, the true circle competition wants to select the title, there are only five.

Each base can only give five titles.

If there is no absolute strength, even if it enters the ten powers, but ranked in the top five positions outside, for (for) the master of the fang and the great clans, it does not make any sense, it is just that for (for) the contestant himself has the honor of the same good place.

When shooting at the end, the bottom is directly drawn to the duel.

In the previous order of withdrawal, on the playing floor, the fans rushed to the fans, the pre-match air was urgent, and at the same time warm, considered mid-game rest.

Because of the anxious waiting for the duel, the audience had to wait patiently, a little viewer also took this opportunity, leaving the field to go to the restroom to release one.

Before long, the kind of atmosphere of détente was not very different, the supporters retreated, according to the instructor boiled over, everyone’s eyes were on the screen.

Ten random duels of choice begin!

The whole school of viewers and players, are here for a moment to hold their breath.

Very quickly, one by one, the names shot out from the screen.

Su Ling Yue stopped looking over, when she saw that her opponent was not Qin Shaotian, she exhaled slightly, although she had defeated the opponent before, she still did not want to face this person again, always felt that the opponent was very dangerous, and the only thing he could rely on was Qin Shaolong.

“When can I rely on my true strength, beat them well…” Su Ling Yue thought quietly in his heart.

Very quickly, the five resulting nests all came out.

Su Ling Yue’s opponent was Ye Hao.

Xu Fan’s opponent was Young Master Zhou.

Qin Shaotian’s opponent was Su Yanyue.

Ye Long Tian fought with Xu Fan, shooting up at the other player.

There was also one that was the Head of State, fighting an academy that sent players.

When the results came out, Su Ling Yue couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Ye Hao.

Sitting in the distance Ye Hao also looked towards Su Ling Yue, the corners of his mouth twitched underneath, revealing a miserable smile.

But sitting in Ye Hao next to Su Yanyuan’s body, looking towards Qin Shaotian, the latter kind of person turned his head and glanced at his eyes, immediately afraid to jump, always feeling that this Qin Young Master, like not before was so gentle.

“I’m not going to get killed?” She couldn’t help but think.

She withdrew her gaze, and beside Ye Hao glanced at each other, and her face immediately showed a miserable smile, very similar to the feeling.

“It seems that going to ten powers, is the limit a…” Ye Hao sighed.

Su Yanyuan nodded and said: “Yes, I am actually satisfied, yesterday there were many private enterprises looking for me, hoping to sign a long-term treaty with me, giving extraordinary remuneration and remuneration, compared to me directly going to work as a False Reclaimer, the remuneration is even higher!”

Ye Hao gave her a look, and said: “Finding a private enterprise is still prudent, a private enterprise is easy to take on a little danger, try to find a good team, a little safe, with absolute sword compared to a private enterprise.”

Su Yanyu nodded, “I know, there are also warriors for me, I think about it carefully.”

Ye Hao nodded, and at the same time glanced at the distance, all kinds of people saw Xu Fan smiled at the same time, his face immediately blackened, gritted his teeth and said: “This fire family, he is obviously not so strong, but rushed to this place, moreover, looking at his figure, It’s no problem to get into the top five!”

Su Yanyue also looked back, and immediately saw the expression of The Madness, who was on the other side of the demon face, constantly provoking Ye Hao with the tip of his tongue.

She was a little quiet, and said with a wry smile: “If I’m not mistaken, he’s the other Dark Dragon Qi, it’s probably also at Su master’s training shop.”

Ye Hao was stunned, and said: “Also Su master of the fostering shop? So why don’t we…”

“Guess we don’t carve him that much.” Su Yanyuan said.

She treated (to) the other Su master’s temperament, which can be said to be extremely deep.

Ye Hao: “…”


Family quarters.

Su Ping leaned back in his chair, yawning.

It was boring, almost asleep.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that in the middle of The Dark Dragon Sect hadn’t stopped the Dark Dragon Sect, leaving it uncontrollable, he would have fallen asleep dreamily.

“It seems that in the future, it is still necessary to be a little careful, although the Dark Dragon Sect is only a sixth-level one, even for a fourth-level War Master, it is also possible to sign a contract, but to prevent it from being aggressive, it will be very difficult.”

Su Ping thought in his heart, also here sighed, this Xue Fan is too much for him to worry about, if it weren’t for him passing the contract, guessing that the other referee and the other Willow Family, would have been killed.

Although he killed the other Liu Jiazi, Su Ping did not feel sorry, but the beast lost control of killing, Xu Fan’s competition was also canceled, at that time, he sent the first five positions, immediately turned into a fart.

In his heart, a Little Willow, naturally, was not lost by him.

Anyway, if you really want to take the other Willow, he directly hits the door, conveniently taking it.

So sacrificing a Promise Of The Five Heads, not the other inevitably, saying so, he said it on the list, he wanted to miss one.

Although the types of Su Ling Yue won the first prize later, the impact was not great, but the current situation was very optimistic, Ye Hao and Su Yanyuan also wished to enter the top ten positions, so everyone immediately wanted to adjust the qi.

Lacking one, there’s always not enough aesthetics.

If it was two directly, he could have been afraid of dropping one, not paying attention to not asking.

“This is not a fight, it’s not a worry…” Su Ping saw the list duel selection, sighed, bent over his eyelids, didn’t bother to watch, slowly closed his eyes to study from Lei Dao himself.

Called the master leading to the door, practicing at the individual.

He has already entered the World Dao, can study on his own, although the speed of research will be extremely slow, it is necessary to see gnosticism, but just at every moment of study, it is a bit of help and progress, anyway, looking at these boring competitions must be useful.

If it weren’t for Liu Jia’s ambush, coming to escort Su Ling Yue, Su Ping wouldn’t want to come here.

At Su Ping studying Lei Dao, on the field, the duel had also begun.

Leading the way was Qin Shaotian and Su Yanyuan.

When Qin Shaotian summoned the Blood Spirit Demon City later, Su Yanyuan directly gave up the competition, and decisively lost.

But below a match, it was Su Ling Yue fighting Ye Hao.

Su Ling Yue didn’t even have a Summoning Moon Dragon Dew, Ye Hao directly took the loss, entered the defeated person inside, without any long strings.

Two battles in a row for a losing method ended, the viewer was also ten parts silent, which could also be explained, from this place in one aspect, also the aspect that highlighted Qin Shaotian and the terrifying Su Ling Yue.

However, after a few battles, Xu Fan’s opponent, Zhou Jiayi, also directly lost.

Liu Qingfeng was defeated, Zhou the young master also did not intend to join Xu Fan to “Exchange” twice, as long as he lost even harder.

Only The Headmaster and Ye Long Tian fought, all of them ended extremely quickly, both of them were equal to one Head Of Victory, and the opponent was extremely different.

Within a few hours, the five powers had already made their choice.

Although the loser in the human nest, along with the ten powerhouses, had five powerhouses, the five-man defeated all gave up shooting.

They were in front of the five powerhouses, it was indeed two human ranks, there were no people who didn’t know the amount of strength, they could go to this place anyway, they still had to have the strength.

In front of the five powerhouses, behind them was the defeated fighter.

Five people competed for sixth to tenth place.

Regardless, this order except for the outside viewers, here a few large clans and the city government, not too much attention, there are already people inside in the middle leaving the courtyard.

The sixth to tenth rank fought fiercely, the loser of the five men fought the same battle, so they all used all their strength, fighting to be inconclusive, so that the scene of the viewer opened his eyes.

As for the top five, it’s up until tomorrow.

“It seems that this time our deputies Long Jiang came out to fight, it’s them five.”

A strong city government man glanced at the five-man waiting area and said with a smile.

Next to him one nodded slightly.

“Ha ha, that’s not really.” Sitting next to Qin Clan he suddenly opened his mouth, his face revealed the other again, making it difficult for people to think about laughing, and said: “They are five inside, at least they will take out one person, I don’t know, this one takes out the person, is this Willow spice, it’s still Ye this spice.”

Hearing him, the two city governments were stunned.

Besides Ye Family and Ye Family, their expressions changed, as if thinking of something, the expression was a little unsightly.

“There is that young lady coming, even if we Young Master loses, there is nothing, after all, we Young Master Master, just end protecting Young Master, regret yes, you Qin Young Master, defeated by a student academy, it’s like freshman year, yoke…”

The old clan member closed his mouth, admiring the figure in fear on the one hand.

The Mo Clan’s face turned slightly, laughed coldly, and didn’t say anything.

Besides Ye Family, he glanced at him a little, also cold for a while, but did not speak.

Here the first five positions in the crowd, from the front of the table, it seemed, the other Su Ling Yue and today just burst out the other Xu Fan, which is really number one number two, followed by Qin Shaotian, and the other Ye family and The Other Master, seems to go last.

Regardless, he knew that Qin Shaotian himself, although he arranged based on the latter, was not necessarily a battle of abilities with Qin Shaotian, even if he did not fight Qin Shaotian, it was just a stronger Qin Shaotian.

If you want to be squeezed out, it will only be The Human Family.

“Speaking of, young lady, I’ll be here tonight.” Suddenly, next to the Old Clan Zhou, for (to) a powerful city government asked. .

This city government was stunned, hearing the old man, at this time, he thought of not paying attention to the other person who was the most important person.

“This, that lady, we’re not clear.” The city government immediately said.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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