Su Ping didn’t pay attention to these three-digit True Charismatic numbers, directly inventorying the other high-grade True Charisma.

“Xuanyin Hua, the price is 26,000, one.”

“U Soul Nut, price 10000, one pill.”

“Lien Lien, the price . . . 1.2 million!”

Watching the following part of a series of zeros, Su Ping counted, it was 1 million 200 thousand! !

Su Ping’s breathing was a little rushed.

1 million 200 thousand a!

Exchange into energy, it is one thousand two thousand points! !

Particularly, this one ‘Vong Essence Lien ‘ immediately brought the Chaos Death Spirit Realm 9000 energy to the entrance ticket to drain all the swords, there were 3000 more!

Besides, this time it’s free to enter – it’s nothing more than pure income!

“Vong Essence Lian, The long-dried realm of creatures in the crystallized body, containing a strong concentration of spirit qi, can make the immortal spirit beast college, directly attack the first stage!

If you let the nine beasts use it, there is a 5% probability of directly attacking the Beast King!”

Seeing this work, Su Ping was afraid.

It’s a treasure college again!

“Is this too precious?”

Su Ping was both happy and afraid, in order for the charismatic beast to directly attack the treasures that were scarce, let alone for the beast charisma college to use, the other one was more and more money without buying a lot of goods!

“It’s like a neck the old man picked up, still a long-time dry.”

Su Ping faintly remembered that they had been killed countless times in it once, and then randomly resurrected to an old man in the great hall, and at the door, a large set of ten meters of remains inside picked up this object.

Through the long dry pee that looked happy to be aware, Su Ping speculated that this object was more than half useful, and immediately accepted it, not thinking about what a hallows it was.

Regretfully, they picked up this thing not long ago, and before they could explore other localities, they were killed by unknown forces.


In the back of a few dozen resurrection attempts inside, Su Ping was accidentally dismissed, without any action, even the enemy did not see it, and finally could only reluctantly leave.

“Don’t think about it, one is worth the money, the other one has monsters to look after, it takes all the energy to get the Real Grace, on the contrary, it is rubbish!”

Su Ping saw in it a little engraved with the impression of True Charisma, which was several hundred, and in his heart was a little reluctant – he hated himself without a pair of eyes, The True Charisma Was too low-class.

The shelves above, except for this “Vong Essence Lien” outside, there are several other ones selling tens of thousands of True Graces, all of which have flags.

Su Ping brought the accounting machine over, brought all the Real Grace, the price increased exponentially, discovered the total selling price, totaling more than 450 lakhs!

In other words, these are all sold, he can get up to four thousand five thousand energy points!

Four lakhs five thousand a. . . .

It is possible to directly bring the Lingzhi Chaos up to three levels!

Third-level Ling Zhi, but there is a fairly low probability, creates The Blood Beast King!

“Unfortunately, these are all True Charismatic spirits, relatively few people, expected to sell very slowly.”

Thinking of selling the matter, Su Ping couldn’t help but frown.

Now the schoolgirls all preferred the other kind, could fight, could fake innocence, could even embrace the ‘Many Functions’ of the beast.

Although the fighting power is not wrong, but the appearance is really too pathetic, it is not the person who dies for a long time, it is the blood that fills the soul, the hook to fight will feel a little blushing, will be psychologically unhealthy.

Humanity is a shallow creature.

Living in humanity on the side of natural beasts also receives a connection.

“Regardless, humanity if you don’t have to look at your face, then I don’t have any sense?”

Su Ping quickly returned to normal.

Although it is difficult to sell a point, as long as the goods are good, they can always be sold.

Bringing these Su Zhen to the counter, adjusting well later, Su Ping’s gaze fell on the remaining red baozhou above.

This thing was examined by the inspection system, calling ‘Blood Spirit Zhou’ a normal name, but it is not universally valuable, the selling price is 15 million!

It’s not wrong, it’s 15 million, it’s ten times more ‘Vong Lien Lien’!

This is also the most precious harvest of items!

Seriously, this thing is not the True Charisma either, whatever the conceptual system is inside, whatever can absorb the object, can be attributed to the Real Charisma!

This thing comes from the dry long type inside the Blood Realm, the Dry Long King in the body, the Dry Long King in the crystallized life body, it is equivalent to the umbilical cord feminine humanity!

This thing is only one-tenth, only one, it is possible for anything to dry for a long time to transform into a Dry Dragon King!

Dry Long King is the dry long type inside the Blood Realm, this place The Royal Family, is not just the Wang Beast, but all the dry long type inside the noblest bloodline!

Su Ping also did not bring this item to this group Of Truths inside, nor did he intend to sell this object, although 15 million . . . A lot, being an ordinary person for a lifetime can’t make money!

But, money can not be earned back, and such treasures are enlightenable but cannot be demanded!

In Su Ping’s eyes, it’s not just 15 million, it’s just a raw qi system.

“There’s real power, there’s resources to come.”

In the Chaos Spirit Realm of this kind, Su Ping witnessed countless terrifying monsters, and a little survival for countless years, he looked at how big the world was, how vast it was.

Only real power, is contempt for the ten thousand ancient capital!

“This thing, fit can be used for a long time, its quality is already middle-class, far ahead of countless other low-level long-dried types, if it allows it to harvest the Dry Long King bloodline, it can unleash its combat power, the stronger it will be!”

Su Ping is not stingy, has the strength to gain more things, if it is merely accumulating money, on the contrary, it will confuse the tail end.

Besides, considering that this thing was sold, exchanged for 150,000 energy, it could not be used at the moment, promoted to the fourth-level Spirit Chaos, needed a million energy, and was extremely far behind. For him to say, in the short term, bringing the rest of the Divine Realm to get energy, it was already enough.

I really can’t, I’m going to go on another trip.

Walking into the palace, Su Ping saw that Xiao Xiu and Lei Guangxuan were both in the realm of deep sleep.

Su Ping walked into the long-dried pee on his side, brought him awake, and at the long-dried pee inside, brought the Blood Spirit Zhou to him.


Xiao Xiao saw Blood Lingzhou at the moment, and his eyes immediately turned bright red, breaking the tears of excitement.

The blood spirit receptors later, immediately inserted into their heads inside, very quickly, the Blood Lingzhou was like a mosaic in its skull bone inside, silently spinning, radiating blood energy, flowing down the whole body, slowly changing it bloodline.

Long dry pee in consciousness constantly transmits joyful consciousness, joy to the limbs.

Su Ping felt that it transmitted to the other part of his agitation, smiled, touched his small head, this time there was no way to arbitrarily break his neck bone.

“Little Fire Family, I’ll rely on you later.” Su Ping laughed.

Xiao Ying understood Su Ping, repeatedly nodded, and pulled out the inner hip bone in the swinging sword twice, proving that he could be trusted.

Su Ping let it continue to rest, turned around and went to the stage shop, waiting for customers on one side, and continuing last night without a test to finish cultivation.

Extremely fast time.

Today, I went to the entrance to see very few people, randomly came to one, just came to the front of the counter to ask about things, when I saw the container above a large number of listed objects, the lowest were all dozens of coins, the popularity was several hundred, immediately threatened to turn around and leave.

For two days in a row, although someone came to see it, they could not sell a single piece of stuff.

The third day.

Su Pingyuan normally walked into the shop, brought on the counter the ashes to clean up later, and coordinated his cultivation.

It wasn’t long before a guest came to the door.

“Old man, we’re here to get the beast.” A clear one sounded.

Su Ping raised his head and looked up, it was the other two.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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