“Mission accomplished, clearing board . . .”

“The shop is officially open for business.”

“Establishment (currency conversion) module, establishment (chaos of Lingzhi conception ). . .”

“The new mission master gives a reward, does it take it now?”

Familiar with the sound reminder system for Su Ping to think soberly, just hearing the reward, his eyes lit up, without saying two words: “Take it!”

“The master harvests the elementary ‘Divine Beast Inspection Jutsu’.”

The Beast Of Magic?

Su Ping waited for a few seconds, didn’t hear the reminder again, couldn’t help but glare.

This one doesn’t have?

He had spent three days of torture in Purgatory, and yet exchanged it for a copy of the Interrogation Beast? Is it still elementary? !

There is the Federation of Painting Book Beasts, this Art Inspection Beast in Su Ping seems to be chicken tendons, so rubbish that it is impossible to rubbish skills.

“The system that bestows the Charismatic Beast Examiner, can clearly see billions of Charismatic Spirits, not that you picture book charisma can compare.”

The ice system responded, obviously for Su Ping in his heart of resentment.

Su Ping was stunned.

See billions of Charismatic Spirits clearly?

In his memory, even if it was the most powerful Federation of picture book charisma, there were only a few million kinds of Charismatic Materials, including many that had destroyed the Charismatic Spirit.

This is in the legend of the production system, must be the essence a?

Su Ping immediately resented the whole dissipation, although this and him were waiting to be able to instantly enhance the different reward power, but also extremely appreciated the skill.

Besides, in the future, if he once again entered the Yunhai Realm so far away in the ancient world, he could also use this Judging Jutsu to distinguish the other ancient Charismatic Spirits, after all, those Charismatics were mostly extinct, their documents in the Inner Picture Book Federation but there were not many records.

Having just gained the skill, Su Ping’s emotions expanded, agitated, looked around for a moment, and suddenly thought of Lei Guangyi.

“Where’s this little thing?”

Su Ping hurriedly ran to the back of the palace, and saw that Lei Guangxuan had already entered the neck of Old Shi Yanyue inside, who was fast asleep.


Obviously, these three days of hell, I soon let him get unbearably tired, so as soon as he returned to this familiar local, he started snoring o.. o…….

Three days ago, Lei Guangxuan’s appearance was not large, just a light purple hair with many dark purple strands, and his body also seemed a little thin.

Suddenly, from above it, it seemed to not disperse a fierce beast bass, causing another party Shi Yanyue inside Zi Yuxiu to tremble, extremely uneasy.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Su Ping in his heart exhaled lightly, although the contract had been dissolved, there was no way between them there was any way to exchange feelings, but after three days together, he was already a little uneasy.

Unfortunately, it is someone else Charismatic, which must be returned in the end.

“Is it the use of the Judging Beast?”

Su Ping silently sighed as he suddenly jumped out of his mind.

Consider this fire family?

Su Ping was a little stunned, right.

Lei Quang Tri

Attributes: Charismatic beasts

Caste: Upper caste

Combat power: 3. 6

Quality: Middle and lower types

Control ability: Shaan Electric Speed, Lei Shaan, Lei Xiu, Lei Xiu, Lei Dien

Su Ping was immediately stunned.

Lei Shaan?

He was in control, and yet he could see ‘Lei Shaan’ !

Did he really finish this peak of The Secret System? !

Su Ping was a little shocked, in the back in the battle, he didn’t see Lei Guangxuan again ‘Lei Shaan’ and thought that he was initially mistaken, didn’t think about it, but was really enlightened by it!

It’s just that a Federation can be seen everywhere, the lowest level Lei Guangxuan, but holding the seven or eight stages of Lei Shaan College, it is difficult to hold the ‘Lei Shaan ‘ this is how shocking it is, just afraid that others will think that he is crazy!

“This little firebender . . . My self-worth multiplies!”

Su Ping regained consciousness, his eyes glowing.

A hold of the secret ‘Lei Shaan’ Lei Guangyuan, it is worth only a hundred times more than its fellow human beings?

Let’s not say there are other great skills.

With the exception of the common Lei Guangxue holding the Outer Speed Palace, the ‘Lei Qi’ and the ‘Lei Guangxue’ are none of them essential Charismatic Colleges?

Controlling so much of Lei Guangxuan’s skill, saying that the Divine Beast stage was not excessive at all.

Is it so bizarre that, at its own property, is it “Middle Xia of all kinds”?

“The quality of the estimate, which is the endless base of chaos that has just begun so far all Lei Guang try the data to conduct the comparison achieved, the host does not need to be skeptical.”

Su Ping’s inspiration was incredulous in his heart, and the system said coldly.

“All Lei Guang try . . .”

Su Ping was stunned, silently not speaking.

Particularly, the Federation every year Lei Quang Tri generates numbers, it is difficult to count the number, let alone from the ancient chaos of the beginning of the calculation.

So to . . .

This Lei Guangxue could be ranked in the middle of the world, already considered to be terrifyingly strong!

. . .

. . .

Su Yanyue raised his head slightly, and could already see at the end of the street the small room of the charismatic shop —— the mischievous little charismatic shop.

Today the sun was bright, but Su Yanyue was a piece of darkness, extremely broken.

She didn’t think of herself but such bad luck, at the preliminary stage competition, was immediately cornered.

This is the academy once a year, the strong and weak students will also be in the tournament above, through the tournament to enter a little Charismatic Master in the eyes, get a better harvest than the teacher, also bring from themselves to enter the Battle Spirit at a brief background!

How, constantly, she encountered all the opponent’s great heat, resulting in her meticulous support for the warriors, all of whom were wounded, already difficult to re-fight.

Stop at prequalification?


This was absolutely impossible for her to accept!

She had left a huge price in the house, invited her to the master healer, and helped her cure such a charismatic battle.

But only one must not be enough, can only be a killer blow.

She also needed to fight ahead, to probe the enemy ace of grace.

If it weren’t for the academy forbidding for a month to complete the charismatic contract, she would even think about temporarily buying some charismatic beasts, which would be a huge burden for her, even a problem.

But now, there was no other one on her side, there was only one left outside Lei Guangyi.

A very common one lei Quang Tri.

Usually nothing strange.

She originally intended to directly ignore it, after all, this Lei Guangxuan had already caught up with her footsteps, facing her current opponent, just dying.

But fortunately, at that time, she had a soft heart, there was no direct dissolution of the contract, leading to the fact that now this Lei Guangxuan had become the side she only had the second one that could go to the battle of grace.

Although a little weak, when the stone test should be no problem.

“Is the old man there?”

Pushing open the door, Su Yanyuan entered this house, arbitrarily assessed a little in this shop, found that the place was empty, as if he wanted to clean the house.

This is wanting to close a?

Su Yanyi thought to himself, fortunately, I arrived in time.


Su Ping heard the sound, immediately retreated from the palace, and saw a young woman standing in the shop, looking at the four sides.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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