“No. 38 Wilderness?”

Su Ping, on the other hand, knew that there were more than five hundred Wild Zones, all of them had their own numbers, this number 38 Wild Zone could be ranked like that near the front, it could be seen that it was very early before the Wild Zone.

“Not wrong.” Pham Ngoc Kinh nodded, “No. 38 Wild Zone is level B Wild Zone, in history, there have been several times Wang Beast, but they have all atoned for their sins, now No. 38 Wild Zone is inside, at most, there is only a beast college.”

Su Ping nodded slightly.

The Divided Caste Zone , ordinary citizens also know.

In total, the ABCDE is divided into five castes, delegates differ from five castes.

In which ABC three caste Wild Zones, which belong to unstable areas, because of the appearance of unblemished spirits to become the Wilderness Zone.

But level D and level E Hoang Khu, one is that there has been a war after the ruins, inside spreading nuclear radiation and bacterial disease variants, survival inside The Charismatic is also mostly infected with these diseases, easily forming a large range of epidemics and diseases, so it was isolated into the Wilderness Zone.

Another one is Lam Tinh above the wilderness area, because there is no ability to use resources, arduous conditions, no people stay, leading to desolation, so it turns into a local wilderness, gradually forming the Wild Zone.

“I heard that the B-level Wild Zone is inside, the beast college is busy?” Su Ping asked.

Level B Wilderness Zone was considered to be relatively dangerous area, at least normally just graduated from War Master, did not have the right to advance, was first at level C Wild Zone, even level E Wild Zone went on a training schedule, performed well, three years later, can be sent to level B Hoang Khu.

Fan Yujing nodded slightly, “It’s mainly that the charismatic beast college is relatively busy, the beast charisma college is also a little rare, at least two or three times, it can be met once, unlike the A-level Wild Zone inside, I heard that every exodus, you will meet the Crystal Charisma College, the mortality rate is extremely high!”

Speaking of level A WildErness, he couldn’t help but show a ring of abstinence in his eyes.

“One-third probability a . . .” Su Ping’s eyes blinked slightly.

It’s also receptive.

Just don’t touch Wang Beast well.

Very quickly, on the highway cross-country car, passing by the toll booth at the time, there is no need to scan the card directly.

Su Ping knew that it was more and more on the number plate.

This license is the travel document.

Moment-specific, maybe even straightening out red lights!

As for the powerful False Reclaiming, Su Ping had a place to hear, there had been a lot of people teasing to Fake Reclamation, being beaten to death by The False Reclaimed on the spot.


When the news report came out, I heard that the other False Reclaimed also received a ‘forbidden’ punishment.

As for whether or not it really matters ‘Prohibition’ then no one already knows, the common people will not continue to penetrate deeply to continue to explore.

But at least to be clear, The False Wilderness kills without death!

The main reason is that, in the vast majority of ordinary people’s eyes, The False Wilderness is impossible to tease.

On the highway that ran like an hour, Su Ping finally entered the border base.

The border is extremely sparse, the architecture is sparse, but in this place the road is wider, the more solid.

Su Ping’s gaze was on the window of the car, where there was a majestic dao towering high wall.

This is the base area next to the wall.

Preventing The Charismatic Wilderness from entering, most importantly, preventing Wang Beast from entering!

“So high . . .”

In the old days on TV, seeing the whole picture, and seeing it completely differently, Su Ping was a little frightened, so high the wall said at least two or three hundred meters, which can be said to be extremely majestic!

Along the highway downwards, is an asphalt end of the road, the side of the road is all wild weeds.

The road ahead is outside the entrance wall, the side of the road is illuminated by street lights.

As they drove out of the city, there were occasional cars flying by.

“As an adventurer.” Pham Ngoc Kinh just glanced over and said: “This is all after graduation without entering the battle team, can only go to the civil enterprise in the Chien Su Su factory.

Su Ping nodded slightly.

The Master has two paths, the first is to reclaim the battle team.

The second is to go to business people.

Although the vast majority of people expect not to be able to compare with the Federation, but there are also some eloquent resources, remuneration is no less than reclaiming the battle team, just the corresponding requirements are also very high, even comparing the reclaimed combat team receives high conditions!

Very quickly, they came in and out of the mouth.

This place was occupied by troops day and night, and when they arrived, dozens of eyes immediately condensed.

“Check.” An officer walked over.

Pham Ngoc Kinh turned the window of the car down, took out a black wolf’s head.

The officer paid his respects, immediately bowed, then gave the pass, not even looking up in the car.

A few dozen meters out of the city, it is also possible to meet this side of the wall how scary the wall is.

At the outer base, was a desolate piece.

This kind of desolate spectacle, in the inner base is unseen, unless it is on the outer edge of the poor neighborhood.

Here in the wilderness, there were several heads of roads, navigating in different directions.

The appearance is not in the city so perfectly clean, but for the cross-country car, which is not a hindrance at all, Pham Ngoc Kinh chooses one end of the road, quickly advances, more than half an hour, and then arrives at a stronghold.

This is a megalith, inside is a common structure.

“This is No. 38 Reclaimed Base.”

Pham Ngoc Kinh stood outside the headquarters, with Su Ping and Li Ye getting off the car together, at the entrance door, the guard gestured below, took out the medal, and then immediately passed.

The base is like a market.

Ten parts boisterous.

Although it is night, this place has street lights, there is electricity.

On the side of the road, there are many simple stalls, above which there is a thrilling display of objects, there are ancient figures of plants, there are also small animals, there are also eggs.

Seeing the egg moment, Su Ping immediately thought of himself.

Also don’t know how to incubate . . .

“We’re reclaiming things when we make things, we’re here to sell, we’re going to hang in the reclaiming online transactions above.” Pham Ngoc Kinh smiled and said: “Although it is an occupational danger, it is also an extraordinary thing to earn career money, good luck, once a mission, and compensate ordinary people for a lifetime’s salary.”


Su Ping nodded slightly, not interested.

I mean make money,

The False Reclaimed is also just a worker, genuinely making money, the others sit at the base of the women’s enjoyment zone and the great old good wine, no need for life and death to work hard, can be relieved to shave down a part of The False Reclaim with sweat and tears, put in a bag.

Very fast.

Pham Ngoc Kinh carried Su Ping to a small building in front of the stairs.

“Little girls, I’ll let you bring new friends!” Fan Yujing said with a smile.

Two people came out for a long time, one was a pale figure, looking over forty middle-aged people, his face was full of beard, his whole body muscles were full, and he felt ten parts of strength.

Another was a lovely slim figure, a young woman, and Su Ping was aware.

“Your sister?”

Su Ping was stunned.

“How do you scold people?” Fan Xiaoyu was angry with his hands.

Fan Yujing couldn’t help but smile, and said: “My sister is coming to the training schedule, she is already a three-year practitioner, immediately graduated, this time the academy brought to train.”

Su Ping looked at him with a little pride on his face, couldn’t help but be silent, this is a big heart, he himself came to reclaim, and he was excited.

“She follows us, will she get in the way?” Su Ping said.


Fan Xiaoyu immediately went mad.


From small to large, she was the other one’s thigh!


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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