Su Ping sat in the taxi in front, let the two schoolgirls sit in the back, and then drove to say Fengshan academy.

The driver looked at this situation, looked at the three old people, and immediately knew that they were all Fengshan Academy practitioners, on the way to say ten parts, and they listened to the Battle Master, it was because as an ordinary person, it was possible to be even more curious about the World Charismatic Master.

Su Ping said little, afraid of driving influence.

Half an hour later, they walked to the door of the academy, the road was already full, but the roadside was still full of good cars, from the car came out a little bit of a young man and girl, all of them were Fengshan academy students.

It is possible to enter this place in The Charismatic Sect, except for wanting to perform well outside, it also needs rich capital, the lowest must also be usually middle-class, otherwise this place tuition fees are more expensive than normal college people are not only ten times more expensive, Particularly, shopping for charisma and fostering charisma is expensive, it is normal for families to hardly bear weight.

The car to the side stopped, Su Ping directly pushed the door to the car, behind Lam Yue paid for the car, Su Ping glanced at it as if there was a bit of gate academy aura, relatively satisfied, led the way in.

Su Yanyuan and Lam Yue hurriedly chased after Su Ping, Su Yanyuan saw Su Ping, and said in amazement: “You came to our academy?”

“Nope.” Su Ping didn’t turn his head to speak.

Su Yanyue looked up, never came, how did you look like you came home?

It must be known, ordinary people who have just come to the Fengshan Academy, there is no shortage of wanting to be hit by the academy door on the main door, the other one is flying the phoenix for the shock, the other Phoenix but it is based on the ‘Purple Spirit Phoenix’ Beast, came from the name of the master, as vivid as the real thing, bringing the Lin Tian Army to the mettle.

She had just entered Fengshan Academy before, let’s join the other new students, who were in front of this door, the Phoenix jelly vibrated well for a while, later looked at the habit, these are the first scenic academy girls, also the arrogant students.

“This family . . .” Su Yanyi muttered a sentence, and quickly followed Su Ping’s footsteps.

Today was the cause performance, entering the academy, many of the students on the side were all dressed in a bit of a luxurious graceful way of dressing, they were the mothers, they even brought the brothers.

“Ah, this isn’t Su Yanyue?”

Suddenly, there was a schoolgirl who saw Su Ping behind Su Yanyue, and immediately raised her hand to block her mouth, her face full of unbelievable horror.

Hearing the three-word “Su Yanying”, the other practitioners immediately turned their heads to look back, when they saw Su Yanyuan’s face clearly, immediately each chant sounded, the people quickly surrounded.

Even if it was a daily thing, Su Yanyue also considered that in the celebrity academy, after all, the first teacher did not speak, still the female battle force on the top ten positions existed, there was real power, which male student did not want to conquer her?

Either . . . Conquered by her?

But from the end of the tournament every year, Su Yanyuan relied on Lei Guangyuan to be too important, killed in the final, making the reputation reach the extreme, even if it was to harvest the champion Ye Hao, during this period of time, the topic did not have Su Yan Yong much.

Anyway, the runner-up harvest is not primarily, mainly based on Lei Guangxuan obtaining.


The other one can join the six-stage super-level beast Lei Guangxuan, for everyone to stay and not forget to be inculcated.

“The other one is Su Yanyue?”

“I heard it was the third year runner-up.”

“It’s not wrong.”

In the distance, a few parents of practitioners were surrounded by Su Yanyue, a little jealous and red-eyed, this if it was a lot of feng shui himself?

At this time, the figure had turned into a treasure, and the surroundings rushed to sign and asked Lei Guangyuan to strengthen the cause of the people outside, turned to face Su Yanyuan and exclaimed: “You go first, don’t take care of me, meet in the same place.” This tone, is as tragic as dying bravely.

Looking over at his face, Su Ping held Su Yanyuan tightly and quickly entered the academy, and a small green grass head ran over, and behind him, there were a few fish in the boys’ net,

But not chasing for as long as he gave up, the strong chase was too unsightly anyway.

Halfway through, Su Ping suddenly stopped, patting his head in response, “Don’t we have to go to propaganda?”

Su Yanyue kept saying: “That’s right.”

“So what do we run?”

“Yoke, right?”

Su Yanyue and Su Ping glared at him with big eyes, but looking back at the moment, it was inevitable that it was a little strange.

“Alright, go ahead with the number two propagandists gathered, the door of the others is not needed, you go ahead to find those people with money.” Su Ping pondered a word.

Su Yanyue looked up, in his heart, in silence, Luo Yue mourned, after all, it was a flower spear, still a celestial master, and now he was considered by Su Ping as a number two propagandist . . . Types, she’s number two, so who’s number one?

Su Yanyi was suddenly stunned, waiting for the god to arrive, Su Ping had already gone away.

She opened her mouth wide, finally laughing a little, chasing her way up.

It wasn’t long before the three people in a place of green grass inside the pavilion gathered, this Fengshan academy was extremely large, the shade of green trees was shady into ginseng, not only did there be rest in the pavilion, there were also some goldfish ponds.

“Ah, isn’t that Han Xiangcheng?” Lam Yue suddenly saw a place of rubble on the small road passing by a few people.

Su Yanyue’s eyes lit up, and Su Ping said: “They are all human warriors on the board.”

“Table power?” Su Ping was stunned, “The other one is very expensive? Hurry, don’t let them go.”

Su Yanyuan heard Su Ping’s urging, a little blushed, she had never taken the initiative with the person who started the conversation, everyone else came to talk to them, at the academy distributing leaflets of this kind, she always felt a little too embarrassed.

Su Ping saw that she was embarrassed, and said angrily: “Handing out leaflets is also a job, don’t you see this part of the work?”

Su Yanyi hurriedly said: “No.”

“Then don’t go.”

Su Yanyue bit his lip a little, and he had to persevere with Lam Yue to prevent him from going up.

“Su Yanyue?” Among the leaders Han Xiangcheng saw su Yanyuan and Lam Yue, a little startled, looked at the girls with red faces, in their hearts, they couldn’t help but vibrate, it must be . . . Did you guys watch the song?

“That, this one please take a look.” Su Yanyi blushed, and handed a leaflet to Han Xiangcheng.

Han Xiangcheng was a little strange, received the leaflet and looked at it, and couldn’t help but be surprised, “Here, what is this?”

“This is me the other Lei Guang try to cultivate the shop.” Su Yanyue blushed and said: “I Lei Guangyuan is in that place, you, you are interested, you can go in and see one.”

“Ah?” Han Xiangcheng gasped, doubting himself.

It’s not like that!

Isn’t the nose full of peach blossoms a, isn’t the jaw a?

My mind is moving, you show me this? !

Su Yanyue quickly gave him the three distinguished people to give a zhang, said the preferred sentence can come in and see one, and then also ran away and ran.

Luo Yue saw that he hadn’t even opened his mouth yet, and also followed Su Yanyue back.

“It’s out.” Su Yanyue ran a little breathlessly, his heartbeat was intense.

Su Ping in the distance saw the other party take the leaflet, and was very satisfied, “Not bad, let’s go, continue to find you rich fellows.”

Su Yanyuan and Lam Yue glanced at each other, although they knew that Su Ping in the training shop was not wrong, but because of what did this kind of thing, in his heart, there was a kind of feeling for disadvantaged classmates anyway?


The group of three people in the four-sided academy walked, it was not long before they came to a new target, Su Yanyue suddenly moved slightly, and Lam Yue came together, and it was not long before they returned, and in their hands, they did not see it.

Su Ping kept saying, “Where’s the leaflet?”

“For them, let them help us out.” Su Yanyue said with a smile, in his eyes, it was all fake.

Su Ping was quiet.

How quickly did they all learn to grow a bit?

“So you tell them, want to make it a priority to find money?” Su Ping asked.

“Speak.” Su Yanyue used his strength to reassure, but his eyes did not dare to look directly at Su Ping, a little faint, this kind of words Su Ping said on the one hand, but how could she open this mouth? Of course not.

Regardless, she felt like she didn’t speak, as long as these leaflets diffused, Su Ping in the shop slightly increased, immediately there would be a transmission of ten hundred transmissions, everyone knew, at that time, they wanted to go to the door, they could all come to the queue.

Su Ping slightly moved to the side of her gaze, and knew that she did not open her mouth, there was no way to pursue it, just spreading propaganda out well, arbitrarily to dozens of people, was enough to keep him busy.

“Old man, let’s go ahead and watch the competition, although it is not yet us, but the competition is very special, don’t miss it.” Su Yanyuan immediately changed the subject.

Su Ping nodded, thinking of this time, guessing that Su Ling Yue’s performance had also begun.

“You freshmen and third year performers, it’s the same game?” Su Ping asked.

“Of course.” Su Yanyue grinned a little, “It’s all in the biggest battle.”

“Let’s go then.” Su Ping said.

At the two female companions, the three of them walked together towards the arena academy.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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