Super God Dao Art

Chapter 20 Purple Qi Observation Divine Law

"I just underestimated the revenge of Guitouzhai, who knew they were so crazy?

Fortunately, Li Qing, the eldest of the Li family, was working in the county town, and Li Xun, the third child, was also preparing for the township exam in other places. Otherwise, the Li family would really be wiped out. "

The person didn't speak before, but the other person continued to talk.

"The most unfortunate thing is actually Li Xu, the second child of the Li family. I heard that he ran only 300 meters away from the guarding yamen, but he was caught up and killed."


"Li Xu is still dead after all."

Bai Ziyue lowered his head silently, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

He knew that he was indebted to him.

Regardless of the other party's intention or not, but Wu Liang's beheading, the Guitouzhai bandit that the other party killed in the early morning, as well as the "Ziqi Guan Shenfa" and "Hundred Symbols Catalog" in his hands are all related to the other party. And he got the benefit.

Silently jotting down this in his heart, Bai Ziyue was busy again with a hello.

The next period of time seemed to be calm. The government did not organize an attack on Guitouzhai because of the massacre. It was just posted on the streets and alleys. Wanted portrait.

Bai Ziyue naturally saw the portrait, the rough drawing level, even if the other party is really standing in front of him, it is difficult to recognize by the portrait, and it is almost useless.

As for the reward of 800 taels and 500 taels respectively, no matter how tempting it is, few people dare to do it.

The lessons from the Li family's past are still fresh in my mind.

Not to mention, in addition to the second and third village owners, Guitouzhai also has a mysterious and unpredictable Dazhai owner.

During the period, Li Qing, the eldest of the Li family, returned from the county seat, and after hastily done the funeral, he sold all the properties of the Li family in Qinghe Town. It seemed that he had no intention of revenge, and his family moved to the county seat.

In this regard, the people who paid attention were talking about it, and it was also through these discussions that Bai Ziyue came to understand.


Before I knew it, half a month had passed since the Li family accident.

In half a month, after Bai Ziyue spent another 150 liters, his literacy plan went quite smoothly.

Now he has been able to read an article quite smoothly without feeling obscure.

Some of the scriptures and meanings, he can also combine the knowledge of the previous life, and understand thoroughly, which can be regarded as a preliminary solution to the problem of literacy.

Moreover, the meditation pile he cultivated was finally raised to the perfection level when he collected 800 points of soul energy.

Name: Bai Ziyue

Strength: 1.83 (cannot be raised)

Speed: 1.75 (cannot be increased)

Constitution: 1.92 (cannot be improved)

Martial Arts: Meditation Pile Consummation (cannot be improved)

Soul Energy: 337

The consummation-level meditation pile not only greatly increased his various attributes, but most importantly, the energy in his body produced a transformation.

Bai Ziyue held a piece of paper vertically in his hand, and the other hand slowly stretched out. He did not move at a distance of ten centimeters from the paper, and the strength in his body was suddenly activated.


The paper was shattered, and the section fell directly on the ground.

"Strength out of the body! It can crack paper!"

This is the characteristic of the perfection of the meditation pile. The strength obtained from the exercise can be played out of the body to form a momentum.

This momentum is like the steam rushing from the boiling hot water when the lid is lifted, but it is more solid, forming a bunch, to the point that it can hurt people.

In fact, this is also the realm of Lieyang Gang's trainers. They have practiced martial arts for many years, and even if they don't deliberately practice meditation, they can push it to the level of perfection.

Slowly calming his breath, Bai Ziyue put away his strength.

Even if the meditation pile has been perfected, he still finds time to practice every day, not for the sake of progress. The completion level of the meditation pile has no progress.

All because he really has no other martial arts to practice.

But today, after all, something is different.

Bai Ziyue glanced around to confirm that there was no one around, and then took out a cloth bag from the lower deck of his bed.

Opening the cloth bag, the two books "Ziqi Guan Shenfa" and "Hundred Talismans Catalogue" immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

He already knew before that the "Ziqi Guan Shenfa" is the method of cultivating immortals, and the "Hundred Talismans Catalog" is to explain the runes and the method of making talismans.

The two books can be practiced at the same time, but, considering all the factors, Bai Ziyue just took out the "Ziqi Guan Shenfa", and then put the "Hundred Talismans Catalog" back again.

Talisman making requires materials and pens. Although there is no requirement for cultivation realm, ordinary people can make them.

However, he has no money.

Whether it's making talisman paper or buying and selling talisman pens, it takes money, and it costs a lot. With his total worth of only a few dozen pennies, he can't afford it at all.

In this way, it is natural that "Ziqi Guan Shenfa" is more suitable.

Opening the "Ziqi Viewing Divine Law", Bai Ziyue began to study it carefully for the first time.

This time, even if there are occasionally one or two words that are not familiar to him, he can combine the front and back and understand the meaning of the scriptures.

"Cultivation of the immortal way is to collect qi, eat dew, and nourish the mind, so as to achieve a clean and transparent body, and the spirit is full of qi. In this way, the first ray of spiritual qi can be born in the body.

Spiritual energy, the road of cultivation is the beginning! "

The beginning of the scriptures made Bai Ziyue feel a sense of stubbornness in his heart.

Next, on the top of the book, I began to introduce how to collect qi, how to eat dew, how to recuperate, how to be considered a pure and transparent body, full of energy and...

Step by step, complex and cumbersome.

However, just when Bai Ziyue started to think about how to practice according to the steps, the book changed his style and wrote: "The above is the method of ancient immortals.

In modern practice, the predecessors cut out most of the cumbersome and useless methods of practice, and majored in the technique of collecting Qi. "

Bai Ziyue blinked, feeling amused, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because if he practiced according to the methods of collecting qi, eating dew, and nourishing the spirit introduced in the book, it would be really difficult to implement it with his current status and conditions.

Next, the whole book introduces the true cultivation method of "Ziqi Guan Shenfa".

After reading the whole chapter, Bai Ziyue let out a long sigh of relief, and then immersed himself in the book again.

After three times to confirm that there was no omission, he closed the book.

The practice of "Ziqi Guan Shenfa" is mainly to collect Chaoyang Purple Qi and nourish the whole body with Chaoyang Purple Qi. When the body is nourished and perfected to a certain extent, the first ray of spiritual energy can be born in the body. It is simple but complex. .

The main difficulty is that when absorbing the Chaoyang Ziqi, one should not be greedy for merit, and one needs to master a degree.

"However, try it no matter how difficult it is."

Bai Ziyue had already made a decision in his heart.

Name: Bai Ziyue

Strength: 1.83 (cannot be raised)

Speed: 1.75 (cannot be increased)

Constitution: 1.92 (cannot be improved)

Martial Arts: Meditation Pile Consummation (cannot be improved)

Immortal method: Purple Qi conception of magic

Soul Energy: 337

Seeing that the Ziqi Guan Divine Law was indeed recorded on the attribute panel, Bai Ziyue was even more determined.

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