Super God Dao Art

Chapter 212 Second-rate master mid-term? (please subscribe)

Taking advantage of Guo Yun's inquiries, Wang Peng's face was pale, but he said quickly, "Brother Bai, Brother Dong, this time I admit that I am a brother.

With our strength, we will definitely not be the opponent of this old guy, even if we join forces.

I am very aware of the difference between a third-rate master and an ordinary internal force.

Not to mention that this old guy is still at the peak level of third-rate masters. All twelve meridians are unblocked, even in the hands of second-rate masters, he can save his life.

Therefore, when the old guy takes action later, the few of us have to flee in the first place, and there may be a chance of survival. "

Saying that, Wang Peng showed a bit of bitterness on his face.

Among the three, he has the highest realm and the strongest strength. Obviously, Guo Yun must be the one who immediately pursues him.

Therefore, his chances of survival are the most slim.

But this is the end, and he has only one fight.

It's not his style to take it easy.

"Actually, don't run away!"

Suddenly, Bai Ziyue said.


On the side Dong Wenwu was startled, and seemed to be a little puzzled.

"Okay, you are fine.

If that's the case, then all of you should go and be buried with them. "

Hearing that the three big kings under his command were all killed by Bai Ziyue and others, Guo Yun's expression changed, he took a deep breath, and his eyes instantly became extremely cold.

The powerful aura rose up, and even though it was more than ten meters away, it gave people a terrifying power of oppression to the extreme.


Wang Peng was startled, shouted loudly, and turned around instantly.

Dong Wenwu, who was on the side, did not hesitate at all, and his inner strength poured into his legs immediately, showing a light art.

As for being around them, there were only three Inner Refinement-level warriors left after a big battle. Even though some of them were injured, they still stepped up quickly, ignoring the wounds that burst due to the surging qi and blood, and the wounds. , the blood spurting out.

"I said, don't run away!"

Bai Ziyue let out a long whistle, and the momentum on his body suddenly rose rapidly at this moment.

An aura that belongs to the inner power realm rises up.

Next, is the third-rate master level.

The early stage of third-rate masters, the middle stage of third-rate masters, the later stages of third-rate masters...

Originally imposing like a rainbow, Guo Yun, who wanted to make a quick shot, changed his face, stopped after a pause, and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

In the same way, Wang Peng, Dong Wenwu and the others, who originally wanted to run wild, also stopped in astonishment, their eyes full of disbelief.

Third-rate master?

When did Bai Ziyue's strength reach the level of a third-rate master?

And... it doesn't seem to be more than that.

In the late stage of the third-rate master, Bai Ziyue's momentum has not stopped, he is climbing again, and soon, he has reached the peak of the third-rate master equal to Guo Yun.

"The third-rate master is at its peak."

Dong Wenwu's mouth widened.

"No... more than that, second-rate expert.

Second-rate master. "

Wang Peng was stunned.

how is this possible?

Even if he had long believed that Bai Ziyue's strength was quite extraordinary, he still found it hard to believe that the opponent's strength had already reached the level of a second-rate master.

You know, even his father is only in the late third-rate master stage now.

How old is Bai Ziyue? How many years does it take to practice martial arts?

"Mid-term second-rate master."

When Bai Ziyue's momentum climbed to the middle stage of the second-rate master, he finally stopped.

That completely outgoing aura, like a dark cloud in a cloudy and rainy weather, depressed to the extreme, the dull feeling that the thunderstorm is about to pour, makes people feel restless.

"I originally planned to get along with you as ordinary people, but in exchange, I was indifferent.

So, I don't pretend, it's a showdown.

In fact, I am really a second-rate master. "

Bai Ziyue's face was serious, and with his high-spirited appearance, even though he was a little weird in his heart, he really scared everyone.

It also includes Guo Yun, who is at the peak level of third-rate masters.

Beside Guo Yun, the Jiuyin Sect disciples who had planned to return to take revenge, all turned pale, and deep in their hearts, boundless fear dissipated, making them terrified.

Second-rate master? Why would such a strong man appear here?

Is it fun to bully us weaklings?

"Brother Bai, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply.

What's there to be afraid of? kill him. "

Wang Peng was overjoyed and turned back in an instant.

Dong Wenwu and others were also excited.

A second-rate master has a strong deterrent force at any time, not to mention that at this time, he is only facing Guo Yun, who is at the peak of a third-rate master, which directly affects the outcome of the battlefield.

"it is good!"

Bai Ziyue shouted loudly, as if he could stir up the situation.

"Let's let you go today."

Guo Yun was frightened in his heart, his scalp was numb, he shouted loudly, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

His movement is extremely fast, light and like a civet cat, he appeared at the end of the street in just a few ups and downs, and then disappeared in a flash.


Seeing this, Wang Peng and Dong Wenwu immediately became excited, and they quickly caught up with the disciples of the Nine Seals Sect. .


At this time, Wang Peng and Dong Wenwu discovered that Bai Ziyue was standing there and didn't move at all, so they could not help asking, "What's wrong with Brother Bai?

You shouldn't have allowed that Guo Yun to escape just now. Killing him is also a great achievement in the gang. "

"Yeah, but I really didn't expect that Brother Bai's strength would be so strong, a second-rate expert... Even with the newly promoted Elder Nie Yunhao, only four of them have reached this level, and now there should be fifth seated."

Dong Wenwu, who was on the side, sighed repeatedly and said with honor.

"Do you really think I'm a second-rate expert?"

Bai Ziyue smiled helplessly, and as he spoke, the wild aura on his body instantly weakened and continued to decline.

In the blink of an eye, his momentum has declined from the middle stage of the second-rate master, to the third-rate master, the inner strength realm, and then stopped until the level of inner training.

"This this……"

Wang Peng opened his mouth.

Dong Wenwu and others, who were originally excited and surprised, were also shocked.

what happened?

"Do you know how to restrain the breath?

This breath-holding tactic is essentially a martial art that restrains the strength of qi and blood.

But few people know that the reverse operation of the Breath Conditioning Art can rapidly grow one's own aura to a point that far exceeds the limit of one's original strength.

The reason why my aura is so strong is not because of my own strength at all, but through the effect of the Breath Conditioning Art. "

Bai Ziyue explained.

Of course, if you want to bring your own momentum to the level of a second-rate master, even a martial artist who has also cultivated the Breath Relief Art to perfection is difficult to achieve.

It's all just because his own strength is not weak, so he can easily figure out the aura of a second-rate master.

If possible, he is still reluctant to expose his strength too much.

"Can it still be like this?"

"So, we actually walked around the gate of hell just now?

If that Guo Yun noticed something, wouldn't it be..."

Wang Peng and Dong Wenwu broke out in a cold sweat at almost the same time.

When I thought of how arrogant I was just now, I felt glad in my heart.

Fortunately, Guo Yun, the elder of the Nine Seals Sect, was frightened, otherwise they would be finished.

The remaining few people looked at each other in dismay, and all showed lingering fears.

"In this case, we can't stay here for long.

Once that Guo Yun recovers, then we are in danger. "

As Wang Peng said that, he immediately gave up his original plan, turned around quickly, and planned to rush back to the circuit.

"Hahaha... So that's the case, I said, why does it feel a little wrong, it turns out to be just a method of using qi and blood."

Just at this moment, a thick sound of laughter came out, followed by Guo Yun, who had already disappeared, and rushed towards him at an astonishing speed.

"I have to say, you are very smart and courageous.

However, because of this, you must die today.

The strong cannot be humiliated, let alone deceived.

If you dare to tease me, you will pay the price. "

Guo Yun's voice was like a wave, rolling in.

"It's over!"

Wang Peng's body was cold, and he even lost the courage to escape at this moment.

Guo Yun went back and forth, and immediately put them in an extremely dangerous state.

There was a hint of despair in the eyes of the others.

The peak speed of the third-rate masters was too fast in their opinion. It was as fast as thunder. They calculated that even if they scattered and fled, it was estimated that they would never escape the pursuit of such powerhouses.

"A price?"

Bai Ziyue did not panic in his heart, with a calm expression on his face, and said, "Do you really think that I have no means to deal with you?"


Guo Yun was surprised for a moment, and then, a look of incomparable anger appeared on his face, and said coldly: "Things like ants, who are you scared?

In this world, strength represents everything. "

As he said that, his speed became faster, and in an instant, he came to Bai Ziyue's front.

"Then die."

Bai Ziyue let out a sigh, then took it into his arms, and a thick animal skin appeared in his hand.

On this animal skin, it is densely packed and engraved with incomparably complex patterns, which are mysterious and powerful.

Even from a distance, faintly, you can feel an extremely suppressed aura from the animal skin, which makes people uneasy.


This animal skin is exactly the talisman drawn by Bai Ziyue.

And it was what he could draw wrong, the most powerful thunderbolt transformation talisman.

Do your best to surging, Wei Wei explodes on top of the talisman!


The talisman in Bai Ziyue's hand was instantly activated, and the moment it was torn to pieces by a majestic force, a huge and thick black cloud condensed in the void.

"not good……"

Guo Yun's face changed wildly, his heart panicked countless times than before, and he immediately fled away from the distance at a faster speed than when he came.

Talisman? !

Immortal method?

how is this possible?

He didn't have the slightest resistance at all, he just wanted to escape and escape as soon as possible.

But it's too late!

Stab it!

The thunder and lightning exploded, without any stagnation at all, and quickly fell down.


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