Super God Dao Art

Chapter 755: The Eternal Soul Lamp

Silently comparing the three inheritances, Bai Ziyue was delighted, feeling that he had gained a lot.

Not only are these extremely exquisite inheritances, but also because they contain extremely powerful secret techniques.

Many of these secret techniques even surpass the level of ordinary Taoism, and the rules involved are mysterious and extremely complicated. With Bai Ziyue's background and understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, he feels dizzy after a little depth, and it is hard to see. Once you grasp it clearly, you can imagine how powerful it is.

"However, from these inheritances, I also discovered that the inheritance of each strong man is actually a self-contained system.

Most of them are based on the cultivation method, whether it is the attack method or the defensive method, they are in perfect harmony with one's own cultivation method, and can use it to exert the strongest power.

For example, in Aoxue Dragon Emperor's inheritance, the Shenlong Aoshijue is the main one. The real dragon's nine tails and the real dragon avatar are closely related to the Shenlongaoshijue. Only after practicing the Shenlongaoshijue can one Bring out the strongest power of these means.

The same is true for the inheritance of the Heart Sword True Venerable.

Although the true universal method cannot be regarded as the ultimate method of cultivation, the Heart Sword and Sword Manual is the most compatible with this method, and only with the help of this method can it exert the strongest power. "

Bai Ziyue also understood this very well.

No matter how strong they are, the core is naturally the fundamental method they practice.

For example, Ao Xuelonghuang's Shenlongaoshijue, Zhenzun Xinjian's universal and true method, and even the holy thunderbolt also has his own fundamental method, which is exactly the twelve thunder gods and demons, but many methods are integrated. That's all.

From this, Bai Ziyue thought of himself.

He found that although he created the one-yuan Dao method, swallowing the gods to change the art, and the supreme Dao Yuan Gong and other exercises that fit all levels of realms.

But these are just exercises, his basic methods.

However, whether it is offensive techniques or defensive methods, what he uses are all the methods of his predecessors.

Even because the exercises he cultivated are peerless in the world, applicable to any method, and can bring any supernatural powers and Taoism to the extreme. With the help of the time of enlightenment and the book of the Dao, he can even bring out the old and bring forth new ones, deduce and improve them. , reaching the perfect level.

However, these are all the methods of predecessors, not the most suitable methods created by him based on his own skills.

"Looking at the past and looking at the present, I should also be enlightened from the people of the past.

In terms of exercises, I have reached the extreme. If I want to transcend again and no longer rely too much on the methods of the predecessors, then I must create a method that truly belongs to me and comes from my own heart.

A method comparable to innate supernatural powers, which is most suitable for him.

For example, Dragon King Ao Xue's Nine Tails of the True Dragon, True Venerable Heart Sword's Heart Sword and Sword Manual..."

Bai Ziyue pondered.

In particular, the Heart Sword Sword Manual of True Venerable Heart Sword is a super method that can break through the limit of the realm. Although it is still Taoism in terms of rank, the power of cultivation to the extreme exceeds the level of Taoism. It is a super method. The supreme method that can break the shackles of the realm.

"However, with my current accumulation, it is not difficult to create my own secret technique, but to reach the height of the Heart Sword Sword Canon of the Heart Sword True Venerable, there is still some accumulation.

There is no hurry, everything will wait until I have reached the level of Yuanshen Realm.

The state of the peak of the golden core state is still too low after all.

If you haven't seen the realm of the real Yuanshen realm, how can you really create a method that is comparable to, or even surpasses, the Heart Sword and Sword Code in this realm? "

Bai Ziyue's mind was peaceful.

Although he was shocked by the inheritance of the three strong men, he did not look at these inheritance with the eyes of low-level monks looking up at them with admiration and awe.

The first thing to consider is whether your own ability can match or even surpass them.

Confidence is quite sufficient.

All he needs is time!


Qi Ling of the Palace of Memory Inheritance looked at Bai Ziyue and asked with a smile.


Bai Ziyue nodded and continued, "Very powerful."

"Of course it's powerful. Whether it's the inheritance of the god-distracting state, the inheritance of the extreme state, or even many other inheritances, if there is no potential, how can it be qualified to enter my memory inheritance hall and pass it down through the ages?"

Qi Ling said something proudly before continuing: "Fellow Daoists must know that in this Dragon Palace, there is the corpse of a fallen real dragon.

I can tell you with certainty that it is a true dragon at the level of distraction, the strongest true dragon besides the Dragon King, Dragon King Aogu Cangao.

Although it has fallen now, what is flowing on it is the blood of the distracted true dragon, which is of a very high grade, and as time goes by, it has condensed into a true dragon blood crystal.

Weak friends can use this real dragon blood crystal to transform into real dragon blood. Not only will the bloodline level reach an extremely high level, but the safety will also be greatly increased. "

It has never given up on the idea of ​​transforming Bai Ziyue into a real dragon's blood.

Not only is it related to its recognition of its master, but also because it is an inherited spirit treasure sacrificed by a strong dragon clan after all.

In my heart, I yearn for the real dragon family.

Therefore, it hopes that the one who will master the Memory Inheritance Palace in the future is the real dragon family, and no matter how bad it is, it should be a strong man with the blood of the real dragon.

Bai Ziyue's talent potential and cultivation aptitude are unrivaled in the world, and there will be no one before or after. He naturally hopes that he can also transform from now on and become a strong man with the blood of a real dragon.

It would be great if it could restore the supreme prosperity of the ancient peak clan, the True Dragon Clan.

"Thanks for the reminder, senior.

It's just that it may be to disappoint the seniors.

True dragon blood is good, but it is not my choice.

Although it is a pity that I can't get the Hall of Memory Inheritance, if my bloodlines are mixed because of this, it is not what I want.

Although I dare not compare myself to a divine beast or a real dragon, with pure blood, I can be proud of the present.

But I also hope that I can form my own bloodline, so that future generations can be proud of my own bloodline. "

As Bai Ziyue spoke, he made a speech.

Then he backed out.

This trip to the Memory Inheritance Hall, he was quite satisfied with being able to obtain the three inheritances. Although he was indeed jealous of other inheritances, he didn't have to.

If it makes his blood mixed, he would rather not.

Of course, after refusing, he was also very cautious.

The power of alchemy in the body circulates slowly, always on guard.

Fortunately, the Spirit of the Memory Inheritance Palace seemed to have no malicious intentions, or was unable to motivate the Memory Inheritance Palace to do anything at all, so Bai Ziyue walked out smoothly.

"What's the matter? Can you get the inheritance? What kind of inheritance?

By the way, I remember that Da Ri Zhenlong said at the time that the Memory Inheritance Hall is generally based on the performance of the monks themselves, so as to obtain the recognition of the instinctive consciousness of inheritance.

It is said that the more recognition of instinctive consciousness, the higher the monk's potential and the greater the choice.

The Great Sun True Dragon back then had obtained the instinctive recognition of one hundred and thirty-five inheritances, including nine inheritances of the Extreme Realm and thirty-eight inheritances of the peak of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

It's a pity that it was not approved by the inheritance of the God Realm, otherwise it might have escaped in the previous battle. "

After Bai Ziyue released Fairy Bichen from Beiming Cave, the other party couldn't wait to ask.

"It's good luck, I was lucky enough to get the three inheritances."

Bai Ziyue laughed.

"Three inheritances? What inheritances are they all?

So you have attracted the recognition of several inherited instinctive consciousness? "

Fairy Bichen asked curiously.

She actually doesn't know much about the rules of the True Dragon Clan.

Therefore, it is not clear that even the ancient true dragon family would have to pay a huge price and need a lot of merit points to get a chance to enter the memory inheritance hall.

And it is almost impossible to obtain three inheritances at once.

That is to say, now that the Dragon Palace is dilapidated, coupled with Bai Ziyue's earth-shattering talent and potential, the spirit of the Palace of Memory Inheritance has a heart of friendship, so that he can make an exception and directly obtain the inheritance of the three sects.

"Ao Xuelonghuang's inheritance, there is another inheritance of the thunder sage, and it is the inheritance of the heart sword."

Bai Ziyue didn't hide anything, and it wasn't something that should be kept secret.

"As for how much instinctive awareness was evoked.

Well, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. "

"How much? One thousand seven hundred and ninety-two?

As far as I know, there are 1,792 inheritance techniques in the entire inheritance hall, right?

Doesn't this mean that almost all inheritances have recognized you? "

Fairy Bichen exclaimed, her face full of disbelief.

Even though she had known for a long time that with Bai Ziyue's aptitude and potential, he would definitely be able to obtain a lot of recognition of inheritance consciousness, but she was a little shocked that the other party could obtain all the recognition of inheritance consciousness.

"Wait, Dragon Emperor Ao Xue and Saint Thunder, as far as I know, are both the inheritance of the power of the distraction realm. As for the heart sword master, it seems that they are also strong in the distraction realm... So, this time you directly Obtained the inheritance of three god-distracting realms?"

Fairy Bichen couldn't help staring.

"That's not true. Aoxue Dragon Emperor and Thunder Lord are indeed the inheritance of the Distraction Realm, but when the Heart Sword True Lord left the inheritance, it was only at the peak of the Primordial Spirit Realm, so it was only the inheritance of the Extreme Realm.

However, this inheritance is not bad.

In my opinion, the value is not weaker than the other two inheritances. "

Bai Ziyue paid more attention to the Heart Sword and Sword Code.

Saying that, the two of them walked forward, carefully avoiding some places that obviously contain powerful restrictions, but there is no place to hide many treasures.

Soon, a relatively intact palace appeared in front of him.

"True Dragon Soul Hall?"

Bai Ziyue looked at the plaque suspiciously.

Feeling that the restriction inside was not strong enough, he rushed in without hesitation.

It was soon discovered that this hall was actually the place where the Dragon Soul Lamp was enshrined among the True Dragon Clan. If the soul lamp is not extinguished, it means that the strong dragon clan has not yet fallen.

If the soul lamp goes out, it means that the real dragon powerhouse corresponding to the soul lamp has fallen.

Bai Ziyue took a quick glance at the beginning, and there were a lot of soul lamps on the hall, but almost all of them had been extinguished, obviously the corresponding real dragon powerhouse had fallen.

However, it's normal to think about it. After tens of thousands of years, even the strong in the Yuanshen realm will run out of life and fall, not to mention that the Dragon Palace has gone through ancient catastrophes, but it has been dilapidated.

Even if there was a real dragon who escaped by luck at the beginning, now that the years have passed, he will naturally run out of life and die.

"The real dragon clan was really prosperous back then.

The number of soul lamps is tens of thousands.

You must know that the number of divine beasts has always been rare. Even if it includes countless generations of inheritance, this number is not small. "

Fairy Bichen at the side couldn't help but sighed.

Bai Ziyue nodded, and also found that most of the outside of the main hall were real dragon soul lamps with low strength. At least he was in it, and he didn't see the soul lamp record of the strong man who left the inheritance in the memory inheritance hall.

Turning around involuntarily, he entered the inner hall.

There is also a forbidden guard in this inner hall.

But this kind of restraint strength can only prevent the full blow of the strong in the early stage of Yuanshen realm, but it can't stop Bai Ziyue.

He just stretched out his hand a little, and smashed it into pieces while the sword light faltered.

He also stepped into the inner hall smoothly.

Then, his eyes fell on the many soul lamps above the inner hall, and he couldn't help but be surprised.


There are still five soul lamps, which have not been extinguished. "

Fairy Bichen also came in, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

They knew very well what the five eternal soul lamps represented.

"If this real dragon beast is free from disease and disaster, how long will it live?

What is the lifespan of a strong man in the distraction realm? "

Bai Ziyue couldn't help asking.

"The so-called 80,000-year-old tortoise, as we all know, has the longest lifespan, it is the mysterious tortoise family who are also divine beasts, if they grow normally and are free from disease and disaster, they can live for at least ten thousand years.

As for the True Dragon Clan, who are also divine beasts, they naturally have a lot of lifespan. Although they are slightly weaker than the Xuangui Clan, they still have eight thousand years.

These 8,000 years are actually calculated from their infancy to adulthood and then to their old age, and it is also the time for them to grow normally without practicing.

In fact, if they practice the true method and continue to refine their bloodlines to grow, their life span will naturally be extended.

Generally speaking, most of the true dragons at the primordial spirit level can survive for more than 20,000 years, and the limit should be around 30,000 years.

As for those who are strong in the distraction state, based on my knowledge, I don't dare to speculate. "

Fairy Bichen said with a solemn face.

"It has been more than 30,000 years since the Heavenly Demons from outside the Territory descended and the Dragon Palace was shattered.

But these five soul lamps are still lit..."

As Bai Ziyue spoke, he was really shocked in his heart, and he couldn't help shouting: "Among the dragon clan, there are at least five real dragon powerhouses alive, and there are still five, at least all of them are true dragon powers at the distraction level. "

Although he already had certain speculations about the profound background of the True Dragon Clan, he still felt a sense of horror at this moment.

The five living dragons in the Distraction Realm...

Just thinking about it, Bai Ziyue knew the unusual meaning it represented.

I thought that the True Dragon Clan had already been destroyed, at least since the First World War in the Star Realm, there has been no True Dragon Clan anymore.

But now it seems that there must be a big secret hidden in the real dragon clan.

You know, tens of thousands of years have passed, and no one knows what realm these true dragon powers have reached.

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