"Soul energy +9."

Bai Ziyue put away the long knife without changing his face, and continued to move forward.

Walking in this dense mountain forest, it is very common to encounter such poisonous snakes and other things. There were five or six poisonous snakes that died in his hands before, and he also encountered a lone wolf without long eyes. dead things.

"Okay, it's almost there."

When they came to a huge valley formed by two high mountains mixed together, the old scholar finally spoke and said.

"The sophora tree spirit is in this col?"

Bai Ziyue looked curiously at the huge mountain. Compared with the denseness on the mountain, the trees in the mountain were sparser.

But without exception, the trees here seem to be extraordinarily tall.

"This is a rare gathering place for spiritual energy in the vicinity, so the plants growing in the vicinity are extraordinarily tall and lush.

Moreover, in this place, the probability of alien beasts appearing is much higher than the outside world. "

As the old Xiucai spoke, he suddenly heard a huge roar of tigers coming from the mountain.

Bai Ziyue tightened the long knife in his hand and became more cautious.

I don't know when, I also took out a few talismans in the other hand.

"Don't worry, at most it's just a tiger that has just stepped into the path of evolution, and it's not a big threat."

The old Xiucai said so, and he also took out a golden knife from his arms, and the traces of spiritual aura emanated from the knife, which was shocking.

Magic weapon!

Bai Ziyue squinted, a look of envy on his face.

He also has two magical tools on his body, both obtained from Wu Hao who died under his hands. It's just that these two instruments, one is the corpse-calling bell to control zombies, and the other is the ghost-raising gourd that keeps ghosts, and for him without ghosts and zombies, it is useless.

Obviously, the golden knife in the hands of the old scholar is the magic weapon with extraordinary attack power.

I just don't know, what rank is that magic weapon?

"Because of the material limitation, the rank of this golden wire knife is only low-grade, it is a fifteen forbidden magic weapon."

Seemingly seeing the envy and doubt in Bai Ziyue's eyes, the old Xiucai explained it casually.

"Fifteen prohibitions."

Bai Ziyue thought in his heart that the strongest corpse-calling bell in his hand was no more than the sixth forbidden magic weapon, but the zombies controlled by this corpse-calling bell had extraordinary combat effectiveness. One can imagine the power of this golden knife.

Just as they were about to continue to ask each other, they suddenly saw trees surging in the distance, and then, a big white tiger with a height of half a person and a physique that was far stronger than the average swooped from a distance.

Obviously, this big white tiger had already discovered Bai Ziyue and the two of them from a long distance, and actually took the two as prey and wanted to slaughter them.

"I'm about to show you the power of my magic weapon."

The old Xiucai chuckled, his spiritual energy surged in his body, and in an instant, the golden wire knife in his hand trembled, bursting out with a golden light, and then rushing out like a sharp arrow.


The big white tiger roared loudly, the roar shook, and the huge body threw out, like a bloody storm, giving people an incomparably powerful deterrent force.

At least in Bai Ziyue's mind, the power of this tiger would definitely not be any worse than that of an ordinary outer forging peak warrior. With this dexterous figure, an ordinary outer forging warrior might not necessarily be able to handle it.



I saw a golden light flashing, and the big tiger that jumped into the air instantly stiffened, and then slammed down.


The golden knife was poured directly from the top of its head, pierced deeply into it, and smashed its brains.

This big tiger was killed instantly and lost his voice.

"Soul energy +568!"

Perceiving the increase in the number, Bai Ziyue immediately judged that the strength of this big tiger is indeed stronger than that of ordinary outer forging peak warriors, and it is almost no worse than Zhang Bo, who died in his hands before and just stepped into the inner refining realm.

"Let's go, it's not too late to clean up when you come back."

Without looking at the tiger and beast on the ground, the old Xiucai led Bai Ziyue quickly towards the depths of the mountain.

Along the way, there were no more blind beasts to disturb them, and the two of them soon came to a slightly spacious flat ground.

A huge locust tree that was so tall that it needed three people to hug, appeared in front of them.

The lush locust trees have lush branches, and some of them are even hanging on the ground, like sharp claws, deeply inserted into the bodies of several dead boars.

The blood of these wild boars has already dried up, and even the flesh and blood have been sucked up.

Around the locust tree, the dead bones of countless animals were scattered, a rotten and festering breath, and the yin attribute that belonged to the locust tree alone, making people uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, it is a locust tree that has become refined."

Bai Ziyue's heart sank, and there was a trace of nervousness on his face.

Relatively speaking, this is the first time he has faced this kind of alien creature.

In particular, although this spirit is not very strong, it is also a real equivalent of a demon.

"Be careful next. Although the locust tree spirit is a plant essence, it does not mean that it cannot move. Its roots, branches and leaves can be used as weapons.

Not to mention, it can also drive ghosts, and it can also turn into a soul to attack. "

As the old scholar said, he quickly took out three incense sticks from his backpack.

These three incense sticks are golden in color and seem to be about a foot long, but the part that really belongs to the incense is only three inches long. But the incense itself, golden as jade, condensed as powder, looks a little precious.

Gathering incense!

The pain in the flesh disappeared in a flash, and the old Xiucai firmly took out the fire folds and lit them one by one.

In the blink of an eye, thick smoke appeared from the incense.

A wisp of smoke brushed around Bai Ziyue, and when he inhaled lightly, he immediately felt refreshed, and his somewhat tired spirit was greatly replenished.

"I will attack his body later, and it will inevitably drive ghosts to entangle, and must not let ghosts get close to me. No matter what, at least buy me thirty breaths of time."

The old scholar spoke quickly, and the golden thread in his hand trembled again under the surge of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, like a golden electric light, it quickly rushed towards the body of the huge locust tree in the distance.


The golden thread knife stabbed directly on the locust tree, but it couldn't penetrate all the roots, at least half of the blade was exposed.

However, this knife stabbed on the locust tree, as if it was injured, and there were strands of blood-red liquid flowing out of the wound, just like the blood of the human body.

call out! call out! call out!

Immediately afterwards, the huge locust tree that was standing still immediately vibrated, countless branches and leaves trembled, and even the ground tumbled violently at this time, as if the earth's crust was surging.

Sophora tree spirit, revived.

Recommend the "High Energy Attack" by the salary boss, the new work of the boss, the quality is guaranteed. It's almost a million words, but slaughter! !

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