In the distance, seeing Murong Lang and the three of them appear together, Carl frowned and thought for a long time, and finally sighed.

Especially Queen Kaisha, the Void Transfer is a sharp weapon used against her, and it is not appropriate to expose it to her too early for the time being.

As for Xiao Burn Heart......

Anyway, it's only been a few days since the war started, no matter how smart she is, without herself, a master of Void Theory, to guide her, she can explore very limitedly.

Even the same is true of the Tianji King, this is the top master of the void and the most professional judgment.

Even if the Tianji King himself had already done some research on the void, it was in vain.

Snow on the side saw that Carl had stopped again, and couldn't help urging.

"My God, my God, why did she stop? She ran away again!"

"Chase, chase, chase, you know, chase, you know who's coming, you let me chase!"

"Who's coming?"

"Divine Kaisha, the Tianji King, and that Galactic Power Murong Lang!Three Kings, are you really in such a hurry to send them to death?!"


Snow didn't know what to say for a while.

Although he was very confident in the strength of Karl, the god of death, there were three kings on the other side. Karl the Grim Reaper is no problem facing any of them alone, even if they are really 660 in person.

But if the three of them go out at the same time, plus a burning heart that you can't just do.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what Karl just said about rushing to death.

However, Snow still glanced at Karl, the god of death, and said in his heart.

It's not that you're careless, that's why you've come to this situation, and in the end you're to blame me.

If Karl, the god of death, came up and moved seriously, then even if the right-wing burning heart has great ability, how can she get out of the hands of Karl, the god of death?


And Morgana's two men, who didn't just want to help Morgana resurrect them. Carl even made a direct promise to upgrade Atto into a god!

I really don't know how expensive firewood and rice are! If you have such a little horn, you will just wait to sell the academy!

But who made him his main god, even if there was great dissatisfaction, Snow could only suppress it in his heart.

Hey, the official level crushed people to death.

Snow was still complaining in his heart, and Karl, the god of death, turned his head to look at it.

happened to look at Snow with a resentful face.

Snow: "......"

Karl: "......"

Touch it and divide it.

Karl couldn't stand Snow's resentful eyes.

Snow, on the other hand, was caught by Karl.

But they can't always spend it here, in case they are unwilling to be bullied and kill them back.

As a last resort, Snow could only remind again.

"My God, what are we going to do now? or not?"

Karl blew up.

Manipulating the twisted shovel in Snow's hand, he slapped Snow on the head.

While shooting, he scolded.

"Run, run, run, run, can you speak?!, you can talk?!"

After hammering for a while, Carl finally deflated.

Looking at Snow with an aggrieved face, Karl waved his hand.

"Go home!"


The skull swallowed the two of them again, and led them all the way back to the Dead Song Academy.


After a long time, after not seeing Carl chasing after him, Murong Lang couldn't help but ask.

"Where's Karl, that bastard? He didn't chase him?"

Pippi followed suit.

"yes, what about others? I'm still waiting to vent my anger on Xiao Zhixin. "

Xiao Zhixin was also a little puzzled.

"What about Carl and the others, why is it missing now that he was chasing him so fiercely?"

Hearing Xiao Zhixin say this, the two of them glared together.

"Who do you ask? We ask you, not you. "

It's no wonder that Murong Lang and Pi Pixi were angry, as soon as they heard Xiao Zhixin say that they were in danger, they were anxious.

Just now, it was clear that everyone was talking well, and they could take care of something if there was something. As a result, Xiao Zhi thought they were nagging, and he directly hung up the communication of the dark plane.

If you fight again, you won't be able to get through, that is, Xiao Zhixin is not by their side. Otherwise, see how they clean her up.

Or Queen Keisha is reliable.

"You don't look at how many of us came, no matter how powerful he is, he is not a professional fighting god. At the same time, he is sick with the three of us?" (cfbf) Hearing Queen Kaisha say this, Murong Lang touched his chin and sighed.

"It turns out that the three of us are so powerful, it's better to kill him like this, even if we can't smash Carl and his broken academy, it's good to give Xiao Zhixin a vent. "

Queen Kaisha gave Murong Lang a blank look.

"I still need you to say that Hexi has smashed it several times before he spoke. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Murong Lang couldn't help but look at Pi Pixi, who was surrounded by gods.


Pi Pixi nodded calmly, took out a handkerchief from somewhere, wiped the dust that did not exist on the star's fate, and said arrogantly.

"That's it, don't look at who I am? He Carl bullied my apprentice, so can I spare him? joke!"

Murong Lang felt that it was a pity, he didn't get started, he didn't feel it.

"Otherwise, let's ......"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Queen Keisha.

"Save it, let's just projection, but Xiao Zhixin is real, in case Karl Dog jumps off the wall in a hurry, it will be worth the loss. "

Hearing this, Murong Lang had no choice but to accept Queen Kaisha's words.

and Queen Kaisha and King Tianji, escorting Xiao Zhixin back to Earth.

Of course, criticism and education along the way are absolutely indispensable!

Dead Song Academy.

Carl and Snow were stunned as they looked at the Death Song Academy in front of them, which looked like the scene of the explosion, and they were all silent.


Snow relented and couldn't believe it. []

"My God, this is our Death Song Academy, are you not going down the wrong path?"

Karl the Grim Reaper glanced at the fool, thinking to himself that I had lived here for tens of thousands of years!

However, considering that Snow had lived in the Styx system at the end of the known universe for tens of thousands of years, just like himself, he still didn't say anything.

Nodding his head, he affirmed.

"Yes, this is the Dead Song Academy where we have lived for tens of thousands of years. "

"Then this is ......"

"Star Destiny, the signature weapon of the Tianji King, this is to vent her anger to her apprentice. "

As soon as he heard Carl's words, Snow's blood pressure immediately went up.

Carrying his twisted shovel, he turned his head and walked out.

Karl hurriedly stopped and asked.

"Why are you going? "

Snow's eyes were red.

"I'm going to go to that old lady and go desperately! she's going to pay for what she's done!"

Seeing that Snow was completely carried away by anger, Karl hurriedly persuaded him.

"Calm down, calm down!"

But looking at the ruins in front of him, how could Snow calm down.

"Tens of thousands of years of hard work! It's been ruined by that old lady! How can you let me calm down?!" "Then you have to be calm! If you go now, you can only die! Besides, ...... How long has it been, you ...... Can't catch up. "

This is the truth, Xiao Zhixin's speed was originally faster than Snow's, and now with the blessing of the energy of the secondary biological engine, he spared no expense, and the speed was even faster, I don't know how much.


After such a long delay, even Karl himself is now not sure to catch up, let alone Snow.

But as the saying goes, the truth hurts the most.

No, Snow, who was hit by Carl again, was completely blown up.

Around Carl, the road.

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