"Don't worry, little angel"

"What did you call me?!"

Seeing Leng who was about to go crazy, Murong Lang quickly stopped the topic. Under the curious eyes of the three angels, Murong Lang took out a Devil Fruit.

Yes, it was the frozen fruit.

God knows, what happened to Murong Lang How many sins did it take to get this hard-won devil fruit?

"Now, for the sake of your hard work and hard work in serving me, I will give you this Devil Fruit."

At the end, he patted Leng's cheek very boldly.

"Don't say I don't take care of you"

"you!"Leng was offended by Murong Lang.

But unfortunately, as soon as she raised her hand, Murong Lang was already hiding behind Xiao Zhixin and Yan

"You don’t know a good person’s heart! That's a devil fruit! A unique thing in the world!"

"What's the use of this thing?"Leng shook the devil fruit in his hand and asked.

"I'm not sure how much it can increase your strength, but it's definitely very strong."

"cut! How powerful can such a small fruit be?"

Compared to Leng who was disdainful and Yan who was confused, Xiao Zhixin seemed a little excited.

But she knew how rare the small fruit in Leng's hand was. She was about to tell Leng and let her study it first. , but unexpectedly, Leng came straight up and took a big bite!

As a last resort, Zhi Xin could only open her angel eyes and record all this. At the same time, she initiated a communication with Queen Kesha and Queen Hexi.

Qing Leng was stunned and just took the bite. After taking a big mouthful of Devil Fruit, a strange smell rose in her mouth the next second.

"Am I eating shit?!"Just when he was about to spit it out, Murong Lang came to Leng's side first and raised his hand to cover Leng's mouth.

"Don't vomit! If you vomit, all your efforts will be wasted!"


Swallowed coldly.

"Are you bluffing me?!"

Leng raised his hand and punched Murong Lang, but it hadn't hit Murong Lang yet.

The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly at a terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, with Leng as the center, condensation had already formed on the ground within a radius of 10,000 meters. The thick ice layer was covered with it.

And this range continued to disperse towards the periphery at a terrifying speed.

50,000 meters, 100,000 meters...

Kaisha and Hexi in the temple were also a little confused. This devil fruit It has such great power!

Although this is nothing to the two of them.

But you must know that this is just a casual blow! And this is just eaten, but there is another fruit awakening later!

Looking at Kesha who was still stunned, He Xi was really angry.

"Why are you still stunned! If this continues, will there be any more Tiancheng?"

"Oh yes!" Only then did Kesha come back to her senses.

She quickly summoned Tiancheng's energy shield and put the cold shield in.

Whether intentionally or not, Queen Kesha did not isolate Murong Lang from this area.……


A few hours later, Murong Lang finally regained consciousness.


The ice cubes on his body were shattered by Murong Lang. Murong Lang finally came to life, and he wanted to find Leng to settle the score.

"Crazy bitches, are you trying to kill me?"

The next second, he felt a warm embrace.

Leng threw himself into Murong Lang's arms. Before Murong Lang could react, Leng pecked his lips gently.

Bing Bing Leng Leng Yes, it turns out this is a kiss.

The two of them were still tender, when a sour voice came from the side.

"Hey, hey, are you two going to stage a blockbuster movie in Tiancheng? Let me remind you that except for the angels who are out in Tiancheng, most of them are here."


Murong Lang was pushed to the ground by Leng who came back to his senses.

Outside, a group of little angels were chattering about this scene.

"Look, that's Sister Leng's boyfriend!"

"The two of them were kissing!"

"Wow, so romantic!"


Hearing the voice coming from his ears, Leng's ears turned red. He glanced hard at the little angels and shouted

"What are you looking at?! No need to train!"

"Is there really no need to train?"This voice that wanted to be beaten, no need to think about it, it was Yan.

In the end, Queen Kesha gave the order, and then the group of little angels who were watching the fun were asked to retreat.

Seeing Murong Lang still lying on the ground, Leng walked over and helped him He stood up. He tidied up Murong Lang's clothes carefully and said with a red face.

"Come on, let's go see Queen Keisha."

Yan on the side joked

"Tsk tsk, does this make her a good wife and mother? The change is fast enough."

Leng rarely quarreled with Yan, and pulled Murong Lang to fly towards the Angel Temple.

"Enough of you!"Yan can't stand it anymore. Just eat this dog food once. She will be exhausted if she eats too much."

"It’s not like he can’t fly, so why are you holding him? I want to make out and wait for you to go back and make out properly. I will meet Queen Keisha soon. Can you please pay attention to the impact?"

Hearing this, Leng and Murong Lang were also stunned.

Yes, he can fly now, and there is no need to hold him anymore.

Leng tentatively let go of Murong Lang's hand, and Murong Lang flapped his wings. He flew forward at once.

Accompanied by Leng, Ke had fun for a while, and then rushed towards the temple under Yan's urging.

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