Super God Evolution

Chapter 181: Steal eggs

Determined, Liu Jiang sat on a big tree and waited.


   After a while, suddenly, a thunder dragon made a trembling roar, and Liu Jiang was almost shaken out of the blurred state.

   "Roaring roaring..." All the thunder dragons blew their hair, roared, and flew crazy in one direction.


   Countless thick arcs, bombarded in a crazy place.

   The whole space was trembling under the lightning attack.




   All the thunder dragons roared and went crazy.

   And all the thunder dragons in the nest were also tense at once, and released their minds one by one to glance around. The huge eyes were full of vigilance.

   "What's wrong with this?" Liu Jiang was very surprised and walked towards the place where the Thunder Dragon bombarded.

   Then, in the thunder dragon group, he found a giant thunder dragon with a height of more than ten meters, a body length and a wingspan of more than forty meters.

   On the giant thunder dragon, he felt the horror energy wave that made his scalp burst.

"This is a true god-level thunder dragon." Liu Jiang took a breath, and his pace was much slower. He knew that even the true god-level thunder dragon could not kill him after the blur, but his heart was still tolerant Unable to fear, there was still a full three kilometers away, but he couldn't help but slow down.

   Suddenly, he felt the two creatures from afar, also fused in the void.

   Liu Jiang's heart moved, and then the whole body shook, becoming a illusion that was only forty centimeters tall, more than two feet in length, and the length of a big cat.

   merged in the void and walked towards the bombardment.

   When there was more than a thousand meters away from the thunder dragon bombardment, Liu Jiang actually saw two phantoms, two hidden in the void, excited to squirm with their mouth eating food.

   They are bigger than him who turned into illusion. They are one foot tall and almost one meter long. Their breath is higher than that of a group of thunder dragons, and they are king-level.

   Their mouths wriggled and happily ate, looking at those thunder dragons who were squinting and crazy, and exuding terror, they didn't care.

   "Magic yum, two king-level illusions with activated abilities." Liu Jiang looked at the illusion in the distance, slowly widened his eyes, and then his breath was slightly hurried.

   activated the fierce beast, the power of the soul is solidified, and the probability of condensing the beast soul after killing is very high.

   The higher the level of the beast, the greater the power of the soul after being killed.

   Two king-level phantoms with activated abilities, after killing, are more than 95% likely to condense phantom monster souls.

  The two goods are equivalent to two king-level first-level phantom illusion beast souls.

   That's a king-level phantom monster soul, as long as it is fused, it won't take a few years to become a king-level evolutionary.

   "If the father and mother merged these two fantasy monster spirits, their life-saving ability will inevitably be greatly improved, and no one can easily threaten their lives."

  Liu Jiang's eyes were burning and his heart was excited.

The two illusions, although they are king-level, but their perception is far less than that of Liu Jiang, who is against the sky, because of Liu Jiang's fiery eyes, they only noticed that their mouth stopped moving, and they stood up, Looked at Liu Jiang.

   Seeing the same kind, the two illusions stayed a little bit, looking at the companion around them, and then look at the companion fused in the void.

   For more than 20 years, they saw the same kind for the first time, both of them were very curious, and walked towards Xiao Jiang's Xiao Yi's phantom.

  Liu Jiang trot forward and pretended to be curious and excited.

  When it ran to forty meters, Liu Jiang became an illusion, and stopped at once, pretending to be a little scared, and dared not step forward.

   Two illusions ran up and squeaked something to Liu Jiang, but Liu Jiang couldn't understand it at all, pretending to be a face of coercion, and stood up, a claw clutching his head, his face blank.


The two phantoms are very curious. They are stronger than Liu Jiang. Naturally, they are not afraid of Liu Jiang. They squeaked and surrounded them. Looking at Liu Jiang’s blank expression, he felt handsome, and the two female phantoms It was the first time I saw a public illusion, it was an excitement, and it was a beating when I rushed to hold it.

  Liu Jiang began to resist, resisted a few times and then ran away.

   Two king-level illusions, Liu Jiang is naturally not afraid.

   But there are too many thunder dragons here, which is not a good place to start.

   If Illusion is in contact with the state of illusion when he is dying, then a lightning bolt of the true god-level thunder dragon will blast down, maybe you will be directly blasted into fly ash today, and the beast soul may all be scattered.

   Two phantoms followed, and began to chase wildly, finally seeing a kind, still a male, how could two female phantoms make Liu Jiang escape.

   They are already king-level, with extraordinary wisdom, knowing that if they want to grow their ethnic group and reproduce their offspring, they need public fantasy.

   They are already hungry and unbearable.

   "Squeak, squeak,..." / "Little brother, don't run, you just follow us."

   "Squeak, squeak." / "Yeah, we protect you, give you something to eat, we will give you what you want to eat."

  Liu Jiang can't understand the illusions, naturally he doesn't know what the two illusions are talking, I'm still worried that I can't entice them to hook, I didn't expect them to be so crazy. "The illusion that Liu Jiang turned into was running wildly in front, looking back at the two illusions that were chasing wildly, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

   "Squeak, squeak..." / "This little brother is not high-level, but did not expect to run so fast."

   "Squeak, squeak, squeak..." / "That's right, but you must grab him for twenty years, and finally see you, how could you let him slip away."

   "Squeak..." / "Squeeze and dry him after grabbing, to see him still running."

   "Squeak..." / "That's right."

  Imaginary walking in the void is a considerable consumption of soul power. I chased ten miles away in one breath. The two king-level magical mouths spit foam, and the soul power of them has been exhausted.

  Liu Jiang is also tired and choking, and the power of his soul has less than one thing left.

  Look around and look at Liu Jiang and find that this place is very suitable for hands-on, and then walk towards the two illusions.

The two female illusions saw Liu Jiang coming, and their eyes were full of joy, and then their faces changed, because illusions suddenly became two-legged people, and two pairs of wings grew out of him. The breath was also extremely powerful and terrifying. He took a long knife and cut it down fiercely.

   Two phantoms were horrified. They turned around and ran, but it was too late. Liu Jiang's speed was faster than them. One knife cut each phantom into two halves. Want to talk about "Super God Evolution" with more like-minded people, WeChat pays attention to "Red Web or rdww444" and talks to favorite books with more book friends

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