Super God Evolution

Chapter 306: Xianxing Six

"Dear baby, come to me quickly, I will give you enough benefits."

Seeing Liu Jiang, the god-level thunder wing demon wolf roared, and then a lightning storm formed instantly, overwhelming Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang's thoughts moved, and those stout arcs that had been cut off with his face covered were all crooked and slashed down on the ground below him.

At the same time, another lightning storm no less than the previous one blasted away, two lightning storms bombarded with a violent shock, a horror to the ultimate energy crazy burst, more than 200 thunder wing devil wolves below the king level, In an instant, it was torn to pieces by the terrifying energy fluctuations.

True God-level beasts are too powerful and have incredible abilities.

If the true god-level beast insisted on killing him, things would be terrible.

But he didn't regret it. He grew up in Wu Du, and Wu Du had trouble. He couldn't be indifferent.

He never thought that things would grow so big.

"I went down under the lightning storm and made the Black Stone Bee lose his ability to move. You stepped forward and killed it as soon as possible." Liu Jiang said in a deep voice, Black Stone Bee's physical fitness is strong, and his ability to fight is stronger than many nine-level beasts. , Lightning Storm can't completely hack it to death, but there is no problem with losing the ability to move the electricity in a short time.

"Understood." Tian Mei Yuzi nodded.

The others nodded.

"Then we will act now, and often can't afford it, you lead the way."

"Yes." She often didn't start, and then led a group of Liu Jiang toward the dense forest, where the Blackstone Beehive was.


As they approached, they heard a strong buzzing sound coming from not far away.

"The Black Stone Bee is fighting, is it the Black Stone Bee's active attack or is it the first person to get ahead." Liu Jiang Shen Sheng, who felt powerful, said.

"Hey, this man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It doesn't matter if I can suppress it. During this time, I went to class to cheat and I would definitely go to work. He hunted wild beasts in Kaifeng. The speed is even more terrifying than that of the king-level eight or nine-level evolution."

"so smart."

"If you like it, I can cook for you every day." Tian Mei Yuzi smiled slightly and said.

"Wow, the boss is so blessed." A fat tutu cried while eating bread.

"Boss, you just take the classmate Mizi home and cook for you every day." A young boy who looks handsome but has a very petty temperament said with a smile.


A few animals laughed and teased, Tian Mei · Youzi Qiao blushed, but did not refute, just looked at Liu Jiang without trace.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is the age of the girl Huaichun, and they all have a dream of a prince in their hearts.

Liu Jiang has extraordinary talent, handsome and endless potential, and it is the prince of this era.

Girls are not very resistant to handsome, golden, and capable princes, just as men are not resistant to beautiful women.

She was a little anticipating in her heart, so she didn't repel everyone's words at all, but she felt very shy and nervous.

She hopes Liu Jiang will take the opportunity to attack her, and then start a sweet love.

Liu Jiang naturally saw Tian Mei·Yuzi's strange look, but he didn't care. At this time, he had seen that kind of look much.

"I am such a good, handsome, handsome, lovable, flower-seeking, and fascinating man, so my family can deserve it." Liu Jiang thought narcissistically.

Tian Mei·Yu Zi is one meter seven and five tall, tall, and has a beautiful face, but his face is like melon seeds. He doesn't feel anything at all.

I don't know why. She has liked the girl with a small round face since she was a child. He thinks that the small round face is particularly beautiful, and he wants to kiss and hug.

"How far is the Blackstone bee hive." One student exclaimed, the others' faces also changed slightly.

Heishifeng is not easy to provoke. A heishifeng can kill the eighth and ninth-level evolutionaries and a nest of blackstone bees. That is not a general danger.

Even the king-level three or four-level evolutionaries dare not easily provoke.

But thinking of Liu Jiang's lightning storm like a prestige, some people's minds changed, and they looked at Liu Jiang one by one.

"Boss, do you want to make this vote." Fatty Wang Hong asked with fiery eyes.

Others are also looking at Liu Jiang, and Liu Jiang decides everything.

"Sometimes I encountered a different treasure that can quickly increase the strength of the gene. How can I give up." Liu Jiang said with a smile. There have been no different fruits and different treasures in the past two months, but he suffocated him.

Xu Ling'er, that's her favorite woman.

"Captain, we listen to your arrangement." Wang Hong said in a deep voice, and the others nodded.

Even a friend, how could he be given so many good things.

"Is it true that the False God really is." Qian Yu's eyes were burning, and there was speculation in his heart.


"What's so great." Niu looked at the False God and was very upset.

False God, making a lot of noise at his banquet, and squandering his face, he still talked about it, making him look good.

But Xushen turned so powerful.

Really disgusting.


"This kid, I don't know how to be low-key." Zhao Zhen frowned, and he still recognized Liu Jiang's behavior. If he was afraid of exposing himself, he wouldn't take action and watched the residents of Wu Ducheng slaughtered. Look down on Liu Jiang.

But Liu Jiang's rate of progress, he was terrified himself, how could the fierce beast sit and watch.

This time things are too much trouble, the true god-level beast may be aware of danger.

True God-level beasts are aware of dangers and are likely to attack humans.

"Pay close attention to the movements of the world's major god-level beasts."


"Call me the three of them."

"Yes... alright."

"Void God is so handsome. Do you see it? It's just a trick, it is to kill the god-level second-level thunder wing demon wolf, which is too powerful."

"Roar, Lord Void God, the road turns pink."

The mysterious False God was once again pushed on the cusp of the storm.

Everyone is guessing the identity of the False God.

"I don't know if you found it. The False God is progressing very fast. Looking at his speed, it's almost king level eight or nine."

"Who is he?" asked the tall wolf god, the president of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild.

The other two also looked at Zhao Zhen.

The dragon egg tastes good, and Liu Jiang eats very well.

After eating a dragon egg for a while, Liu Jiang shot again.

His reaction and speed were too fast. Ramon Dragon had just noticed that he had disappeared before he even shot.


Countless thunder dragons roared madly in Skyrim, trying to kill the abominable illusion.

But Illusions are haunted by ghosts. Their fighting power is strong, and many of them have lightning abilities, but there is no way for the **** Illusions.

Liu Jiang shot again and again, drinking four dragon eggs in two minutes.

After drinking, Liu Jiang, regardless of the mad Thunder Dragon group, shot again and again and took away 37 unhatched dragon eggs in just half an hour.

"Now, it's time for other dragon eggs." In the void, icy eyes appeared in the eyes of Illusion.

He intends to destroy all the dragon eggs. The thunder dragon's combat power is against the sky, and the reproduction speed is too fast. If a group of dragon eggs are destroyed, the humanity will be less threatened.

Illusion shot, this time he was faster, he instantly appeared a paw to tear the dragon egg, and then disappeared instantly.

The Thunder Dragon is crazy, all the Thunder Dragons roar crazy, the electric arc explodes, trying to kill Illusion, but it has no effect.

"Roar..." True God-level Thunder Dragon roared, and then all the Thunder Dragon dragons made dragon eggs, and then rose one by one into the sky and flew south.

Liu Jiang was somewhat stunned. He didn't expect that these Thunder Dragons would leave as a whole.

But since he left, he did not continue to pursue.

As soon as we walked into the school gate, someone immediately pointed and envied envy and admiration.

However, Liu Jiang didn't have the enthusiasm at the beginning. He looked bland and strode into the campus.

"I heard that he is also Wu Duyizhong, you are in a class." A student asked Yang Cheng around him.

"Yes." Yang Cheng nodded, his heart was very complicated, he was a little dissatisfied with Liu Jiang, and a little afraid.

Liu Jiang is making money too fast, and he is a lunatic. Being rich means huge masses of beasts and beasts.

Liu Jiang is in full swing at the Federal University of Evolution, he is now afraid to provoke Liu Jiang.

"I don’t know, but the False God is growing too fast, and I’m all in a panic. This time, so many god-level beasts have died. The Beast Alliance will definitely investigate the information of the False God. When they feel dangerous, they may start a war. "Zhen Zhen said with a deep voice, he did not intend to speak out about Liu Jiang.

The more one person knows, the more risk.

There are too many fierce beasts, and human beings are not safe on the earth. Only Liu Jiang has the chance to kill all the fierce beasts on the earth.

Therefore, no matter what, Liu Jiang could not have an accident.

"Not at all." Heimba's mercenary guild president, Sword God said.

"It's always right to prepare early," Zhao Zhen said.

"The king-level and seven-level phantom evolver can indeed attract the attention of any fierce beast." Thor, the leader of the League of Gods, said.

Illusion, virtual power, power is too powerful.

Now the king level can sneak attack and kill the fierce beast of the **** level five. Will he kill him.

"Spread the news to let all the true god-level beasts in the sea know that human beings appear super strong, threatening our safety." The true god-level dragon emperor said in special language that there are not many true god-level beasts on land.

There are only four true god-level human beings, but human beings get too many good things in Kaga Star. A-level cities have a large number of weapons to kill god-level beasts, some weapons can even hurt true god-level beasts.

"Yes." A Thunder Dragon responded, saying he knew.


"Humanity, there is such a powerful figure." A true god-level old ape opened his eyes, shining light in his eyes, killing intently.

"Contacting all the true god-level beasts around the world, humans can no longer stay. We don't need to find out who is the False God, kill all humans, and naturally kill the False God."


"It has been a long time since I saw human beings, and killed them all." There were true god-level beasts roaring.


"Oh, is it necessary to make a fuss about a king-level and seven-level illusion?" a skyscraper-like red lobster said with disdain.

"It took only one month for the False God to go from the first level to the seventh level," said a shark.

"Well, kill, kill him." The huge lobster nodded.


Liu Jiang secretly worried that his identity was seen through.

"Well, the god-level thunder wing demon wolf, there is no human warrior around." Liu Jiang's eyes flashed in the arc.

Liu Jiang was wrapped in black robe all over, two pairs of wings flapped, and the lightning generally flew at the Thunder Wing Demon Wolves.

There are more than 400 Leiwing Devil Wolves in the Thunder Wing Demon Wolves. Among them, there are more than 200 King-levels, more than 100 King-levels, and one God-level.

"His fighting power may be similar to that of Wang Shan and others, but his speed of hunting beasts is more terrifying than that of Wang Shan and others. I think that this time his harvest may be more than the income of Wang Shan and others. There are more."

"How is it possible that Wang Shan merged the wind magic dragon beast soul, activated the speed ability, and she also activated a physical ability, also in terms of speed, her terrible speed is terrifying, fighting face to face, Liu Jiang is powerful The lightning storm may be able to compete with Wang Shan, but Liu Jiang is probably still far behind.

"Do you want to bet a little? You bet Wang Shan a lot, and I bet Liu Jiang a lot, I bet 100 million, how?"

He thinks his dad is is the most beautiful thing in the world, the purest thing, but the third party will completely destroy the best love.

Amidst the roaring sound, the rich scent diffused, and Liu Jiang swallowed directly.

"You can eat now." Tian Mei Yu Zibei teeth slightly exposed, showing a sweet smile.

With that, she cut off a pig's leg, stuck it with an extra large fork, and handed it to Liu Jiang.

"You eat too." Liu Jiang was also polite, and took the roast pork leg and began to eat it.

The roasted meat entrance melted, and Liu Jiang felt that his tongue was almost gone.

This taste is comparable to Chiba's dishes.

Eating barbecue, Liu Jiang thought a thousand feathers.

Qian Yu was in class eight of the combat department, and he was not flying with a shuttle, and was dropped to other places in Baihaidao.

I still want small hairballs. In the past, the three of them ate a barbecue game together.

"Boss, the Blackstone Bee Hive was found in front of me, and I almost couldn't come back." Chang, who was looking for the way in front, returned quietly and said with a lingering look.

He wanted to gamble, but he didn't dare to show too eager, he couldn't show too much confidence, otherwise Liu Jiang would probably not shoot.

"Bish Kaganu's advice."

"Liu Jiang's pen is too big, scaring him."

Some people started to talk about it, the sound was not big or small, but everyone on the court heard very well and most of them could hear it.

Bi Shi Kaganu concealed a good chance in his heart, and then glared at the talking student violently, and then said, "I am gambling with you".

"Haha, good." Liu Jian couldn't help laughing at the words of the opposite boy. After so many arrangements, the other party was finally fooled, and as long as the other party was fooled, the next thing could be much easier.

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