Super God Evolution

Chapter 372: Red Flame Temple II

"What is this taste? Although it is extremely light, it is deep in the bone marrow and is very sweet."

Slowly, the scent seems to be lightened, but it is more fragrant. After smelling it, I feel that the pores of the whole body are to be opened, which is very refreshing.

"It will be completely mature soon." Wang Xiaowen said. He waved his hand and led several people towards the Blood Spirit Holy Fruit Tree.

The blood-spirit holy fruit is very large, with a height of 100 meters, long branches and lush foliage, and there are scattered blood-holy holy fruits on the tree.

The faster the red light converges, it finally disappears completely, just like red gems, gorgeous and abnormal.

The ruby-like blood-spirit holy fruit began to appear a little golden spots, and then increased at a rate visible to the naked eye. When the fruit became golden, the fruit was fully ripe.

The dragon flew into the air, hovering over the fruit tree, eyes gazing greedily at the blood holy fruits.

He wanted to swallow it in one bite, but before the complete conversion of the Blood Spirit Holy Fruit, the contained power was violent and could not be absorbed at all. Only when it was fully matured would the contained energy become gentle and pure and be absorbed quickly.

Several people flapped their wings and suspended them a hundred times beyond the Holy Spirit Tree of the Blood Spirit. The power of the beast soul has been fully integrated into the body, ready to start.

Qianshan hung his arms around his neck and brought the warrior of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild forward.

On the other side, the fat man Tie Nantian also brought up the black Mamba warrior.

A group of martial arts, fierce eyes, looking at the fruit.

"Ao..." Jiaolong made a trembling sound, trying to deter the crowds around.

But at this time, no one could easily flinch from the crowd around, and there was no good stubble, how could it be scared.

"Lightning storm, so powerful lightning storm, this time Han Feng is dangerous." Wang Jiuping screamed again, Han Feng's potential is no less than that of Liu Jiang, is the top genius, he is afraid of Liu Jiang's accident, but Also afraid of Han Feng's accident, these two people no matter who died during the joint entrance exam, it is a huge loss.

Everyone else on the field took a breath. When was the top special ability so easy to control?

They looked at the lightning storm that stirred the world and looked like heavenly prestige, one after another with amazed eyes, looking at the handsome and handsome boy in the video.

Wang Hongzhong, the principal of Wu Duyi Middle School in the center of the crowd, touched the Mediterranean on his head and said, "Unexpectedly, this kid actually mastered the thunderbolt ability of Thunder Wing Wolf, Lightning Storm, and Lightning Storm, which is a top special ability. It's not much worse than those warriors who have awakened the lightning ability."

Hanging up the phone, Liu Haiwen frowned and analyzed, "Blood Spirit Flower Juice is too rare. It is estimated that you are super-scientific. You don't have much inventory. You can get Blood Spirit Flower Juice, which shows that the hands-on person is very wild, I It is estimated that it is difficult to find out any clues, even if a little clues are found, it is impossible to treat people."

"Liu Jiang is a genius boy of my super-scientific gene. No matter who it is, the young genius who dare to use the super-scientific gene must give a statement to the super-scientific gene." What will happen to him, the law may not be able to treat him, but without giving me an explanation of the supernatural gene, this matter will never end."

Liu Haiwen was secretly stunned, supernatural genes, these lunatics, are too short-guarded, if they provoke the supernatural genes, it will really stoke a hornet's nest. "However, this man dared to start, and he was absolutely fully prepared. It is estimated that it is difficult to find evidence. If there is no evidence, even the super-scientific gene can only stare."


Liu Jiang lay on two thick wolf skins. Under the action of the high-level life essence worth tens of millions of dollars, many wounds on his body slowly recovered. Even where the flesh and blood were torn off, there was granulation slowly creeping and repairing. .

"Teacher, Liu Jiang, is she okay?" Qian Yu asked nervously with red eyes, her eyes were already crying and swollen.

"It's okay now. But he was almost dead at the time. When we arrived, the flesh on his legs had been torn off. There were dozens of scars on his body. If we went a little late, he would I lost my life in a wolf belly." Yang Wu told the truth, Liu Jiang desperately for the three of them, they should know the truth, and should be grateful to Liu Jiang for that.

Wang Hongzhong, the principal of Wu Du No.1 Middle School in the crowd, touched the Mediterranean Sea on his head, and said in his heart, "I didn't expect this kid to have also mastered Thunder Wing Demon Wolf's lightning ability, lightning storm, lightning storm, which are top special abilities. It’s not much worse than the warriors who awakened the thunder and lightning ability."

"And the power he exhibited for the first time was so terrifying, and he showed no signs of exhaustion, which shows that the power of the soul in the vortex of his soul sea is far beyond ordinary people." Wang Hongzhong, as the head of a school, looked at It was so venomous that at a glance, Liu Jiang's soul was much stronger than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he secretly shocked that Liu Jiang, the latest rising genius, was more powerful than he thought.

When the three heard that Liu Jiang was so miserable, tears came out all at once.

Qian Yu covered her mouth and felt her heart was broken.

"Now he has given you care." Yang Wu handed Liu Jiang to the three people.

"Hmm." Qian Yu nodded again and again, tears dripping down her eyes.


Half an hour later, in a place far away from the mushroom forest, Zhang Wei said with emotion, "Liu Jiang is really dead, and he can escape his life in the mouth of so many bloodthirsty demon wolves."

Song Yi said sullenly, "This is called a scourge for thousands of years."

"Awesome." Yang Cheng licked the corner of his mouth, thinking that he had secretly taken a drop of blood spirit flower juice from his grandfather and set up such a dead end. He hadn't killed Liu Jiang before, and he was quite angry.

"It's really amazing. In the face of so many fierce beasts, not only did it not panic, but it was also very clear. In the end, one person killed eight bloodthirsty wolves." Zhang Wei continued.

Yang Cheng glanced at Zhang Wei, inexplicably, and wanted to kick one foot to death, but in the end, he still didn't move.

"Fuck." Yang Cheng roared in his heart. He was violent to Liu Jiang in his heart, and he was not comfortable with Liu Jiang living for another day.

Liu Jiang slipped from the mouths of so many fierce beasts, making him more vigilant towards Liu Jiang.

But this time, he has no chance.

This matter has already aroused the attention of many people, he does not intend to take risks.

He wanted to kill Liu Jiang, but it must be without exposing him.

He thought that his life was more valuable than Liu Jiang's cheap life. Liu Jiang had to die, but he could not have any influence on him.

"You said, why so many bloodthirsty demon wolves are going to kill Liu Jiang, is there someone who wiped blood and sap on him." Song Yi suddenly curious.

Yang Cheng's pupils shrank instantly, and then he was secretly wary, but after thinking about it carefully, the warrior who patted Liu Jiang with blood and spirit juice, including the other warriors together, was wearing a human skin mask.

Even if he was suspected, he could not find any evidence. Without any evidence, even the supernatural gene, he could not be treated like him.

Liu Jiang is just a genius of the super-scientific gene, and his grandfather is the king-level strongman of the Black Mamba consortium.

The Black Mamba consortium, with its comprehensive strength, is not much weaker than the Super God gene.

"In a few days, I can almost become an evolver. I become an evolver. I want to clean him up every day I want to clean it up. Finally, I just want to solve him." Yang Cheng’s thought The mood is much better all at once.

Liu Jiang sat up, took the wolf's leg and ate a lot.

After a long while, after eating and drinking enough, my strength has recovered a lot.

Liu Jiang moved his muscles and bones, and his strength gradually recovered.

As he moved, he narrowed his eyes and thought.

"During this time, the only warriors I offended were Yang Cheng and Liu Jian, as well as those little hooligans, and only Yang Cheng, Liu Jian, and those little hooligans were the only ones who moved me to murder."

"Those little hooligans, each of them doesn't have any powerful characters in the house, otherwise they won't be so miserable, and they are almost all crazy and poor, they can't afford the blood spirit flower juice, and can't afford the killer, they can almost be eliminated. "

"Liu Jian's family is very good, but he has no money and is so scumbag. The family should be speechless and persuade his dad to use a large sum of money to kill a member of the super **** gene. It is unlikely."

"Yang Cheng's family is exceptionally superior. Grandpa is a king-level evolver. The strong man Yun Ru, Yang Cheng's young genius, should have a good position in the Yang family. You can find a warrior to start with me."

Liu Jiang thought to himself, he felt that Yang Cheng was the most likely to get started among the three, followed by Liu Jian. Those few rogues could almost be ruled out, but there was still a little suspicion.

But no matter who it is, this matter is not over today, almost, almost so, he lost his life.

"And the power he exhibited for the first time was so terrifying, and he showed no signs of exhaustion, which shows that the power of the soul in the vortex of his soul sea is far beyond ordinary people." Wang Hongzhong, as the head of a school, looked at It was so venomous that at a glance, Liu Jiang's soul was much stronger than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he secretly shocked that Liu Jiang, the latest rising genius, was more powerful than he thought.

Wang Jiuping's face was ugly, and he roared, "Hurry up and send someone to the scene of the incident. You must ensure Han Feng's safety."

"Hmm!" The principal of the famous middle school quickly dialed the phone number of the invigilator, urging the invigilator to rush over earlier and save Han Feng's life.

Liu Jiang felt that the power of the soul at the dantian was rapidly decreasing. In just a moment, the power of the soul in his three vortex spaces was exhausted, and the power of the soul in the fourth soul sea vortex was also rapidly decreasing.

The power of the shocked soul in Liu Jiang's heart was consumed quickly, and his thoughts moved, and the lightning tornado dissipated in an instant.

Looking at Han Feng who was still smoking on the ground, Qianyu's pupils shrank slightly, and couldn't help but breathe in the air. She patted Wangzi Xiao Mantou, suppressing the horror in her heart.

Liu Jiang glanced at a group of black charcoal in the distance, and then quickly turned around to see if there was anything wrong with Qian Yu. Han Feng was too strong and too fast. If he didn’t guess wrong, Han Feng was probably a Level 3 evolutionary. Not sure if Qian Yu was just injured.

"Are you okay!" Liu Jiang's half of his body had recovered his consciousness. His back gave birth to wings. He flapped his wings and looked nervously around Qianyu twice. He asked nervously when he saw blood on Qianyu's forehead. Liu Jiang almost jumped up anxiously. He quickly wiped it off carefully. After wiping it off, he found that Qian Yu's head had no wounds and had not been slapped. Liu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Yu didn't speak, but seriously looked at Liu Jiang's performance, the anxiety and care on Liu Jiang's face, the nervous appearance when flying around her, and Liu Jiang panicked when she saw blood on her forehead The way she looks makes her feel deeply moved.

Qian Yu flew up and threw directly into Liu Jiang's arms.

"Okay, okay." Liu Jiang patted Qian Yu's shoulder, comforting.

They didn't care about Han Feng. They didn't know if Han Feng was dead. If he died, they wouldn't feel guilty, and if they were alive, they wouldn't make up for it.

Han Feng just wanted to kill him and Qian Yu, but both of them were very calm. At this time, the murder was intentional, and it was a death sentence.

"No malicious killing is allowed."

"Don't easily activate the original energy capsule, but when it is fatal, it must be activated as soon as possible."

A group of students felt awe-inspiring. They knew that the college entrance exam would kill people, and many people died. Last year, 13 students died during the college entrance exam in Wudu District.

"Hello classmates, now our destination has arrived, and now the assessment has begun." The man said, "I hope you all can achieve excellent results, and I hope you all can live."

After that, the hatch at the bottom of the shuttle opened wide, and a candidate screamed and dropped.

Then, the second, the third...

The shuttle flew very fast, and the candidates were thrown down like dumplings along the You know, these candidates are all without parachutes, and the screams instantly filled the forest.


An oblong thick bubble appeared in vain on the body of a fat man. The fat man in fear was already scared to urinate. The urine was floating and dripping, and finally he activated the original energy capsule and ended the exam early. .

The oval bubble hit the ground, then bounced high, and then fell to the ground again and again, until the bubble stabilized, the fat man was already full of urine.

"Huh!" Liu Jiang groaned, just touching his wounds with a move, his shoulder bones were broken, and it hurt a little with a slight movement.

"You need to end the exam early!" Qian Yu said to Liu Jiang. "You have to heal as soon as possible, otherwise it will leave sequelae and affect your future."

"Well!" Liu Jiang nodded. He thinks his performance is already outstanding. With the fighting power he now shows, it is no problem to get a high score. If it is valued by the teachers of the Federal Evolution University, you can directly enter the Federal Evolution. the University.

Afterward, Liu Jiang decisively activated Yuanneng Capsule.

"Bao!" A white sphere of light appeared and wrapped Liu Jiang in it.

"Bao!" Liu Jiang saw that Han Feng, not far away, also activated his original energy capsule.

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