Super God Gene

Chapter 1011: Finally it’s my turn to be proud.

The blue thunder and lightning forest is obviously not a place for chatting. They said that without a few words, they suddenly heard the sound of the angry wolf howling in the distance.

After the sound of the wolf, the thunder of the thunder and lightning forests came from all over the horrible wolf howling, which seemed to be a bonfire, so that Chen Hu and others couldn’t help but have goose bumps. The kind of war will be a feeling of creeps.

In the distance of the lightning forest, you can see the flashing figure of the wolf, but they are all far away, not close to Hansen.

"What are these wolf scorpions called, there is the ability to go straight to do a big job." Chen Hu was upset by the wolf howling, could not help but screamed.

"We are still rushing out of this thunder and lightning forest, there is always a feeling of not very good." Lin Weiwei said.

"Afraid of what, there are Han brothers, those wolf scorpions, if they dare to come, they will turn them into stupid birds, and then they will all be slaughtered." Chen Hu did not care.

"Let's go out soon. My ability has only opened four genetic locks. I can barely survive the general mutant creatures. If I deal with the **** blood creatures, the effect is much smaller. There are many blood creatures. Will be blocked by me, in case there will be more than a few blood-level electric wolves, it will be really bad," Hansen said.

"How is it possible that the Wolf King is not the only one, otherwise it will be the Wolf King." Chen Hu said with a smile.

However, it didn't take long for Chen Hu to laugh a little. They didn't go far. They saw more and more wolves in the distance. A large group of electric wolves came out in the distant woods and looked at them at random. You can see a group of dozens of electric wolves.

Some electric wolves stared at them coldly in the woods, while others followed them slowly behind them, and some of the electric wolves in front of them made a whistling sound, echoing the wolf howling in the distance.

"Somewhat something is wrong, more and more electric wolves, at least thousands of electric wolves have gathered in the vicinity." Lin He's look is a little dignified.

Although the wolf king of the blood level has not yet been seen, the number of electric wolves is too much.

Chen Hu swallowed his throat and didn't speak. Lin Weiwei was also a little uneasy. So many electric wolves appeared nearby, obviously not a good sign.

Hansen is also slightly frowning. Although his hole is not comparable to the power of Lin He, which has opened seven genetic locks, he is more powerful than Lin He. He can clearly perceive that In the nearby electric wolves, Lin Hehe has more than they imagined. So far, there have been more than 2,300 electric wolves, and there are still electric wolves coming from afar. The number of electric wolves is still increasing. among.

Although there is no such thing as the blood level in these wolves, this battle is already very scary.

"Wolf is a very vengeful animal. Look at this style. They are iron-hearted. We must not eat. We must be careful." Lin He’s voice just fell, and suddenly he heard a wolf coming, the god. The blood-level wolf king came out from the wolves in the east.

When Chen Hu and others saw the wolf king, they were shocked in their hearts, but they had not waited for them to slow down, but they saw that the other parts of the thunder and lightning forests had come out of the four-headed blue lightning wolf king. The wolf king of the head **** blood level wore a wolf group and surrounded Hansen with them.

"I have this mouth!" Chen Hu hated not to smoke one of his own mouths. He had just finished saying that there could not be so many **** wolf kings, and now he ran out of the five wolf kings.

Lin He and others are all face-changing, even if Hansen can block those variant electric wolves, but these five blood-throated wolves are not the ones they can match.

"Hey!" The five wolf kings sighed in the sky, and the wolves in all directions suddenly moved. They yelled at each other and rushed toward Hansen. The thunder and lightning trembled like a thunderstorm. .

Hansen quickly unveiled the hole in the Xuanqi field, shielding the seven senses of the electric wolf, and those electric wolves suddenly turned into a headless flies.

"These wolf scorpions are stupid. Didn't the food just eat enough? Now come to die." Chen Hu said in order to dilute the fear in his heart.

However, I saw only those electric wolves that were blocked by Hansen. They didn’t stand there like the last time they were stupid. Although they were like no flies, their speed was not slower but faster. .


A green wolf slammed into a thunder tree, and suddenly the tree struck by the lightning tree shook, the leaves on the tree creaked, and many leaves were shaken off and danced in the air. .

"Not good!" Lin He cried.

I saw a head of electric wolf rushing over, a random collision, and immediately a lot of people slammed into the surrounding lightning trees, and suddenly saw the thunder and lightning leaves flying in the sky, it was like the rain of the leaves.

The thunderbolt trees that were hit were lightning flashes, and lightning flashes everywhere in the woods.

Chen Hu, who had already been stunned, had pulled out their swords and danced them, and threw the thunder and lightning leaves, fearing that they would be stained with leaves.

The thunder and lightning on the leaves of the beggars erupted, and the thunder-light flower that gave birth to a awning looked very amazing.

However, the number of thunder and lightning leaves is too much. Like rain, it is impossible to partially block it. As long as it is touched by a leaf and the body is shocked, there is no ability to counterattack. It is covered by large leaves. In the end, I can only die.

"These wolves are too embarrassed." Lin slightly opened a leaf, and some desperate shouts.

Hansen smiled slightly: "I still underestimated their wisdom. These guys don't just know the desperate fools, the same mistakes, how can they appear twice on them."

Lin He’s blood knife in his hand, and the large leaves of the leaves, if not there is him, only Lin Weiwei, it is impossible to block so many lightning leaves.

However, even if Lin He was so tyrannical, the numerous electric wolves kept hitting the lightning tree, causing the lightning tree to drop more leaves, and some electric wolves also accidentally hit and hit them, Lin He also Some have to pay attention to this.

"It seems that it is finally my turn to be arrogant." Hansen flashed a **** light in his eyes, and a strange red tide appeared on his skin. It seemed that blood was coming out of the body.

A pair of original black pupils, at this time, turned into a blood red color, and a closer look, will find his pupils in a ring, a ring set a ring, the more inside the ring, the more blood color.

Now Hansen’s pupil has a total of seven rings, which means that he has opened seven genetic locks with **** nerves, which is almost the limit that Hansen’s body can bear.

After all, he only has more than 1,500 points of physical fitness. If you open the eighth genetic lock, it will not last long and the body will be seriously damaged.

After opening the seven genetic locks, Hansen ran the Undead super-nuclear gene, and suddenly he burned a **** flame.

It is somewhat different from the usual black flamingo inflammation. At this time, the inflammation of the dead bird is blessed by the blood and nerves, and it turns into a **** flame. It looks strange and beautiful, giving people a terrible feeling of horror.

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