Super God Gene

Chapter 1053: Open the door to a new world

Putting the evil emperor in the shelter, Hansen returned to the league with some headaches.

The evil emperor especially succumbed to Hansen, and he should give him some more books. Hansen didn’t know what books he should bring to him. He couldn’t just give any evil books to the emperor, which would mean leaking human intelligence. Heterogeneous, Hansen is certainly impossible to do.

However, this is also one of the conditions for the evil emperor to cooperate with him. Hansen is counting on him to go to the sanctuary shelter and he must not give it to him.

While hesitating, Hansen suddenly saw the program being played in the holographic image, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he had an idea in his heart.

Directly connected to Skynet, download and print a lot of books, and get a whole box of books ready to be brought into the shelter to give evil spirits.

"No, we should treat more heterosexual friends, we should be more cordial and caring." Hansen put down the box and ordered some things on Skynet. After everything was sent, Hansen sent everything together with shelter. All.

It was just a day, and the evil emperor had already waited for some impatientness. He almost dismantled the stove shelter and did not know his temper. How did the 100,000-year prisoner's life come over?

Fortunately, the evil emperor was very conservative, did not hurt the people in the shelter, but Lin He was scared, many people returned to the league, the evil emperor did not dare to enter the shelter.

Only Boer was not afraid of him. He often rode on the head of the evil emperor, and the evil emperor did not take her.

"What are these things?" The evil emperor squinted at the large boxes that Hansen had come over, not knowing what was inside.

"You will know it later." Hansen mysterious smile, while taking things out, asked the evil emperor: "I have brought you the book, but can we understand the human words?"

"Your human text is too simple and rough, a word corresponds to a pronunciation, can only be regarded as the basic branch of our alien text, just look at it at a glance." The evil emperor sighed and said.

"It turns out that you can understand it. I am afraid that you can't read it. I will give you some pictures with pictures, so that you can learn to watch at the beginning." Hansen said, while pushing one of the big boxes to Next to the evil emperor: "There are books in it. You should check it first. If you don't like it, I will give you another one next time."

"Good." The evil emperor felt that Hansen thought it was quite thoughtful, and that Hansen was a good person.

"Great Emperor, you look at the book first, I will prepare you a bit of our human food, right, there is a little food here, you can eat while reading the book..." Hansen said and put another The box is opened, and a bag of snacks and a bottle of beverage inside are taken out to the evil emperor.

The evil emperor feels that human beings are quite good, at least this Hansen is quite good.

Hansen also got a sofa to let the evil emperor sit there while eating snacks while reading, and Hansen himself was cooking next to him. Although his cooking is very general, it is a genius compared to the aliens. It’s gone.

The world of shelters does not pursue these things at all. The most spiritual is to eat some genetic fruits or something, just to pursue their own evolution, and have not yet realized the deliciousness.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. I don't have to eat anything. You can get more books for me." The evil emperor looked at the book and said nothing to Hansen.

"It must be, this is the etiquette of our humanity. You will be wronged by the great emperor. Just eat it and taste it." Hansen said very seriously.

"That's it? Well, then." The evil emperor glanced at the treasure sitting next to him and stuffing snacks into his mouth. He also took a bag and learned the look of Boa and tore the bag.

Hansen cooks while watching the evil spirits eat snacks.

The door to a new world opens.

In the league, Han Sen is preparing to attack the Sanctuary Sanctuary these days. If he does not remove the Sword of the Sword, he will not be able to survive here.

The communicator suddenly rang, and Hansen glanced at the number that was awkward and quickly connected.

"Baby, when did you come home for a few days?" Hansen said with some resentment in the virtual image.

Ji Yanran said helplessly: "I am afraid that I will not be able to go back recently. At present, we are negotiating with the Shura people and preparing to jointly develop a terracotta relic. I may be the leader of the human side."

“Cooperating with the Shura people to develop the ruins of the sects?” Han Sen gave a slight sigh. Although humans and Shura are now in a more moderate period, there is no big battle on all fronts, but the relationship is not so good. , will actually cooperate to develop the relics of the Clan.

Ji Yanran understands Hansen’s doubts and explains: “Because there are some places in the ruins that need to be safely passed through the power of the Shura people, I have to cooperate with the Shura people.”

"It sounds dangerous. You are just an evolutionist. Why did you choose you as the leader?" Hansen frowned.

"This is one of the conditions of the Shura people." Ji Yanran laughed and laughed at himself: "In their opinion, I am the princess of humanity. They sent the royal family and a prince to participate in this cooperation, so I am required to do so. I want to join together."

"Is it all about the Shura royal family?" Hansen’s face suddenly changed, and he knew exactly what it meant.

"You can rest assured that the ones that go with me are the top transcenders of human beings. They will protect my safety, nothing." Ji Yanran laughed.

"I am going." Hansen looked at Ji Yanran seriously.

Ji Yanran said with a smile: "Dear, it's really okay, the ones that went with me are the top human surpassers who have opened the eight genetic locks, and there are some restrictions on the relics of the crystal family. At most, only 16 people can enter. There are eight people on the other side of the Shura, and eight of us on the side. The candidates have already been confirmed and cannot be changed."

"I don't care so much. If you go, then I have to go, otherwise you don't have to go."

What Ji Yunran still wants to say, Han Sen directly hangs up Ji Jiran's newsletter, and then dialed the number of Ji Ruozhen.

"Why let's go to such a dangerous place, is she your daughter?" After the newsletter was connected, Hansen looked at Ji Ruozhen with some dissatisfaction.

"Because she is my daughter, she can only go. The development of this crystal trace is very important for our alliance." Ji Ruozhen looked calm, but his eyes flashed a little helpless.

"She is not just your daughter, she is still my wife." Hansen looked at Ji Ruozhen and said: "You can let her go, I have to go together."

"We can only go to eight people, and she is going to go with the top transcenders of our human beings. They will protect the stunned, professional work and let the professionals do it." Ji Ruo really frowned.

"Let me go, or I will go back and give it back now." Hansen said firmly, there was no compromise.

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