Super God Gene

Chapter 1069: Terror weapon

Hansen now hates to get all the purple crystal nucleus out and sleep on it, which is more enjoyable than counting money.

Ji Yanran and Han Sen are not professionals. They can't say the professional name of the purple crystal nucleus. In Mandarin, these purple crystal nucleus is a kind of anti-matter weapon, or an energy bomb.

The Alliance also has antimatter weapons, but it is obviously much worse than the purple nucleus. These purple nucleus require special methods to trigger the antimatter energy, otherwise it would be useless to smash the purple nucleus.

The power of a purple crystal nucleus can detonate a star-rated super battleship.

What is even more frightening is that the various defensive radars and weapons that are currently known cannot lock the purple nucleus, which is a force to break the balance of the rules.

Both the Alliance and the Shura are currently studying the use of the purple nucleus. It seems that there has been some progress, but there is no way to completely control the energy inside, nor to develop the corresponding emitter.

When they can study it, Hansen doesn't know, but Hansen is now ready to use, because Hansen found that his black horned horn can fill the purple nucleus and then stimulate its energy to form an antimatter jet. .

The kind of light beam that Hansen used to drive black unicorns is a weapon with a purple crystal nucleus as an energy source. A purple nucleus is equivalent to an energy block for a unicorn.

Only the unicorn can control the use of the anti-special energy in the purple nucleus, and does not need to explode in one time, and can emit different levels of energy beams according to the demand.

If you spray the energy of a purple crystal nucleus at a time, you can directly destroy the star-rated super battleship, and you must know the star-rated battleship.

Hansen thinks that he feels trembled. It is no wonder that the Alliance and the Shura people will spend so much money to obtain the purple crystal nucleus. If they are really controlled by them, they will have an uncontrollable destructive weapon. It is very likely that the battle will be Decisive.

Thinking of having more than a thousand of these terrible bombs, Hansen felt trembled by himself. Although it is unrealistic to rely on these hegemonic universes, such terrorist weapons are enough to shock one side.

Hansen did not intend to dominate the party. After all, conquering the universe was not as simple as destroying a warship. Hansen had no interest in ruling others.

However, with the black unicorn, Hansen has the confidence to compete with any force in the league, no longer worry about being oppressed in the league.

Even the big power of the angel gene, if it is bullied to Hansen's head, in the past, they have smashed their hometown.

The only thing that disappointed Hansen was that the crystal technology products could not be used in the shelters. The black unicorns could not be activated in the shelter.

After having a black one-horned fairy, Hansen walked with a feeling of lightness. He couldn’t immediately meet a few unopened guys, so that he could try the power of the black one-horned fairy.

Unfortunately, no one has come to provoke him. Hansen has a good weapon but no use.

After returning to the league, they were also awarded the left-handed medal. Although there were some deviations from the plan, the result was good, and they also got more purple crystal nucleus than the Shura.

When Hansen returned to the shelter and saw the evil emperor, his eyes were about to come out.

I was wearing a white shirt with a big shirt on my face, a brand-name boot on my foot, and a big chain like a skull on my neck. I was wearing this kind of body, and the evil emperor actually sat. There are sleeves and barbecues, beer and beer while watching comics.

"Brother, you are good!" Seeing Hansen coming, the evil emperor also made a very exaggerated gesture to Hansen. Hansen did not know what the gesture meant, but it seemed to be very second.

With a few twitching eyes, Hansen thought to himself: "What evil things did the evil spirits see in those comics?"

“Where did these things come from?” Hansen sat down opposite the evil emperor and asked him if he had never bought these things for the evil emperor.

"I will just say that, Lin He gave me a lot of things, you humans are very good, I like it." The evil emperor finished making a gesture, it seems to be praise, but unfortunately Hansen Do not understand.

Hansen thought: "You ask them, who would dare not give it to you?"

"I said brothers, is there any way to let me see you in the human world? I also want to try to fly the aircraft, armor and guns." The evil emperor said with excitement.

"I rub, who told the evil emperor? I clearly give him a romance comic..." Han Sen quickly looked at the comic book in the heart of the evil emperor, could not help but straighten the black line on his forehead.

It is a "New Century of Warrior", which mainly talks about the War of Armor, and also what the warships are. Hansen can be sure that these are not his evil emperors.

When I think that he is not there, the evil emperor has finished watching the comics, and then let others bring him again, and the result becomes what it is now.

Fortunately, the theme of comics in the league is basically love and peace. The protagonist is a party of justice. Even if the personality is a little different, the protagonist will insist on love and justice. Therefore, the thought should still play a positive role, and there is no evil. The emperor was badly affected.

Just looking at the alternative shape of the evil emperor, Hansen couldn't help but twitch, and he didn't know what he learned from the comics.

"The Great Emperor, the last account of the Swordsman Emperor, should we go and count with him?" Hansen intends to encourage the evil emperor to go to destroy the Holy Sword Shelter.

"Don't do it! If you are a sinister, you will be far away." The evil emperor looked deep and overbearing, and compared to a middle finger.

Hansen’s cold sweat on his forehead, I don’t know what the evil spirits have seen in this guy.

"And, don't call me the emperor in the future, it's too vulgar, I will call my brother in the future, but I am destined to become a man of the super-big emperor." The evil emperor said that he still pressed the brim edge with his hand and put a cool one. expression.

"You like...just..." Hansen's mouth twitched, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Although the evil emperor has become a bit strange now, but fortunately his strength is still there, and in line with Hansen's idea, want to kill the Juggernaut to report the hatred in the Phoenix sanctuary.

Hansen is really afraid that he will come to a sentence to report the invincibility of the benevolent, and then it will be really big.

"When you look back, you must have a good Yulin. They can't do anything. You can't just look at the messy cartoons." Hansen thought to himself.

After negotiating with the evil emperor, Han Sen and the evil emperor set off to go to the holy sword sanctuary, and did not need much preparation. The evil emperor could play a few, plus Hansen, the holy sword. There are two super **** creatures and one emperor in the shelter. It can be said that it is stable.

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