Super God Gene

Chapter 1074: Rebellious knight

"Super God creature!" Han Sen's eyes condensed, and Huo Ran stood up from the ground. His body was **** and turned into a black crow wing. The whole person between the **** has turned into Jinwu, and he flew toward him. The **** ghosts rushed up.


The golden claws wrapped in blood flames collided with the ghostly claws of the ghosts, and the blood flames scattered, the ghosts overflowed, and the sound of gold and iron sang under the cross between the claws and the claws. The air around them seemed to be like the air. They were all shattered by the horrible power, forming a twisted space crack.

Hansen's brows were slightly wrinkled, and it turned out to be a tie-breaking game. No one could have won.

A evil spirit and a golden eagle fought in the sky. Wherever they went, the buildings in the shelter were crushed, the blood flames burned everywhere, the ghosts shrouded them, and almost everything was frozen.

The blood is scattered from the sky, there are ghostly green blood, Hansen's red blood, a ghost and a bird are scarred, it seems that no one can take advantage of it.

Hansen’s heart secretly surprised that the strength of Ghost Ghost is stronger than the one he saw in the Sanctuary Shelter. The ghost is extremely cold, almost dripping and freezing, and it also has a strong corrosiveness. Hansen’s golden body and **** nerves are able to stop.

However, the transformation of Jinwu could not last forever. After a while, his body could not bear the transformation of Jinwu, and finally he could only lose.

Han Sen bit his teeth, he was ready to enter the state of super emperor, to solve this ghost, but he did not wait for Hansen to launch the super-spirit state, but suddenly heard the strange sound in his beast.

Hansen’s heart was slightly shocked, and he quickly looked into his own sea of ​​souls. He saw the rebellious knight who had entered the metamorphosis state before, and the light outside his body was broken, and he broke into the battle state at this time.

"It's a good time to change," Hansen said, and he immediately summoned the rebel knight.

I saw a bronze armor, the body is majestic, like the ancient knights, the rebellious knights broke out and came directly to Hansen.

The ghost gums saw the rebellious knight appear, but it did not mean to retreat at all. A baby screaming like a cry, the **** body was shrouded in ghosts, and rushed straight toward the rebel knight.

The look of the rebellious knight is indifferent, as his bronze armor is ruthless, a long black hair dances with the wind, and the body wrapped in bronze armor is standing still, so suspended in the air, it seems completely Moved.

At the foot of the rebellious knight, the bronze aura spreads out like a shock wave.

The aura rushed through the ghost's gums, and the speed of the ghost's gums dropped significantly. Even the ghosts on it were like a flame that was almost exhausted, and the whole momentum was much weaker. .


The rebellious knight’s strong arm slammed out, and the fist wrapped in bronze armor collided with the claws of the ghostly gums, and was even rolled back by a ghostly tooth to a dozen meters.

In the next second, the rebel knight broke through the space directly, appearing in front of the ghostly tooth like a teleport, and the violent fist was bombarded like a storm.

There was no intention of dodging at all, and the rebellious knight ignored the ghostly claws and the fists violently fell on the ghosts.

Hansen people were watching, and the claws and teeth of the ghosts left a lot of scars on the rebellious knight, but the rebellious knight seemed to have no pain at all, and his looks were indifferent, and more fists slammed on the ghosts. , squeaking the bones of the ghosts.

Under continuous bombardment, the flesh and bones of the Ghosts were torn apart by the rebel knights, and the green blood flowed everywhere.

Looking at the rebellious knight's perfect and powerful **, Hansen's heart is ecstatic, and at the same time he is somewhat depressed: "Why is the rebellious knight not a fusion beast? If you can have such a beast, I can show it." Learning, Tai Ajian and Phoenix Excalibur can also be used, and why can't you destroy the ghosts."

Hansen soon saw why the rebellious knight did not dodge, because he did not have the need to dodge. Under the weakening of his rebellious aura, the power of the ghost's minions was greatly reduced, one claw for a punch, rebellious. The knight was only slightly injured, but the ghost gum was severely wounded. After a while, the ghosts could not hold on. The whole body did not know how many roots were broken.

Ghostly screaming, I want to fly back into the black fog, where Hansen will let him go, directly fluttering, making a crow-like scream, flying directly to the ghosts.

Hansen discovered at this time that the speed of the ghosts was slower, and the speed that could have been comparable to his golden body was now a lot slower than him.

Hansen's paws were torn down, and the skin of the ghost's gums was torn open, and a scar showing the bones of the forest was caught. The blood poured out like a spring.

"Strong, even the toughness of the body has been weakened, and the rebellious knight is too strong." Hansen is ecstatic, with such a powerful rebel knight to help, even if he is not afraid of the super **** creature.

Ghosts screamed and screamed, but there was no chance of rushing out. Under the joint efforts of Hansen and the rebel knight, there were more and more injuries.

In the end, Hansen cut his chest and pulled his heart out.

"Hunting the super gods, the ghosts of the ghosts, the ghosts of the ghosts, the flesh and blood, the flesh and blood can be eaten, the life gene extract can be collected, and the life gene extract can be randomly obtained from 0 to 10 super genes."

Hansen was overjoyed. He thought that it would be good to be able to fish and blood and the essence of life. I didn’t expect to have the soul of the beast. This is the super-beast.

"It is best to fly the soul of the beast. If you have a double wing, even if it is not in the form of birds, I can also play the power of the phoenix secret technique and the flying mystery of more than 95%." Han Sen secretly prayed.

Although Jin Wu is very powerful, Han Sen is still not used to it. He hopes to fight in his personal state.

Hansen looked at the ghostly king of the soul in his own soul and looked at it, but after seeing its information, it was a slight glimpse.

Super sacred soul ghost fangs king: badge type.

"What kind of ghost is the badge type?" Hansen was amazed. He had not heard of this kind of animal soul. This was the first time I saw it. I didn't know what it was.

Directly summoned the ghost soul of the ghost fangs king, I saw a slap in the palm of the hand, appearing in the palm of Hansen's palm, faintly ghostly entangled. 8)

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