Super God Gene

Chapter 1087: Really gold coins

"Really gold coins!" Su Xiaoqiao stunned and was shocked by this strange scene. I don't know what it is. .

I saw a piece of gold coins slamming on the body of those fierce beasts, and the body of a fierce beast fell on a gold coin, not many, one or many.

Many people are in a daze, don't know what the golden gold coins are, how they suddenly fall from the sky, and don't know what these gold coins mean.

But in the next second, everyone has widened their eyes and opened their mouths, revealing an expression of incredible and pleasant surprises.


After a piece of gold coins fell on those huge ancient beasts, those fierce beasts seemed to be crushed by the mountains. The head was directly pressed down on the ground, and they struggled and could not climb.

Even the horrible ancient beasts of the gods are the same. After being suppressed by a gold coin, they are directly crushed on the ground. The six hooves are smashing on the ground, but they can only open the soil and rocks, but how can they I can't stand up, and the pain in my head is weak and powerless.

"What is this situation?" Zhao Cong dumbly looked at the incredible scene in front of him.

Others are similar to Zhao Cang, and they are all unbelievably looking at the ancient beast lying on the ground.

And the **** ancient beast that was violently stunned by a gold coin, the body trembled but did not fall down, the color of the mysterious jade was thicker, and it made a loud scream, as if it was unwilling to be suppressed, no matter How can I not fall down?

Suddenly, I saw a figure that was covered by the blazing white light in the sky. The majestic body and the blazing long hair gave people an indescribable sense of sacredness, like God.

Only he was wrapped in armor, and his face could not be seen. He only saw a gold coin between his fingers, and then he slammed the blood of the ancient animal.

The gold coin was turned into a golden streamer in the eyes of everyone, and it was instantly shot on the forehead of the **** ancient beast.

The gold coins were suppressed in the moment of the **** ancient beasts, and the huge body could no longer support the direct lying on the ground.

This is not over yet, but in a flash, the body of the blood-stricken ancient animal, the mysterious jade, splits a hole, and the blood spurts out of the cracked body.


In the eyes of everyone's horror, the **** beast that was violently violently smashed into the body, blood and bones burst open, blood and brain splashes everywhere, directly crushed into a pile Rotten meat.

Everyone is shocked, it is hard to imagine, just a small gold coin, even the invincible violent blood of the ancient beasts, this is a horrible force, it is like a **** general.

"b god... you are b god..." Su Xiaoqiao yelled at the blazing figure in the air, and the excitement was hard to say.

Although I can't see the person's appearance, Su Xiaoqiao has a feeling that the person is a gold coin, that is, b god.

"Su Xiaoqiao, you are promoted to the third shelter." Han Sen looked at Su Xiaoqiao and said that he was a little bit happy. He was able to see friends who had fought together before the third shelter. It is a happy thing.

Su Xiaoqiao suddenly overjoyed and shouted: "I am who I am, b God, you still remember me, I have been here for almost a year, b God, you are here very well..."

Everyone suddenly looked at Su Xiaoqiao, and Su Xiaoqiao himself also stood up in his chest.

Being able to be called by b **** is undoubtedly a thing that is worth showing off.

"Thank you for your help, in the Zhao cage of the next angel gene." Zhao cage said to Hansen.

"Gold coins." Han Sen said a faint sentence, and then said: "Those ancient beasts will be suppressed for twelve hours, you can solve it earlier."

After that, Han Sen turned directly into a blazing stream of light, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Hansen’s time to enter the super-spirit state is limited, and the time to enter the period of weakness will be longer, and he will not waste time if he does not waste time.

Today, I was only planning to take a look at this human sanctuary, but I did not expect that it would happen in such a big war. He wanted to try out the results of his own research and had to transform into a super-president who used gold coins, his own The body has not recovered, and it is impossible to exert its power. It is even more impossible to suppress the blood of the ancient beasts. It can only use the body of the super emperor.

After the gold coins researched by Hansen, the power makes Hansen very satisfied. When the large-scale use, the effect is worse, but it is quite good, and the victory can be suppressed by the group.

Really condensing power on a gold coin, the resulting terrorist power also made Hansen feel that his long-term research was not in vain.

Because the time of using the super emperor state was very short, Hansen recovered the real body, and the body did not appear to be weak.

The Warlord Shelter can no longer go, Hansen can only go back to the ridiculous area.

The gold coin appeared in the treasury shelter and demonstrated the horrible gold coin power, and the news spread quickly in the league. Because there were a lot of people present at the time, in addition to the Zhao cage of the angel gene, there are many other big forces, and the details are unbearable.

With the suppression of the ancient beasts, a gold coin smashed the blood of the gods, and the power of the b **** was incredible, and they speculated on what the power of the gold coin was.

Everyone has speculated about the extent to which b **** is powerful. Many people have guessed that Hansen is a b god, but it has not been confirmed.

Now that Hansen’s body has been abolished, the gold coins are still active, and unprecedentedly powerful, so that everyone has dispelled previous speculation.

Now there have been people in the league who have been promoted with the super **** gene. The first one to be promoted with the super **** gene is the discipline of the family.

The super-death creature of the first shelter is relatively easy to kill, and the discipline has already hunted the super-god creature. After so many years, she was able to be the first to complete the super-god gene.

As a result of the advancement of the disciplinary situation, Ji Jia did not conceal and directly announced the results of the promotion to the league.

The word super-deity is finally known to mankind, and the super-spiritual name of the episode is called "Sword Soul", which greatly enhances her kendo talent, and there will be a large blessing when using swords and swords.

Since the beginning of the situation, all major forces are desperately training their super-spirits, with the help of angelic genetic fluid and pet Dan. Humans have developed rapidly in recent years. After the bloody, they have been trained. Super-god, but the super-god is different for everyone.

What kind of super-deity can be obtained, which has something to do with its own physique and the genes to be hunt. For example, those who cultivate the power of the fire system generally only get the super-deity of the fire system.

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