Super God Gene

Chapter 1096: Station height is different

Hansen can understand the idea of ​​Wang Ling. From the perspective of adaptation, the ice muscle jade surgery is indeed correct, and it is absolutely correct.

Just like translating articles of other races, the meanings are translated correctly, but some words are debatable. This is not wrong. As long as they understand these two kinds of words, it is natural to make sure that there is nothing wrong with translation.

Hansen really takes those words that are worthy of discussion as a mistake, but it makes the professionals feel ridiculous.

If Hansen did not practice ice muscle jade surgery, and did not find the secret of Guanghan, even if he let him see, he is also very sure, this translation is absolutely correct.

However, the level that Hansen sees now is not a superficial translation, nor a mere adaptation of the text, but a common-sense mistake.

For example, in the past, humans believed that the sun was rotating around the earth, which was the common sense mistake of the foundation. The basis of this theory was wrong, and the relevant reasoning derived from it was all wrong.

But with the knowledge at the time, no one knew that it was wrong.

This is the case now. They all think that the Guanghan Classic is a qi-to-cold qi-training technique. The super-nuclear genetic technique adapted from this foundation seems absolutely correct, but it is actually completely wrong.

It’s not that Wang Ling’s ability in this area is not as good as that of Hansen, but the height of the station is different. The scenery that can be seen is naturally different.

Han Sen said that the adaptation is wrong. Wang Ling naturally sneered at it. Otherwise, even if Han Sen said that there is a problem with the Guanghan Jing method, Wang Ling will listen to him and then conclude.

Wang Ling’s entanglement and targeting made Han Sen somewhat annoyed. If he was not unwilling to watch thousands of people in the snow family become mentally ill, he would be lazy to say more.

"Mr. Wang is the proud student of Professor Li Xinghua Li?" Han Sen said to Wang Ling.

"Yes, Professor Li is my teacher of the profession." Wang Ling replied first.

Li Xinghua’s position in the church is not lower than that of Bai Yishan, or even higher, because Li Xinghua is already a demigod, and Bai Yishan is only a transcender.

Although from an academic point of view, the two people's abilities and achievements are quite similar, but because Li Xinghua is a demigod, Li Xinghua is stronger than Bai Yishan in the eyes of outsiders, but the comparison of this strength is not Suitable for academia.

"I admire Professor Li for a long time, Professor Bai often mentions Professor Li, and feels that Professor Li is at the top level in today's church," Hansen continued.

"Of course, the achievements of the teachers and other families in the field of super-nuclear genetics are obvious to all. No one in the league can make a difference." Wang Ling is slightly proud, and feels that he is also honored.

"Really, Professor Li is the pillar of our alliance and has unparalleled achievements in the research of super nuclear genetics." Hansen said seriously.

Everyone looked at Hansen a little strangely. Wang Ling’s words were all humiliating Hansen’s meaning, and Hansen even praised Wang Ling’s mentor Li Xinghua. Although it can be said that it is graceful, it also makes people feel too weak. .

Lin Feng looked at Han Sen with interest. He knew that Hansen was not a weak person, nor a person who would retreat in the face of the enemy, so he wanted to know what Hansen wanted to do.

Wang Ling listened to Han Sen’s words, and he looked a lot better. He said a little smugly: “You know it well. Although I have learned less than a teacher, it is also a professional. It’s clear whether there are any mistakes. If you don't understand, don't say it, lest you ruin the reputation of Professor Bai for so many years."

Hansen was not angry. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Ling and continued: "You are right."

Wang Ling thought that Han Sen was soft, and agreed with his words, and his heart was more proud.

But who knows Hansen’s words and turns, said faintly: "You really don't know Professor Li, even Professor Li's fur has not learned a little. It seems that Professor Li is too focused on research, there is no time to teach disciples, otherwise How come you have such a disciple?"

"You..." Wang Ling didn't expect Hansen to turn so fast, the last sentence was still immersed in the triumphant, who knows that suddenly came a big turn, the brain can't keep up, and for a time, I can't say it. When you say it, just say one word and you suddenly live.

Hansen did not give him the opportunity to continue to say: "You can't even see such obvious basic adaptation errors. You still claim to be a disciple of Professor Li."

"Well, you said, where do you say the mistakes are made? If you say something wrong, and everyone in the room approves, I will give you a tea admittance. If you can't say it, or you are wrong, don't blame me." Regardless of the friendship with the family." Wang Ling said with a face of iron and blue, the heart is already angry.

"Professor Li should have taught you the ancient Chinese? Can you read this original text?" Han Sen pointed to the original text of the Guanghan on the stone tablet.

"Of course, not only can you read it, there is no problem in translating it." Wang Ling said coldly, he has considerable confidence in this.

Hansen smiled faintly: "I don't think you will actually read it."

Wang Ling was angry and directly read the Guanghan scripture, and added his own understanding and annotation when reading. A reading of the Guanghan classic is equivalent to translating it.

Everyone listened and felt that Wang Ling’s knowledge was indeed very profound, and several other experts in this field also agreed with Wang Ling’s explanation and mistakes.

Even some places that Wang Ling had annotated, they never thought that after listening to Wang Ling, they were greatly inspired.

"Master Han, what can I do if I read it?" Wang Ling said with a mocking look at Hansen.

Hansen sighed: "It seems that I am wrong with Professor Li. Professor Li has not only taught, but also taught very well. It can be said that it is a confession. Unfortunately, the apprentice he received is a fool. You can't blame Professor Li. It’s not good to teach.”

Hansen did not intend to be polite with Wang Ling. Wang Ling regarded him as an enemy. He did not think that Wang Ling would be an enemy and he could win the reputation of Bai Xingshan against Li Xinghua. Hansen would not miss it.

"You tell me clearly, otherwise don't blame me for bullying you with a disability." Wang Ling is already angry, and the eyes are about to spurt out the fire, almost immediately to pick up Han Sen.

Hansen calmly looked at Wang Ling and said: "If you can read and explain, then please tell me, which one of the Guanghan Classics says it is a cold practice?"

Wang Ling gave a slight glimpse, and then sneered with disdain and said: "Is this still used? The Guanghan Classic is originally a qi to the yin to the cold."

"To Yin, I agree, to the cold word, you are to find out to show me." Han Sen pointed to the Guanghan Classic on the stone tablet. (.)

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