Super God Gene

Chapter 1121: Different ancient vine

Although the clouds are just a hit, Hansen still looks at it. The purple vines are not born in the mud or rocks of the top of the mountain, but grow on a huge creature like a wild animal.

Just looking at it, the horrible scene has been deeply imprinted into Han Sen’s mind. The ancient vine is rooted in the flesh and blood of the huge creature, like relying on the nutrients provided by the body of the alien creature. Hansen has seen it before.

The gourd vine born by Boa is born of the bones of a strange animal, and looks very similar to this purple ancient vine.

However, the ancient vines born by Boa are already dry, and it seems to be somewhat different from this purple ancient vine. Moreover, Hansen just swept away and did not see the purple gourd on the ancient vine.

"Purple ancient vines will not be the relatives of Boa?" Han Sen just looked at it, not sure that there is no gourd, and even if there is no gourd, it may not have grown.

Boa is so obsessed with the fish king to rush to the top of the mountain, there must be some connection, otherwise how can Baoer be so heart-warming.

While Hansen was thinking about it, the fish king had survived the sorrow of the thousands of Zixia, and the body of the **** body was smashed into the clouds, and it had already entered the cloud.

Jin Xi's tail swayed, causing the clouds to break apart, revealing a blue sky, and the purple ancient vines rushing toward the top of the mountain.

The purple vines on the ancient vines are revived, but this time it is not turned into a light blade. The shadow of the vines flying above the ancient vines turns out to be a fist-sized purple bee, like a purple cloud covering the sky. Going over.

The Boa who had been sitting on the back of the fish king and had no movements finally moved. The mini-hoist in his hand suddenly spewed out a powerful suction, sucking it against the purple bee in the sky, and inhaled all the purple bees in a moment. Among the mini gourds, there is not even one left.


The fish king's body fell on the top of the mountain, and it fell on the side of the purple ancient vine. Once again, it flew up to the purple ancient vine, and the eyes were full of fanaticism and urgent color.

Han Sen looked at the fish king's appearance, it seems to be eating purple ancient vines, but the fish king has not touched the purple ancient vine, but saw that the alien beast that was parasitic by the purple ancient vine suddenly stood up and the head was on the fish king's body. Suddenly, the fish king smashed out and the fish king was torn apart with a terrible wound, and blood rushed out.


The alien beasted with a roar, and the purple ancient vine with his body flew toward the lantern flying fish king again, and the purple sky above the beast was shining.

The red red gold in the body of the flying fish king flashed again, and the whole body was magnificent, and it was a battle with the strange animal.

Zixia and Jinhui circulated in the sky, shattering thousands of miles of clouds and sea, turning into heavy rain.

Hansen fluttered and flew against the clouds against the storm. He stood on the sky and watched the earth-shattering war. One fish and one beast were the horror of existence. Even if it was the incarnation of the super-spirit, Hansen had no confidence. Any one of them is against.

Hansen observed for a long time and found that the beast was somewhat different from the giant beetle that was born in the original Boa. Although the behemoth had only bones left, it was not the same as this beast. biological.

This alien bone is like a male, with a double horn at the head and a sickle at the end. Although the flesh and blood are wilting, its shape is clearly visible, which is quite different from the skeleton of the giant beast in the second shelter.

“What is the relationship between Boa and this ancient vine?” Hansen’s heart is difficult to understand. At this time, the whole picture of the purple ancient vine can be clearly seen.

A root vine is entangled in a strange animal, and it is like a strange scorpion. It is like a strange vine-like tentacle.

Hansen did not see the fruits and the like on the top, and did not see the gourd.

I don't know if it was sucked by the purple ancient vines, or if the alien beast is not the opponent of the lantern fish king. If it is only the power of the beast to fight against the fish king, I am afraid it is now at a disadvantage.

However, the purple vines on the beasts were drawn out by the vines, and the golden phoenix of the lantern fish king smashed the blood. The fish king battled the beast, but it was not the opponent of the purple vine.

However, the fish king did not mean to give up a little. The body of the fish has been smeared like a blood fish, but it is still desperately rushing up. I don’t know what it is for.

Seeing that the fish king's vitality is getting weaker and weaker, a root vine is wrapped around it, making it difficult for the fish king to move.

The beast rushed over, and the horns on his head smashed the body of the fish king, and flew down the mountain with his blood, and fell directly into the lake.

The blood suddenly stained the large lakes and formed a **** wave. This time, the fish king did not rush out like before. After a while, the fish king's body slowly floated up.

It’s just that the current fish king has no longer had the same golden glory. The red red gold in the body has already swayed like a candle in the wind, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.

The wounds on the huge body are criss-crossed, the scales have already been scraped clean, and the wounds of the fish bones can be seen everywhere. The flesh and blood is so unbearable.

The fish king struggled to swim in the lake, and wanted to fly the fins to the top again, but after all, he had no strength. He only fell less than ten meters and fell down. The huge waves of water tumbling.

Boa looked up at the top of the mountain in the clouds, and his face was full of unwillingness, but it seemed to be scrupulous.

Han Sen saw that the fish king had only half a breath left, and he fell on the fish king and picked up Boa from his back.

The battle was just fierce. The treasure sitting on the fish king didn't hurt at all. I didn't know if the fish king deliberately maintained it, or the different animals on the top of the mountain and the ancient vine did not want to hurt her.

"Boa, what do you want to do?" Hansen asked Boa, he was so curious, only Boa could answer the doubts in his heart.

Boa looked at the top of the mountain and said, "Dad... Boa... To... vine..."

"What do you want the ancient vine to do?" Hansen got to understand.

"I want it." Boa said seriously.

Hansen was speechless and asked a few words, but he couldn’t ask for any essentials. It didn’t seem that Boa didn’t want to tell him. I’m afraid even Boa didn’t know why. She’s not sure, just said Want.

Seeing nothing, Hansen had to give up and ask again. If he pulled out the Phoenix Excalibur, he would like to kill the Lantern Fish King at his feet. This is probably a matter of opening a genetic lock or a supernatural creature. Naturally, there are great benefits.

Now that it is dying, there is almost no effort to fight back. It is a golden opportunity.

"Dad doesn't kill it." Boa suddenly stopped Hansen.

"Why?" Hansen looked at Boa doubtfully, and Boer never did anything similar.

Boa looked at the top of the mountain and said: "Boa... Dad...not an opponent... I need it for help later..." (.)

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