Super God Gene

Chapter 1556: Great gene nucleus

I don't know how much time has passed. It seems like Hansen's feeling is so long after a century, and suddenly I heard a loud bang.

Hansen only felt his body slammed up and hit the ceiling of the tower, then fell again, and everything recovered.

The metal tower no longer shook, there was no sound outside, and the power that penetrated into the tower gradually dissipated.

"Is it finished? Who won?" Hansen got up from the ground, rubbed his head, and looked around: "Small silver, little stars, are you all right?"

Small silver and small stars, and the little ice hippocampus are also climbing up from the ground, shaking their heads and shaking their bodies, it looks a little dizzy.

Fortunately, they did not seem to be hurt, although the smell of the body is a little weak, but it is still normal.

Hansen saw that they had nothing to do, and they were relieved. They quickly went to the tower window and looked out. After seeing the outside situation, they could not help but stay.

The outside of the tower window is all water, just like entering the marine museum, there are many marine creatures swimming around.

Hansen reached out and found out that it was really water. He looked up and saw that the sky was like a cloud of clouds, and there were many strange cracks.

Looking carefully, Hansen knows what is happening now.

The metal tower split the ice and sank into the sea, and now they are on the bottom of the sea.

There are a lot of marine life around, but I don’t see the stone people and the black armor. I don’t know where they went, and whether they have won or lost.

Hansen tried to swim out of the tower window. The marine creatures looked very weak, and the atmosphere was the standard of ordinary aliens and primitive creatures. There was no threat to Hansen.

Hansen swam all the way to the ice cracks. After wearing it out of the water, he found that there was a glacier sea around him, and he could not see the glacier mountains at all.

"Isn't this the area of ​​the relics of God?" Hansen looked around and couldn't feel the shroud of that strange power, obviously not in the remains of God.

The stone man and the black armor did not know how long they had been playing, and they had already shot the remains of God.

Hansen looked around and saw no headless stone man and black armor. He did not sense the power fluctuations nearby, and then sneaked back into the metal tower in the sea.

They are a lot better, they seem to be awake, and the small silver and silver are using their lightning power to treat themselves and the small ice hippocampus.

The little stars are okay, it has been promoted to super, the flesh is stronger than the small silver and silver, and there is not much damage.

Hansen ran downstairs and ran to the first floor. Sure enough, he did not see the headless stone statue. The first floor of the metal tower is now empty. There is nothing left except for the secret law.

"Sure enough, the headless stone man is the headless stone statue in the tower." Hansen secretly thought: "Now the headless stone man does not know where to go, I don't know if I can control this metal tower?"

This metal tower has such a powerful power, and it has been fighting for so long with the horrible black armor. There is no damage, it is definitely a top treasure.

Hansen had been able to feel connected with the metal tower before. At this time, I wanted to give it a try and see if I could take this unowned metal tower to my own.

But now Hansen can't feel his connection with the metal tower, just a little hesitation, Han Sen once again used the secret method to turn his body into that strange state.

When he entered this state, he immediately had such a strange connection with the metal tower, and it was stronger than before.

Hansen tried to control the metal tower. He didn't know if he could do it. He tried it before the headless stone man and the black armor, but he didn't succeed.

But now the metal tower has lost control, and maybe there is a chance.

Hansen is just holding the attitude of trying it out. It is best to be able to control the metal tower. If it can't be controlled, it can only be said that there should be no life.

Who knows that Hansen’s mind is fretting, and the metal tower suddenly trembles and makes a banging sound, as if it is going to collapse.

Scared Hansen quickly took the small silver and silver together and drilled out of the metal tower, floating in the sea and watching the shaking metal tower.

The metal tower was shaken a few times, and the huge tower was slowly shrinking. In a short time, it was reduced to the size of the palm. As Hansen’s body flowed, it was shot into his soul.

"Get the Great Gene Nuclear Tower."

At the same time, Han Sen’s mind also sounded a familiar voice, and Hansen was overjoyed: “The Great Gene Nuclear, which is really the top treasure.”

Hansen has no relevant information, and he does not know the essential difference between the gene of the Great Emperor and the super gene nucleus. However, the Great Emperor should be the corresponding supernatural creature, which should not be as simple as a super gene nucleus.

I was trying to summon the tower of the gods to see how powerful it was. Hansen suddenly felt a headache, and the whole body was convulsive. He had to lift the secret law and restore his usual state.

However, after resuming the usual state, Hansen wanted to summon the tower of the gods, but found that he could not get in touch with the destiny tower. The destiny tower seemed to be a dead object sleeping in his soul sea.

"Can you only use the Destiny Tower in that kind of transformation?" Hansen was slightly distressed.

If he can only use the Destiny Tower under that transformational state, he will not last long, and the time he can use is very limited.

Hansen took Boa and they swam out of the water and returned to the glacier. They wanted to determine where they were, but there were glaciers and seas everywhere, and even the iceberg could not see one. Obviously, the remains of the gods. It is already far away.

The direction of the sea is definitely not right. Han Sen probably judged the position and went to the south. Although I don’t know where this is, the general direction of going south is not wrong.

There are small stars carrying them forward, speed and energy saving, there are small silver and silver, the general aliens do not dare to approach them, but just a few days, they have already walked out of the snow.

It’s just that the surrounding scene is still very strange, and Hansen can’t judge where it is.

Hansen had to let the little stars carry them and continue to go south. Only then did they walk for more than a dozen miles. Suddenly they heard the sound of shouting and killing in front.

"There are humans?" Hansen heard the voice suddenly happy, and many of those shouts were spoken by human beings, and there was a great possibility of human beings.

Hansen quickly took the small silver and silver and they walked over and could see the words of the human compatriots. At least, I can find out where it is.

Turning over a mountain forest, I saw that there were several human beings in front of killing a different creature. What surprised Hansen was that there were actually acquaintances he knew in humans.

However, it seems that their situation is very bad now, although several people have killed the other creatures together, but they have been defeated by the killing of different creatures, and it is difficult to maintain the formation.

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