Super God Gene

Chapter 1801: Knife meaning (the lord plus more)

Hansen has been pulled out several times, and he has not been able to pull out the scabbard, and he could not help but be a little surprised.

Haven't waited for Hansen to react further. Suddenly, on the scabbard, there was a knife-like knives that erupted like a monster, and instantly swallowed Hansen.

Hansen frowned slightly, and his sword was rushing to fight against the monster's general knife.

The knife does not directly hurt Hansen's body, but it is consuming the sense of Hansen's sword, or not only the sword, Hansen's own will is swallowed by the knife.

If the will collapses, even if the body is not injured and the self-confidence collapses, it will be difficult to confront the top power.

Hansen’s sword is already very amazing, but the knife is more fierce.

If Hansen’s sword is a strong and stubborn bull, then the sword that comes out of the scabbard is the tiger or the dragon.

How strong the bull is, it is also a herbivore, the tiger and the dragon are all eating and not vomiting the bones, swearing Hansen's sword.

If the sword is tangible, I am afraid it has already been bloody.

This kind of knife gives Hansen a very familiar feeling. Isa's knife seems to be very similar to this kind of knife, but the knife in the scabbard is more powerful and fierce than Isa's knife.

"It's no wonder that Isa will come to the idea of ​​this scabbard. It turns out that this thing has something to do with her." Hansen flashed a lot of thoughts.

Isa's knife is so powerful, it must be the king's strong, the knife in the scabbard is even stronger than her knife, then there is only one possibility left.

"A creature that leaves a knife in this scabbard is a powerful person of the deification level? If it is really a deified power, then it is probably one of the two strong terrorists. Can you say one of them? The strong terrorist is the Rebeite. Is this scabbard left here?" Hansen said in his heart.

But think about it and feel wrong. If it is really the remnant of the Rebecite, why have you experienced such a long time, until now Isa has come here to take the scabbard?

Hansen didn't have time to think more. The whole body's will was used to confront the horrible sword. Even so, it is difficult to counter the monster's murderous sword. The sword and Hansen's will are constantly bitten and bitten. Devouring.

Hansen’s will is getting weaker and weaker, but the knife is getting stronger and stronger.

Want to get out and leave, but the will is taken, Han Sen simply can not move, as long as a retreat, the monster-like knife will sneak into the air, will only make Han Sen's will collapse faster.

While Hansen was thinking about how to get rid of the predicament, the black crystal armor within the soul sea suddenly moved slightly, revealing a touch of breath.

In the moment when the breath flowed into Hansen's body, the scabbard was fiercely trembled, the intracranial knife converges instantaneously, and the scabbard screams, and Hansen's palms are squirted, and the scabbard is easily pulled out. .

The black crystal armor smells like a streamer, flowing in Hansen's body for a week, then returning to the soul sea and flowing back into the armor.

The black crystal armor also restored the original silence, and there is no difference between them.

Although the breath has been recovered, but the scabbard has not released the knife, but still shivering in Hansen's hand.

I don't know why, Hansen seems to be able to sense the emotion of the scabbard, and only feels a mixture of excitement, surprise and fear in the scabbard.

Han Sen was a little surprised. He didn't know what kind of connection between the scabbard and the black crystal armor. Why did the black crystal armor make a scabbard into this appearance?

"Is this scabbard a thing of the Rebecite, or something of the celestial family?" Hansen secretly thought, but he still thinks it is more likely to be a member of the crystal family.

While Hansen was thinking about it, the knives in the scabbard suddenly came out again. Only this time, the knife did not devour Hansen’s will, but it made people feel very gentle and flocked to Hansen’s consciousness.

Hansen suddenly felt like an avatar for an ancient behemoth, swallowing everything between heaven and earth, the universe of the galaxy, everything in the heavens and the earth, just between a mouth, will be swallowed into his belly.

The kind of enthusiasm that devours the universe of the heavens and the earth, there is an indescribable sense of pleasure.

The kind of enthusiasm that swallowed the behemoth was deeply imprinted into Hansen’s mind. The next moment the beast was turned into a knife, and Hansen saw a very familiar knife.

The shape of the knife is exactly the same as that used by Isa, but the knives are much worse.

Although the shape is the same, the handle of Isa’s hand is like a toy compared to Hansen’s handle in consciousness.

At this time, the knife was held in the hands of a man. Hansen’s appearance was not really good, but in the middle of it, he seemed to see a pair of long ears on his head.

These are not important. The man holding the knife is almost like a great demon king. The sword is broken, the Milky Way is broken, everything is devastated, and countless planets are destroyed under the knife. Even the void is torn. Bite a gap like a galaxy.

With one knife and one knife, the knife that devours and devours everything, the horror of the people, and the unspeakable feeling of joy.

The man slashed his knife over and over again, and each knife was deep in Hansen’s mind, which made Hansen a lot more enlightened, and he became more and more familiar with the knife and the knife.

Almost subconscious, Hansen waved the scabbard in his hand and slashed the knife with the man in consciousness.

With one knife and one knife, Hansen’s knife method soon began to produce the kind of sorrow that swallowed everything, and the knife became stronger and stronger.

This is obviously not the knives he has cultivated. Hansen is no longer genius, nor can he practice a knife in such a short period of time.

However, the knife in Hansen's knife method is soaring in madness. When Hansen practiced the knife method for more than 70 times, his knife is no weaker than Isa, and the knife is still growing. among.

With the growth of the sword, the man and the knife in Hansen's consciousness became more and more blurred. After he practiced more than one hundred times, the man and the knife in the consciousness had completely disappeared, and there was no trace.

Hansen’s scabbard looked at the scabbard in his hand, and now the scabbard is completely without a half-knife, and it is clear that its knife has been transferred to Hansen.

The scabbard trembled slightly, flew up from Hansen's hand, and turned around Hansen for a few laps, hanging automatically at Hansen's waist, and then there was no movement.

The blade of the original black diamond was gradually dimmed, turning into a scabbard that looked like an ink stone.

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