Super God Gene

Chapter 1809: variation

"Failed?" Hansen glanced at the scabbard at the waist.

Isa is not embarrassed, explained in detail: "I have not told you before, did the Clan study a kind of crystal genetics that can claim to transcend the level of deification? Studying this kind of thing rarely has a one-time success. Most of the cases have to go through many trials and failures. The scabbard is one of the failed test pieces. After the squad was destroyed, it was obtained by a strong man and later brought into the konjac. Left behind in a big battle."

"The strong person you said, shouldn't it be the ancestor of your Rebecbean?" Hansen looked at Isa.

Isa nodded: "Yes, it is the ancestor of my family. Before that, the ancestors used it as a scabbard with a knife and never left."

After a pause, Isa looked at Hansen and said, "I have already told you what you want to know. I hope that you can keep your promise."

"You can rest assured that our human race is a very trustworthy race." Hansen blinked and asked: "You want to take this heterogeneous manufacturing instrument, such a big man, it is not easy to take it away." ?"

"The konjac's space is distorted too much. If it weren't for the monsters that guarded the way, we couldn't find it. It's even more impossible to take it away. I just want some of the different kinds of genetic fluid inside, if you want it, It can also be given to you, and it is difficult for me to take it all away." Isa completely treated Hansen as an equivalent person.

Isha couldn’t think of it. The person who possessed such swordsmanship and skill, and who was able to explode such power within the konjac was just a little baron.

Sure enough, as Isa said, after the streamer has increased to a certain extent, it will not continue to strengthen. With Hansen’s physique, he can barely support it and will not be trapped here.

In fact, those monsters are able to pick them up five times, and they have proved that they have the possibility of being successfully transformed. It is not surprising that they can pass the physique test of the streamer tunnel.

However, Hansen always thinks that Isa is not just as simple as a different kind of genetic fluid, I am afraid there is still a bigger plot.

"In the heterogeneous manufacturing instrument, what else is worthy of Isa's plot?" Hansen secretly thought.

The three Dukes of Rocks had already run without a shadow. Hansen and Isa had walked for more than an hour and finally passed through the streamer tunnel and entered a space of spheres.

Half of the sphere space is filled with milk-like liquid, and it is still bubbling, it seems to be boiling, but Hansen does not feel the temperature.

“There seems to be no exit here?” Hansen stood around the tunnel and looked at it. He did not find other exits. The three of the Dukes were not seen.

"The exit is below, we have to go through these liquids, which is part of the heterogeneous manufacturing instrument." Isa said, jumped directly into the milk-like liquid, and plunged into it and disappeared.

Han Sen indulged in a moment, and then jumped down, the body touched the milk-like liquid, and suddenly felt that even the armor outside the body was like a sponge, soaked with milk-like liquid, the whole person has the feeling of a hot spring.

Whether it is genetically armed or the body, all the genes and cells seem to be active at once.

At this time, Han Sen felt that there was a slight sway in one of his body, and he reached out and touched it, but it was the soft ball that the little monster gave him before he came in.

Hansen probably already knows that the little monster should be not malicious to him. The reason why he looks at him differently is probably because Hansen has the blood of the crystal family.

After all, those monsters are made by the crystal family to watch the heterogeneous manufacturing equipment. It is normal to be close to Hansen, which is similar to the crystal family.

The soft ball, like Hansen's body, seems to absorb some substance in the liquid, but it absorbs faster than Hansen.

Hansen’s heart was slightly moved: “Since the substances in these liquids can be absorbed, I don’t know if there is any way to absorb more.”

The body has been sinking in the liquid. Hansen has run the tunnel mysterious and **** nerves. The result is not very useful. It can't actively absorb the mysterious substances in the liquid like soft balls.


Hansen only felt that he was empty and fell out of the liquid.

The volley lifted up the air, and it seemed to fall down in the autumn leaves. At the same time, the gaze looked around and found that it was a semi-circular platform. Isa, Vecchi and the Duke of Rock and the Eagle Wing were on the platform.

"Good body." Vicki saw that Hansen seemed to be a dead leaf, and he admired it.

Han Sen looked around and found that it was a huge space. The semi-circular platform they were connected to was connected to a high-altitude suspension bridge. The other end of the bridge was connected with a huge crystal sphere, which exuded a dazzling glow.

Underneath the bridge, the places that can be seen are the milky liquids that were seen before.

I don't know why, the liquid below is like a fountain from time to time, shooting a water column from the liquid, and the milk-like liquid splashes everywhere.

Some of the water columns are close to the suspension bridge and are drenched over the suspension bridge and then flow back into the liquid below.

"Now people are all here, or follow the previous plan," said Vic.

The Duke of Rocks is crying coldly: "You are a fool when you are a strange son? There is something to let us run in front of you. What do we want your commander to use? Are you saying that?"

The Duke of Rocks said that he relied on Hansen and Isa. Obviously he did not have the confidence to fight against Vicki, so he wanted to join Hansen against Viktor.

"The Duke of Rocks, it seems that you want to be the first to go on the bridge?" Vicki did not move, but the palm of his hand had already twisted the dagger, and slowly walked toward the Duke of Rock.

The face of the Duke of Rock fell, and he screamed to Hansen, Eagle Wing and Isa: "Now we are together, he is definitely not our opponent. If you don't shoot now, we will be regarded as a pathfinder by them, and finally It’s a dead end, and no one can live.”

"Who wants to try my dagger first enough is not sharp enough, I am very happy to accompany." Vicki with a sneer on his face, step by step approaching the Duke of Rock.

The eagle wing was hesitant, and Hansen and Isa did not want to help the Duke of Rock.

The Duke of Rock fell fear of the daggers and the power of the demon in the hands of the Wix. When they saw Hansen, they were indifferent, and they said a lot of words, and they were not able to persuade them. They were forced to walk on the suspension bridge.

On the suspension bridge, the Duke of Rock fell a bite and ran to the opposite side.

Running and running, suddenly a water column was rushed under the bridge, and the milk-like liquid exploded in the air, turning into a white raindrop.

The Duke of Rock fell into disappointment and was splashed with some liquid. The liquids seemed to be sucked in by the sponge, and all of them infiltrated into the body of the Duke of Rock.

"Hey!" The Rock Duke screamed and slammed on the suspension bridge. His body muscles were twisted and swollen, and his armor was broken.

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