Super God Gene

Chapter 1823: Narrow month

Hansen stood in the garden and saw the layers of the moon in the sky stacking like a kaleidoscope. .

From the nearest planet to the garden, you can almost see the buildings on the opposite planet. This kind of scene is hard to see if it is not within the alien space.

Many of the moons are all planets, not satellites. If it is not because of the spatial distortion of heterogeneous space, these planets have already been hit together by gravitational or trajectory overlap, causing a galaxy-level explosion.

However, under the influence of heterogeneous space, these planets are safe and sound, and each runs along the orbit, and it is not disorderly.

Looking at the sky on any narrow moon, you can see the moon and the moon overlapping. There are circles and shorts, there are near and far, almost like the moon river, the number is also unclear. The origin of the name of the month.

There are quite a few mysteries between the moon's narrow planets, when Tianmin, Tianyue, and Tianji three planets, at the fixed time of each year, when the three planets are connected into an equilateral triangle, these three A space tunnel appears in the center of the planet.

This is one of the mysterious ones of the moon. The space tunnel can only enter the creatures below the baron level. The energy itself is too strong, but it will be oppressed by the energy of the space tunnel, and eventually it will die.

There are a total of ten opportunities for safe access in the space tunnel. That is to say, there are ten opportunities for entry. Every opportunity is fleeting, and only one creature can enter it.

Isa gave Hansen a place to enter the space tunnel, but how much benefit he can get in it, it depends on Hansen himself.

"Han Sen, you are the disciple of my knife queen. Helping you become a noble and giving you a narrow quota is what you deserve. But since then, if you want to get more, you must Show the corresponding ability and action, otherwise even if you are my disciple, you can not enjoy more special treatment." Isa said seriously.

"I will work hard." Hansen nodded.

"Not hard, but desperate." Isa frowned.

"Yes." Hansen shouted.

Isa was satisfied with this and took out a knife and gave it to Hansen: "There is no more days left before the opening of the space tunnel. Now it is too late to teach you the whole set of knives. I will teach you a trick. If you practice well. It should be useful, this knife is called fangs."

Isa also held a knife in her hand and said to Hansen: "You are optimistic, I will only demonstrate it again."

Said, Isa suddenly pulled out, so that people could hardly see her knife movement, the knife hit the door of Hansen's face, the tip of the knife has been attached to the skin of Hansen's forehead .

Fortunately, Isa stopped here and did not hurt Hansen.

Hansen saw this knife of Isa, and already knew that this was the starting style of the dental knife. Hansen had already seen it in the scabbard and transferred it. I don’t know how many times, with the help of the knife, it has already learn.

Not well versed, can only say that just getting started.

Isa took this knife to the "fangs" and explained it to Hansen carefully. After finishing it, he asked Han Sen to understand. If there is something he doesn't understand, he can ask questions. She will give Hansen. One by one answer.

"Understood." Han Sen really felt that there was nothing to ask. In fact, after he realized the meaning of the knife, Hansen was only practicing and standing. The understanding of the dental knife was not low.

Isa frowned slightly, but did not say anything, just let Han Sen practice, she left.

In her opinion, Han Sen did not ask a question, and some did not understand the suspicion of pretending to understand. This is not the attitude that a disciple should have.

What's more, she is a queen, and she has taken the time to teach Hansen. It is a bit stupid that Hansen does not understand the opportunity.

However, Isa thinks that this may not be a bad thing. Let Han Sen suffer some bitterness and suffer some setbacks. All the benefits will be on him. It is too easy to get it, so it is easy to cherish it.

Therefore, Isa Ming knows that Hansen will have some difficulties in going to the space tunnel, but he has not said much. He has already prepared for Hansen’s failure.

In Isa's view, the failure of a space tunnel is nothing. If Hansen knows how to cherish and work hard, it is worth it.

Hansen returned to his garden and practiced the practice of fangs. He planned to use this trick against the enemy.

Although he has a lot of proficient techniques, but in order to avoid Isa to see the clues, it is still not necessary, just use this trick.

This time, it was only the baron. In Hansen’s view, it was a group of Rebeite children. If they really want to find something, it’s enough to deal with them.

A few days passed quickly, and Isa did not personally send Hansen to the space tunnel, just let a Rebecian guard leader **** Hansen in the past.

There are a total of eleven main stars in the narrow month. Except for one of the main stars, there are no kings sitting in the town. The other ten main stars have the king sitting.

And the half-step deification of the king, only Isa, the blade queen and another moon-wheel king.

As for the deified strong, the Rebecite had been in the past, but it has already passed away. Until now, the second deified strong has not yet been born.

Most of the Shang and Ribeites are similar. They have once produced a deified strongman, leading a family to light up, but the deified powerful has no infinite life, and will still die in the long river of time.

But even if there is no deified strong, it is difficult for the lower races to replace them unless there is a new deified strongman.

However, even the Shangzu are so difficult to give birth to the deified strong, and not to mention the lower tribe, so in the past millennium, it has been rare to see the ethnic warfare of the annihilation of the lanterns.

Among the ten kings of the Rebecite, Isa is the highest status of the Queen of the Blades. Except for the Moon King, who can stand up to her, the other kings are worse.

It’s just that Isa is practicing with one heart and hopes to be promoted to deification, so she is also one of the ten kings who is the least concerned about the family.

The space tunnel can only be accessed by the Baron class, so many high-level leaders will not pay too much attention. Except Hansen’s incomprehension of the moon, the other nine winners are coming from outside. At the entrance to the space tunnel.

When Hansen arrived, the other nine were already one step ahead. Seeing Hansen being escorted by the guards, the look was subtle.

Hansen looked at the nine and found that not all of them were Rebeites. Of all the nine of them were foreigners. It seems that the foreign forces in Rebec are not to be underestimated.

No one talked with Hansen, Hansen was happy, and soon saw three stars connected into an equilateral triangle, and at their central point, the space twist formed a vortex similar to a black hole.

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