Super God Gene

Chapter 1857: Wrath of the Gods (the Lord adds more)

Hansen’s figure flickered in the air, and he’s stunned by a knife.

"That speed...the way it is it possible...his his knife knife is not inferior to the knife queen... What the **** is going on... Isn't he a baron?"

The ghost tooth knife smashed over the giant egg, and the sly giant egg swayed in the sky, like a tumbler.

At the same time, Hansen can also feel the instigation from its internal body. The ghost tooth knife cooperates with Hansen's knife, which causes no harm to the inside of the giant egg.

After the giant egg was traumatized, the golden flame outside the body chased Hansen as a flamingo. Unfortunately, there was a sturdy rabbit boots. Hansen’s body was more flexible than the birds. The firebirds were always Can't hurt Hansen.

Suddenly, a golden flame blooms like a flower in the air. The golden flames are peeled off layer by layer, and a handsome man with a golden crown is out of it. The man seems to have great power in every move. It seems to be a god. Trembling.

"Han Sen, there is no benefit to you for the blood of the Wuzu. As long as you are willing to let him go, God can promise you three conditions." The godly man hangs in the void and whispers to Hansen. .

"Is that the true body of the gods?" Wood was shocked. He thought that the true body of the gods could not leave the copper hall, but did not want to see the true body of the gods here.

Hansen did not care about the man in the golden robe. He still had a knife on the giant egg, which made the incitement in the giant egg stronger and stronger.

"This **** can erase all the Ukrainian imprints of creatures, and can also help you do three things." Jinpao man stood in the void and continued.

Hansen was on the other side of the giant egg, and suddenly heard a sound, the giant egg can no longer continue to float in the air, directly fell to the ground.

Hansen jumped down, and the ghost tooth knife took the breath of the savage behemoth, and the knife and the knife slammed on the giant egg, causing a strange voice in the giant egg, which seemed to be mourning and sorrowful.

"Enough." Jinpao man's face finally changed, and a cold drink.

I saw the rolling sky fire flooding like a flood, drowning the whole world in the golden flame, and the golden robe man stood in the air, looking down on Hansen like a **** in the fire, saying: "This God does not want to break the rules, it does not kill you, do you really think that this **** is only an incompetent generation of illusion?"

With the voice of the Jinpao man, the golden flames burned the surrounding palaces directly into the magma juice and flowed into the magma river. The golden flame turned into a giant beast roaring, and there was a fire dragon, and the whole world seemed to be like Between the golden robe men’s thoughts.

Under the pressure of horror, the Duke of Wood couldn't help but want to worship the man in the golden robe, but Hansen completely ignored it. He still squatted on the giant egg with one knife and one knife, making the mourning inside. It was fierce, and even cracks appeared on the eggshell.

The man in the golden robe was furious, and a series of shocking fire dragons and wild fire beasts felt his anger, and they snarled in the face of Hansen, and the flames swept the world.

Hansen is like an ant who has fallen into the wild. In front of many beasts, the small one can blow him to death in almost one breath.

Nowadays, many fire beasts surround Hansen, roaring and roaring at him. The horrible golden flames are rolling out a spurt of fire, and they will almost burn to Hansen. The heat wave of a strand has caused the rocky ground to melt, and the surrounding areas are everywhere. Magma River.

However, Hansen still turned a blind eye to everything, just slashing on the giant egg, making the sound in the giant egg more and more fierce, and the fine lines on the eggshell are more and more.

Wood and Black Steel are just scared in the distance, it is hard to imagine, Han Sen alone with such a pressure, even able to face the giant egg.

Even the Duke of Wood, only the shivering on the ground.

"How are you going to be willing to stop?" If the goddess is so beautiful, the man in the golden robe, almost bursts of fire in his eyes, his face is also somewhat distorted.

But the answer to him is still only the sniper of the ghost tooth knife. Han Sen seems to have been blind, blind, and blind, holding the hand of the ghost tooth knife, and firm and degraded again and again.


The black eggshell of the giant egg finally couldn’t stand it, cracking a hole, like a magma-like golden liquid, flowing out with the heat.

"Han Sen, you dare to take a knife, I will let you all live a life without asking for death." Jinpao man angry roar.


There was still only one knife and the crack of the eggshell.

A hole was cracked on the eggshell, and the purple-black flame gas floated on the debris, and the golden magma blood oozes at the same time.

"My Emperor Jun swears to the heavens and the earth, will take away the genes of your family, and bring your family into the original place, so that you will only be a stupid creature for the world, and you will never open your wisdom forever." The man in the golden robe is like a self. Extrusion in the teeth.

Suddenly there was a thunder in the entire mountain space, and the dark clouds came from the sky, and the blood and rain fell, seemingly in response to the vows of the Jinpao man.

Thunder and thunder roared like a god, and the blood river poured into a river. Together with the endless golden flame, the whole mountain space was like the end of the world.

A thunderbolt exploded in Hansen's body, and a head of fire beast roared in his ear, but Hansen still ignored it. The hand holding the knife remained stable as usual, without half-shake.

With a knife and a knife, the ghost tooth knife slammed on the eggshell and pulled out the cracks on the eggshell. The magma-like blood oozing more and more, almost all over the giant egg, with the purple-black flame. The gas mixes together and becomes unusually fascinating.

The evil emperor, Gu Qingcheng and Xiaoyinyin are already in the Ukrainian imprint, and the little angels who remain in the base may also have been recruited.

The **** of self-proclaimed emperor has no point to trust. None of the creatures who made a wish to him have a good result. Almost all of them are almost dead.

Han Sen’s only sure way to completely solve the Ukrainian imprint is to completely kill the black giant egg of the Ukrainian blood. There is no second way to go.

Hansen can now be sure that this imperial **** is limited by certain rules or power and cannot be shot at him.

Although I don't know why, this is Hansen's best chance.

It seems like a dragon-like thunderstorm dance, bursting around in the surrounding.

Bloody rain, like the waves, smashed the shore and drenched Hansen's body.

The roar of the flame behemoth and the emperor's anger is like a curse from hell.

But all this can't stop the ghost tooth knife in Hansen's hand.


I don't know how many knives have been attacked. The giant egg, which is already full of cracks, was finally smashed by Hansen and turned into pieces and fluttering. The liquid in the magma also flowed out, and the splashes were everywhere.

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