Super God Gene

Chapter 2136: Breaking into a butterfly

"Lone bamboo!" The main face of the town Tianzhu changed, and the voice was called out.

Not only the owner of the town, but everyone is shocked. The white alfalfa armor is standing there after being broken. It is clearly the bamboo of the town.

However, the lonely bamboo has already entered the war. It is impossible for a living creature to have two identities in the gene genealogy.

Just for a moment, someone has already guessed, probably thinking about what it is.

The fastest reaction is the owner of the town Tiangong. The master of the town Tianzhu slaps on the table and directly shoots the table into dust. He screams: "Evil, I don’t care what you are, I will let you endure the endless cycle. bitter."

There are not many things that can make the town of Tiangong so rude. One of them is one of them.

Han Sen looked at the evil spirits in front of him and finally knew why he had such a strange feeling when he saw evil spirits. This guy turned out to be a lonely bamboo.

No, it should be said that his body is a lonely one.

"It’s no wonder that there was no battle before the bamboo." Hansen’s eyes narrowed and stared at the familiar face of the evil.

In the eyes of evil spirits, the evil spirits flashed, staring at Hansen, and the sinister purple flames emerged from the body.

"Very good... really good... can push me to this level... you are the first one in billions of years..." The voice of evil is like the one squeezed out of the teeth, listening to the order. The heart is cold.

I have no idea how many billions of years have not tried to be so close to death. Just if it was not a force that launched a taboo, and avoided the blow of Hansen, I am afraid that it will be Hansen’s with the armor. Only hands cover the sky and destroy it into dust.

However, it is precisely because of the use of the power of taboos that the evil spirits have fallen into a very passive situation.

In the eyes of evil spirits, the four petals-like eyelids seem to be broken, as if something has been drilled out of it and is constantly swimming in the eyes.

It is also because of the changes in evil spirits that he has uncontrollably spilled a trace of purple smoke.

"There will always be the first time. Tolerance and forbearance will pass. There will be a second time and countless times in the future. Habits will be fine." Han Sen looked at the evil spirits and said faintly.

Just now, he still had some regrets. He was not able to kill the evil spirits. Now he is somewhat grateful. Fortunately, he did not kill him. Otherwise, the body of the bamboo must be finished together.

Although I don't know what it is, the guy in front of me should be alone.

"You said it is good, there will always be the first time, but you are different from me. You will not have a second time for the second time. Your death will only be one time." The evil spirit said, the four purple eyes in the eyes are completely Broken up, four strange forces broke through, making that vertical eye into the color of amethyst, like a dazzling purple gem.

The purple pattern appeared in the whole body of the evil spirits, and the strong purple flame spread out from it, making those purple petals gradually become real objects.

A piece of petal is like an armor that covers the evil body and forms a purple flower armor that envelops his majestic body.

The evil spirits roared in the sky, and two purple lights were rushed behind them, turning into a pair of purple butterfly wings. There was a circle of circles on the butterfly wing with a strange pattern of eyes, and it was shining with a strange purple light.

With the emergence of flower armor and butterfly wings, the momentum and strength of the evil spirits have skyrocketed again, reaching an unimaginable level.

"Purple Butterfly!" Many of the old antiques watching this battle are screaming.

"The evil spirits turned out to be the **** of the purple sable butterfly?" In the dim sanctuary, the old eagle squinted his eyes and stared at the evil spirits, gnawing his teeth.

"It hasn't died yet?" Mei Yan also frowned slightly.

In the town Tiangong, the black yarn woman is also horrified and stunned: "One of the top ten gods of the sanctuary, the purple scorpion butterfly, the original evil scorpion turned out to be it? No wonder it can continue to reincarnate for the first time."

The main character of the town Tiangong hate: "Even if he is the resurrection of the Lord of the Sanctuary, dare to move my disciple, he will certainly kill it."

Within the Buddha's Kingdom, the ancestors of the burning lamp were slightly surprised: "It is interesting that the purple scorpion butterfly, one of the ten gods of the sanctuary, has not died yet."

"The sable scorpion butterfly has become a butterfly, and it can last forever in the world. It is a pity that it has been reborn again and again. After all, it still has not been able to get it out of the last step. It is still a deification." Inside the endless black hole, the devil The ancestors of the tribe smiled coldly and said something contemptuously.

There are countless powerful beings in the universe, all of which look different and look at the evil spirits of the real body, and the mentality of the mind is different.

The evil body's body is changing and hating the bone marrow. Hansen said: "I originally wanted to find a stronger body to break into a butterfly. It really merges with the host. Now because of your relationship, I can only In this body, it is broken into a butterfly, and it can no longer be converted into a host. But this is also good. This body is strong enough. Now I am broken into a butterfly. It is perfect with this body and can already play 100%. Fighting power is enough to kill you."

When the evil spirits spoke, the purple enamel pattern above the butterfly wing shines, and the strange dawn is like a ripple.

The light was everywhere, and it was impossible to dodge. Hansen condensed his strength to resist the light, but he felt that the light directly penetrated into the body.

Hansen’s body suddenly seemed to be tied by a chain, and even the eyelids could not move half a point.

Han Sen was a little surprised. His physical strength is not inferior to that of the pure dragons. The general seal power does not have much effect on him, but the dawn of the evil wings and the pupil pattern is unexpected. The ability to completely seal his body, this strong light, has reached a terrible degree of unreasonable.

Hansen tried to run the power to get rid of the speed of the dawn, but it was completely useless, and all kinds of power could not break the dawn of evil.

"Purple sacred light is not a general seal. Even if it is a sacred god, it is difficult to escape immediately, not to mention a Marquis. Now the gold coins have no chance to escape the famous paper. Let the purple sable butterfly be slaughtered." The black yarn woman frowned.

The main face of Zhentiangong is a bit ugly, staring coldly at the purple butterfly, and turning his mind into thousands of thoughts, all thinking about how to find the purple dragon butterfly to kill it.

The evil spirit stared coldly at Hansen, slightly vibrating the butterfly wing, flew toward Hansen, and approached Hansen, gnashing his teeth and said: "I will let you regret living in this world."

Seeing that the evil spirits have already flown in front of him, Hansen still has not broken through the shackles of the dawn, and secretly sighs: "It seems that only the super gods can be used, but I have not thought how to save the bamboo, even if I can defeat him. No use, can't you really kill him?"

But now Hansen has no other choice. Just when Hansen is ready to open the super-spirit state, he suddenly sees the evil scorpion stop in front of him. In the azimuth of the forehead, the blood flows out. .

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