Super God Gene

Chapter 2166: Knife, sea, mountain

Hansen holds the handle and does not move on the top of the mountain. It is not that he does not want to move, but he cannot move. He is controlling the extension of the knife to the depth of the hole.

Without his control, the knife wire had already hit the rock, and it was impossible to rush into the depths of more than 10,000 meters.

Hansen has not moved, so that everyone has some doubts, and the owner of the town of Heaven seems to see something, his face changed slightly: "What is this kid doing?"

Many disciples in Zhentiangong want to know what Hansen is doing, and they are secretly talking about it.

"Isn't that finished? Just leave a knife mark?"

"I was quite expecting it. I didn't expect it to be just a knife mark. Such a knife mark, I am afraid that even the mood can't stay? It's better to write a poem and draw a picture."

"Yeah, white has been looking forward to it for so long."

All the disciples were slightly disappointed. After all, the name of Haichuanshan was also a certain degree to the disciples to show their own opportunities. They thought they could see something interesting, but they didn't expect such a knife to be finished.


When the disciples of the Tiangong Temple discussed, they suddenly heard a whisper in the direction of Haichuan Mountain, as if there was a crack in the slate.

The people stopped talking and looked at Haichuan Mountain again. They saw Hansen still kneeling there, holding the handle with both hands, and the body did not move, still maintaining the posture.

There seems to be no change in Haichuan Mountain. This made the disciples feel a little disappointed. When they heard the sound of the stone, they thought that Hansen’s knife had moved again.


It was also the soft sound of a slate break. This time, everyone heard it clearly. It was from the place where Hansen had inserted the knife. His eyes could not help but look over there.

Only most people's eyesight is not very strong, the distance is a little far away, and nothing is seen.

However, such as the town of Tiangong, black yarn women, Yun Changkong and other strong, but in the joint between the handle and the rock, saw two subtle cracks.

The cracks extended outward in the direction of the blade and the back of the knife. Only the hair was so thin, and the length of the split was only a dozen centimeters, which was not so conspicuous, but they made a big change in their faces.

Among the jade towns, Yu Shanxin, who was feeding the old dog, suddenly stood up. His body shape was just a sway, and he came to the Yumen Tower of Yucheng, staring at the foothills of Haichuan Mountain.

Dream Island, the dreaming beast that was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the grass. A pair of dreamlike eyes looked at the top of Haichuan Mountain.

"What is the situation? How can there be a crack in the stone?"

"It is estimated that Hansen's knife has torn the stone next to it. This is normal. After all, it is Hansen. He uses the power of the teeth. It is normal to tear the nearby sea stones."


When the people spoke, the broken sound continued to sound, and it was getting louder and louder. The number of times was getting louder and louder. Everyone kept their breath and stared at the foothills of Haichuan Mountain. What happened.


The sound of the break was louder and louder, and the eyesight was stronger. Some disciples of the Tiangong Temple had already seen the crack extending from the blade, and the crack was still extending outward.

"It’s a Han Dao teacher. It’s so powerful that it can tear the sea stone to such a degree!”

"It's really amazing. I said, Hansen could just finish the knife. It turned out to be the case. He wants to leave a tear on the top of the mountain!"

"With such a strong tearing force, you should leave a knife on the top of the mountain. After that, we can go to observe the knife and knife, and the brothers who practice the knife are blessed."


The sound of the break suddenly increased. It was like a mountain being thundered. The disciples of the Zhentian Temple were shocked, but the shock of their hearts was stronger than the impact of the ears.

Everyone looked up at the foothills of Haichuan Mountain. I saw the place where Hansen inserted the ghost tooth knife. The whole mountain top was like being torn into two halves, splitting from the middle and showing a long A crack of more than ten meters.

Even more frightening is that the crack is actually extending at a very fast speed toward the mountain below, and Hansen has been sliding down the knife.


The huge mountain peaks, in the bursts of the booming sounds, broke into two halves and split up on both sides.

Everyone stayed, watching Hansen hang in the air, holding the fangs of the thorns in his hands, and the Wanzhang Xiongshan split into two halves under his knife, crashing toward both sides.

Even the town's Tiangong master, the black yarn woman and the elders of the town's Tiangong, have been stunned at this time, one by one like a fixed frame, watching Haichuanshan split into two.

"I... I... I rely on... I have no problem with my eyes... Hansen has opened the Haichuan Mountain with a knife..." A disciple’s eyes are about to come out, and the speech is a bit unfavorable.

"I must have not woken up, still dreaming? That is Haichuan Mountain!"

"It must be a dream... It must be a dream... Lao Wu... Give me a slap... Let me wake up..."

"Hey... Hey... are you really playing with his mother?"

The figure of the elders broke out and rushed to the two sides of the Haichuan Mountain. They used the power of terror to support the Haichuan Mountain Peak that the two halves were falling down.

Haichuan Mountain suspended in the void, originally achieved the balance of power, but now it is divided into two, suddenly lost balance, and directly fell to both sides.

However, the mountains and rocks of Haichuan Mountain are different. Several elders of the kingship hold the mountain divided into two, but still can't stop it from sinking.

Looking at the crashing Haichuan Mountain and Hansen holding the knife in the sky, only a moment of the thunder of the rock falling into the sea of ​​clouds, one or two kings can not afford Haichuan Mountain, even half can not drag.

Hansen did not think that he would have such an effect when he stabbed it. He swears that he really just stabbed a knife and then met the stone worm and found that the stone worm was still alive after his knife. I just received it and I don’t know what it is.


I saw two halves of the Haichuan Mountains plunging into the sea of ​​clouds, causing waves and waves. The horrible clouds rolled like a tsunami. The clouds waved out in a circular shape. Almost all the islands in the Tiangong were horrified. Clouds and waves spread, chickens and dogs jumped for a time, underwear and underwear were blowing in the sky, and the entire town Tiangong was in a mess.

Fortunately, Yunlang has no substantial destructive power. It just flies some lighter things and does not cause any casualties.

"This... this is going to be against the sky..." Many disciples came back and looked at Hansen in the air.

The town of Tiangong is even more hateful of teeth: "The idiot boy... immediately throw him out of the town of Heaven... Don't let me see him again..."

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