Super God Gene

Chapter 2168: Rebecca ancestor

Hansen returned to the narrowness of the month and was busy for a few days before finally returning to his own solar eclipse.

Everything in the base is normal, there are zero, Han Linger and the little angels, plus the care of Isa, the eclipse is very stable.

During Hansen’s departure, Zero, Little Angel and Han Linger have been promoted to the Marquis level, thanks to the rich resources of the Eclipse Star.

It is a pity that although there are many different kinds of eclipse stars, the highest is the Duke level, and there are not many on the entire planet of the Duke level. It is not so easy for them to promote the Duke level.

"It's just a solar eclipse. It can be used for early development. If you really want to go further, a solar eclipse is not enough." Hansen has been worrying about resources.

Not only Hansen himself, everyone needs resources. Without a stable source, it is impossible to bring more shelter creatures to the gene universe.

However, most of the stars in the gene universe have masters, and the sphere of influence is intertwined. Anyone who steals the territory may be involved in a large number of forces.

It is not easy to go to the ridiculous starland to open up wasteland. Without a king-level powerhouse, if you encounter a terrorist creature, you may be completely annihilated.

And even if it can succeed in land reclamation, if there is no shelter from the big forces, it is easy to be taken away by other forces.

Hansen is now in a very embarrassing stage, unable to find more resources, and the resources of the eclipse can not meet his needs for further promotion.

Hansen has been studying for a long time and has never thought of a good way out.

Putting down the information, Hansen smashed his head and saw that Boa was teasing the sea worms. Only then did he think that there was it, and he took Boa and Haichuan stone worms to the nearby volcano.

The combat power of the Haichuan stone worm is almost zero, and it is useless to bring it around. After Hansen entered the volcano, he placed it next to the magma pool.

The sea worm saw the magma, and the small eyes suddenly lit up, and quickly rolled toward the magma.


The Haichuan stone worm fell into the magma. After a while, it was seen that the sea worm had climbed out with a layer of magma, and in a moment the magma condensed into a stone shell.

After the stone shell was completely solidified and blackened, the Haichuan stone worms rolled into the magma again. So many times, it quickly became a fist-sized oval stone ball.

Hansen did not have the mood to look at it again. At such a speed, I don’t know when the Haichuan stone insects will be able to become a sea of ​​mountains.

"When it's bigger, let's take the sea stone on it." Han Sen left the Haichuan stone worm here, and took Boa back to the base.

Just after returning to the base, Hansen was immediately shocked. Isa came to the Eclipse Star and sat on the square in the base. All the creatures in the base were waiting on both sides, as if it were really the Queen.

"Queen of the Queen." Hansen went to the slightest salute, but his heart was secretly stunned. I don't know why Isa would personally come to the eclipse.

Isa glanced at Hansen, who was holding Hansen’s big hand, standing next to Hansen, and then got up and said, “Take me around and see how your business has been in the past few years.”

Hansen thought: "I have never been in the past two years. I am afraid that you know more about the Eclipse Star than I do. Do you need to see it again?"

Although he thought so, Hansen naturally wouldn’t say it. He should lead the way and walk outside the base.

Came to the mirror lake and walked along the river bank. Hansen was introducing the situation here. Isa suddenly said with a faint sigh: "Han Sen, have you heard the story of my ancestors of Rebate?"

"I heard about it." Hansen thought about it. He was not very interested in the Rebecite, nor did he study the history of the Rebecite.

However, in the narrowness of the month, it is inevitable that I will hear something about the ancestors of the Rebecite. After all, it is the spiritual symbol and pride of the Rebecite.

Isa said as she walked: "My Rebec is already a superior, but in the long river of history, it can only be regarded as an emerging race. Although it is a superior, it cannot be compared with the real giants. The ancestors can Leading the tribe to the point where it is today is very human. You know where the ancestor was born?"

"I heard that it was the bloodline of the ancient Protoss." Hansen replied.

Isa smiled and said: "That is just a statement to decorate the facade. It has been said for a long time, even we ourselves are about to believe."

After a pause, Isa continued: "The ancestor was originally a slave. Before, my family was still in the primitive society. Even when the planet did not go out, I didn't know what to cultivate. There was a big family descending from Rebec Star. I have plundered all of my people into slaves. Since then, my ancestors began the journey of the great universe, step by step, and finally lit up the Lizu, becoming one of the superiors who envied the universe. You know the ancestor. What do adults rely on?"

"When you want to come to the ancestors, you must be talented, and with your own efforts, you can achieve such great achievements." Hansen naturally said that he did his best.

Isa smiled: "The Rebeites at that time were just ordinary races, and the talents of the ancestors were very general. After he began to practice, he only condensed the genetic armor, and later he got a different kind of fruit before he became a baron. This kind of qualification talent, there is no more in the universe, I am afraid I can shoot millions in a palm."

"That said, the ancestors must be mentally motivated, with great wisdom and perseverance that ordinary people can't." Hansen said.

Isa shook her head again: "The ancestor may have great wisdom, but the ancestor is not a person who likes to suffer. Her favorite thing is to take a bath and sleep, even the last to create the power of the teeth, but also because of her More lazy, one thing that can be solved with one knife, absolutely not willing to waste any effort to get a second knife."

Hansen didn't know what to say for a while, because he felt that he felt like the ancestors of the Rebecite, and it seemed to be a very ordinary woman.

However, it is such a seemingly ordinary woman who even took the Rebeites who came out of the original planet from the slaves to the position of the giants, which made Han Sen feel incredible.

"Are you very curious now, why did the ancestors of such a genius and temperament, can actually create a family of prosperity, so that the Rebecite boarded the gene temple?" Isa smiled and looked at Han Sen.

"It's really curious." Hansen did not hide his thoughts.

In the eyes of Isa, there was a faint glimmer of color, and the look was somewhat complicated: "The ancestor of my family can go to this step. In addition to her own efforts and wisdom, she relies on the word "Emperor"."

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