Super God Gene

Chapter 2190: Loss

Looking at the little cockroaches who seemed to treat him as a kind of person, crawling around him, Hansen’s heart was slightly depressed: "I am not jealous."

Since this day, Hansen has come here to absorb the power of the ice and the power of the moon, and no longer use the cold palace gatekeeper token, but also with the little cockroaches, followed by the deification of the scorpion, reaching above the waterfall, in the deification The side of the moon absorbs the power of the moon.

Hansen’s ice muscle jade surgery has also made rapid progress. Originally, Hansen estimated that it would take almost a year to advance to the Duke. Now there is already a sign that he has to be promoted to the Duke level. I believe there will be another two or three months. After absorbing several times of freezing power and the power of the moon, you will be able to advance to the Duke.

Once the ice muscle jade is promoted to the Duke, he will immediately find a way to find high-level resources, and can no longer be trapped in the solar eclipse.

It is a good place to practice in the early stage, but if you can't get there, there will never be real development.

This month's fifteenth, when Hansen once again completed the goalkeeper mission, he was about to leave the blade star and return to his eclipse, but he just went to the palace and saw two Rebecke deacons. Come over, accompanied by the Duke of Snowbird.

"Han Sen, the moonlight king called, please go with us to the Temple of the Moon." A deacon said to Hansen.

"What happened to the Moon King who summoned me?" Hansen asked with a frown.

The Temple of the Moon is the Hall of the Moon. It is generally a few kings of the month. Only then is it qualified to discuss things there. It is obviously unusual for the Moon King to summon him a small marquis in the round conference hall.

"When you get to nature, you know." Another deacon said coldly.

Hansen glanced at the Duke of Snowbird next to him. The look of the Duke of Snowbird seemed to be a bit wrong, but he did not say anything, but nodded slightly to him.

"The Moon King and several other adults are already waiting for you, let's go soon." The deacon urged.

Hansen had to follow them to the Temple of the Moon and sit on the spaceship. Hansen was thinking in his own mind: "It must be something happened to Isa, otherwise the Moon King will not be able to summon me in the Moon Hall. If it is really a matter of Isa, then my good day at the Rebec is too late."

Hansen is very clear that he is more kind to him in the narrowness of the month, and I am afraid that it will be one of the black moon kings.

The other kings did not like him very much for Isa disciples. After all, Hansen is not a Rebecite, and it takes up so many resources of the Rebecite. It is very good not to regard him as a nail in the eye.

If Hansen really can fly to the sky, it is not difficult for the narrow kings of the month to look at him. The key is that Hansen’s promotion is so difficult, let alone deify, and in their view, even the promotion of the king’s level Sex is minimal, and naturally it is even more invisible.

Just like this time the goalkeeper task, if you change the other qualified Marquis, keep the door for so long, maybe you are about to be promoted to the Duke, but Hansen is not a little moving.

It was said that Isa had been protected before, and if Isa was gone, it would be almost impossible for the Rebecbe to waste so much resources on such a foreigner as Hansen.

"The pattern of the Rebecite is still too small. A slave who was born from a slave is poorly used to it. Without such courage and chest, there is still a pattern in Isa, but it is a pity." Han Sen secretly vomited. For the results of this trip, you can probably think of seven or eight points.

When Hansen came to the round-moon conference hall, he saw the moon-shaped king and other people sitting on the round table.

Almost all the king-level powerhouses who were in the narrowness of the month attended the meeting. The moon-wheel king sat in the middle, and several king-level powermen such as the Black Moon King, Shadow King, Liuhua Wang, and Night River King sat separately. On both sides, a half-moon shape is presented, all looking at Hansen standing below.

"Han Sen sees the king." After Hansen saluted them to the moon, they stood there quietly, and there was no expression on their faces.

The Moonlight sighed and said to Hansen: "There was news from the Emperor on the other side yesterday. Your Master was unfortunately degraded in the chaotic star field, and even the remains were not able to stay. My family is ready to build a dress for her." As the only disciple of the blade, many of these issues need to be handled together."

"The disciple will do his best, and he will also tell the moon man to tell, how did my master fall?" Han Sen gave a slight gift, and his heart felt quite weird.

Isa can be said to be his opponent or an enemy. He is a fake teacher who worships Isa, and Isha accepts him as a disciple. It seems that there are other plans.

However, after a long time, Isa was really good to him, and arranged many opportunities for him. If there is no such opportunity, Han Sen alone will probably have another decade, and may not be able to achieve the present achievements.

Therefore, his feelings for Isa are very complicated. When I heard Isa’s fall, I felt a little different in my heart, and I couldn’t tell what it felt.

"According to the emperor's messenger, the knife was swallowed by her when she was involved in the siege of a demon-class alien. Nothing could be left..." The moon-wheel king said that he could not help but sigh deeply. .

The sigh of the moonlight is not illusory, and it is not easy for the Rebecbe to make a half-step deification, and Isa is the most promising Rebeite to be promoted.

Losing Isa is indeed a big blow for the Rebec.

However, Isa does not go to the Imperial Family, and there is no chance to promote the deification. Even if she can survive, her life will stop at half step.

For someone like Isa, let her stop here for the rest of her life, I am afraid it is more unbearable than killing her.

Hansen listened silently, was killed by deified alienation, and even left nothing, it is also a clean and clean, like Isa's style.

"After dealing with the cloaking of the Queen of the Blades, there are still some related matters that you need to deal with. You are the only disciple of the blade. Some of her inheritances need you to inherit. After that, I will check and verify with you. Hand over." After the Moon King finished, Night River King went on.

Hansen knows that this is the key point, and he does not know how many inheritances the Rebecbe will let him inherit.

It’s just that these are not within the control of Hansen. The night river king does not have the meaning to check with him. It is simply a unilateral decision.

Hansen had already expected it, and there was nothing to say. After listening to it, he left the Moon Hall and went to the office of Isa.

"The merits of the warfare sent by the emperor should, in principle, be inherited by Hansen's disciple..." Black Moon King said, and the words were not finished yet, and they were interrupted by the Night River King.

"Han Sen is not a Rebecite after all, where is the qualification to inherit, we have already discussed this matter, no need to say more." Night River King said.

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