Super God Gene

Chapter 2193: Struggle

Hansen stood on the waterfall and absorbed the power of the moon and the power of the ice with those small crystals.

Night River King saw this scene, his face changed indefinitely, and his heart said: "It must be arranged before the blade is gone, so it will be a shame for him to come here to take over the position of the cold gatekeeper. The blade is so dedicated to a foreigner. Trying to do it, even if it takes a lot of effort, I don’t know what to think for my Rebecbe."

Night River King thought that all of this was the arrangement of Isa, so Hansen would not be afraid of the power of freezing, so that he could be so close to the deified level of Bijing, where he knew, even if Isa himself was the gatekeeper, there was no Like Hansen and Bijing, they have been in close contact with each other.

Although the heart is angry, not to overnight, the river king has no way to take Hansen, just regret that Hansen should not enter the blade of the sword, otherwise it will not let Han Sen organic.

Night River King intends to ignore Hansen, has run his genetics, and is ready to absorb the moonlight of the Night River King.

However, he was just about to start to absorb the moonlight, but Hansen stood a step on the waterfall and stopped in front of the bright moon that Bijing squirted. It completely covered the bright moon that Bijing squirted and let the night The river king was black, and the location was completely caught in the shadow of Hansen, where he still saw a little moonlight.

"Damn!" Night River King was furious, but in the face of Bijing, not to mention the shot, even the voice did not dare to send out, so as not to disturb the Bijing 正在 that is absorbing Yuehua.

Night River King does not think that Bijing is really so kind. Bijing’s fierce name shocked the universe, and even swallowed a planet, killing countless, not as docile as it was just.

The reason why Bijing is narrow in the month is not because it is a subordinate of the Rebecite, but a cooperative relationship.

Because Bijing 蟾蜍 needs to swallow the genomics of Yuehua to cultivate it, so the narrowness of the moon is the best place to cultivate.

Originally, Bijing was prepared to forcibly rush into the narrowness of the month, and almost launched the battle against the Ruibeites. Later, after the mediation of the Emperor, an agreement was reached with the Rebec.

Bijingyu can live in the narrowness of the month and receive the support of the Rebec. In exchange, the Rebecbe can be used by a person with a gatekeeper token to absorb the power of the moon, and the moon. When the crisis is in the face of difficulties, Bijing will also help.

Since such a long time, Bijing has accepted the support of the Rebeites, and a Rebecite has absorbed its power of the moon, and it is still peaceful, but like the King of the Night River, the king who lived for so long. The strongest, but still remember that when Bijing smashed the narrowness of the moon, the terrible scenes and brutality of the frozen star river, where dare to lie here.

Now Hansen is blocking it, so that he has no chance to absorb the power of the moon. The night river king's face is ugly, the blue veins on his forehead are violent, and his eyes are almost bleeding, but Hansen has no way.

The night river king bit his teeth and looked around. He said in the heart: "Since Hansen can climb the cliff, should I change a position?"

Night River King wants to change position, but he does not dare to approach the waterfall, just want to turn a corner, avoid Hanson's shadow, as long as it can absorb the power of the moon.

It’s just that Night River King is not sure if he can do this. After all, in the rules of the appointed goalkeeper, the gatekeeper must guard the door above this stone platform, and said that he can go to other places.

But instead of going to other places, the moonlight of this film was shrouded in the shadow of Hansen, and even a trace of moonlight could not be seen. He also practiced a fart, and how the night river king was willing to blow the cold wind here.

The night river king stunned and looked at the bismuth on the waterfall, then tried to stretch out a leg and wanted to go down the stone platform.

However, one of his legs just lifted up, and he saw that Bijing’s eyes on the waterfall turned and his eyes seemed to squint at him, and suddenly the night river king’s heart was cold. The whole person was like petrified. The cold sweat couldn’t stop going out, where I dared to take this step and quickly took my leg back.

After he stood up, Bijing’s eyes looked at the sky again, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

"How... How could it be... How could this be..." Night River King stood there, with a blue veins on his forehead, his face full of cold sweat, his face pale for a while, and his face was distorted.

It’s not easy for him to get a chance to get the gatekeeper’s position, but he can’t see the bright moon that Bijing’s spit out here. Don’t say that the power of the moon is absorbed. It’s just a cold wind here. What is the difference between a normal guard.

"Han Sen... Hansen... I will kill you..." Night River King's eyes are red, staring at the back of the waterfall, almost bleeding.

But here, he did not dare to move in one step, but he could only stand there honestly, and his teeth were about to be broken.

Han Sen did not even look at the night river king, but before the bright moon, he absorbed the power of the bright moon and the power of freezing.

He wouldn’t know that Night River King had hated him, but what about it? If he does not fight for the mermaid, then they will combine the minds of the night river king, they are not angry, how can Hansen himself be promoted.

From the beginning of life, people are competing with the world, fighting with hundreds of millions of sperm, competing with family resources for brothers and sisters, competing with students for resources, competing with colleagues for company resources, fighting for food with all the world. That cultivates opportunities and resources for evolution.

If you don't argue, how can you go further and embark on the shackles of all beings.

If he is afraid of arguing with others, Han Sen will not embark on the road of practice. It is better to have a baby at home and bring a gene to the universe.

Those who can come here, whether Hansen or Ningyue, have already had the consciousness of vying with the heavenly people, and they will never take a step back if they use any means and mind.

The night river king broke Hansen's resources, that is to break Hansen's evolutionary path, such as killing Hansen's parents, how can Hansen continue to be peaceful with him again.

From the moment of handing over the inheritance, it has already been doomed that Hansen and the night river king must have a wound.

Night River King stood on the stone platform, staring at the back of the waterfall, and his heart was killing like a wave, but he could only stand there and watch Hansen absorb the power of the moon.

Han Sen looked at the cold eyes, and the corner of his mouth outlined a disdainful arc. How did the king fight for resources with him? Even if he was a king-level powerhouse, he would stand at his feet and eat the soil.

The shadow is like a mountain. The night river king who presses like a beast, and the murder in his heart is like an undercurrent. He has decided to kill Hansen.

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