Super God Gene

Chapter 2204: Phantom poison bee colony

Hansen returned to the solar eclipse with Emperor Huang, and Huang Jingjing just got the jade drum. In order to avoid being counted by the mind, it is better to return to the solar eclipse first. It is not too late to go out after the matter has subsided.

Although the sound butterfly king later inquired about the origin of Hansen, but it is useless to catch up with them, looking for people to intercept on the road, did not find Han Sen their traces, and finally can only give up.

After all, they are not likely to catch up with the narrow people of the month, and the Rebecbes are not arbitrarily arrogant.

On the way back, Hansen dropped a few drops of blood on the **** jade drum, hoping to get the approval of this jade drum.

The Eclipse Star, the group is organizing collective exercises, and suddenly someone is coming to report, and a large number of different species are flying towards the base.

Han Menger, Zero, Little Angel and Han Yu went to the base and saw it. From the mountain side, there was a group of red clouds flying out. The speed was very fast, and soon it was about to rush to the base.

The red cloud is a red-sized bee of the size of a wolf-dog. The body is very strong, and Han Han slightly frowns: "When did the eclipse have these alien species? How have you seen it before?"

At the same time, Night River King is monitoring the base on the eclipse, and the eyes are full of vicious meaning: "The Phantom Queen bee is a special product of the queen, although it is only the Duke level, but has a strong ability to multiply, as long as there is enough Blood food, the phantom queen bee can create a phantom poison bee that is one level lower than its body, and this phantom queen bee is a mutant Duke-class alien, in addition to the Marquis-level phantom poison bee, there is a certain chance to make The Duke-level phantom poison bee, although the time is short, only created two Duke-level phantom poison bees, but it is enough to deal with those small things."

"The Phantom Queen is eating its flesh and blood, hatching new phantom poison bees in their bodies. When Hansen comes back and sees it all, what kind of expression will it be? I really look forward to it." Night River King unconsciously gnashed his teeth.

As for the consequences of this, Night River King is not worried at all, because this phantom queen bee is one of the aliens escaped from the cargo ship. Everything is just an accident, and has nothing to do with his night river king.

Even if Hansen suspects that he is doing his hands and feet, he can't treat him. Night King wants the result. He wants to see Hansen hate him, but he has a painful expression that he has no way.

"It’s just the beginning with my night river king." The night river king hated Hansen.

Looking at the red cloud general phantom poison bee, rushing to the base under the leadership of two duke-level phantom poison bees, Night River Wang is preparing to admire a killing drama, but suddenly sees a blue mask in the base From the beginning, the entire base was covered.

The red cloud-like phantom poisonous bee hit the blue mask, and was suddenly shaken back. Even the two duke-level phantom poison bees could not be rushed into the armor.

The face of the night river king changed, and some regrets in his heart. He did not expect Hansen to leave the cover in the base.

In the view of the night river king, such a life-saving thing, Hansen will certainly bring it with himself. If he knew that Hansen did not have a shield with a treasure, he would spend so much time on the base of the eclipse. It’s easier to deal directly with Hansen.

Now it’s useless for the night river king to repent, and those phantom poison bees can’t break the shield.

The phantom shot a poisonous needle, which seemed to be red and cold, and shot on the blue mask, but it never hurt the mask half.

Although covering the entire base, the strength of the enchantment is greatly reduced, but it is only a heterogeneous Marquis and Duke level. It is not so easy to break the enchantment.

When the night river Wang was annoyed, he saw that the blue shield disappeared, and the phantom poisonous bee suddenly rushed in.

Night River King glimpsed: "Is it that the user of the shield is not strong enough to support the shield?"

Soon, the night river king found that it was not like that. After some of the phantom poisonous bees rushed in, the shield appeared again, and most of the phantom poison bees were blocked out. A small part of the phantom poison bee was covered. Go in.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The night river king only saw a black arrow flashing inside the shield, but the effort in the blink of an eye, the dozens of phantom poison bees that were covered in, were shot by one arrow.

Then I saw a group of Kate children rushing out and dragging a phantom poisonous bee into the base.

Night River King's eyebrows twitched, he did not count this, but sent a different kind to the eclipse star base, hate to personally shot, go to the eclipse of the eclipse to slap the base of Hansen.

When the children brought the corpse of the phantom poison bee back to the base, the mask disappeared again, and soon again appeared, and a small part of the phantom poison bee was covered.

The night river king suddenly showed a smirk, because among the phantom poison bees that were covered, there was a ducal-level, and the base was a marquis. Even if it was so powerful, it would be difficult to defeat the Duke-level phantom poison bee.

Night River King is imagining the picture of the Duke-level phantom poison bee inside, and suddenly saw a black light arrow hit the Duke-level phantom poison bee.

The Duke-level phantom poison bee reacted very fast, not the Marquis-level phantom poison bee. It was comparable to the Marquis-level phantom poison bee. When the black light arrow was seen, the poison needle at the end suddenly lit up, and a poisonous mans greeted the black light arrow.

Seeing that the poisonous mans and the light arrows were about to collide, but the black light arrow suddenly sank, and drilled from the poisonous mans, and then pierced into the body of the Duke-level phantom poison bee.

The phantom poison bee's body flashed red, and the light arrow only stabbed in an arrow, and he couldn't stab again.

"The Duke-level phantom poison bee, it is so easy to kill." Night River King sneered.


The light arrow that pierced the body of the phantom poison bee, after the power was stopped, a terrible explosion occurred, and the body of the Duke-level phantom poison bee was blasted.

I saw the red light on his body broken, the body was blown out of a big hole, the whole body was scarred, screaming and struggling on the ground.


Another arrow shot, directly from the wound through the head of the phantom poison bee, blasted its head, the Duke-level phantom poison bee suddenly died.

The other Marquis-level phantom poison bees have also been killed by Han Han.

"How is this possible... The woman is just a Marquis... There is even the ability to kill the Duke-level phantom poison bee... This is impossible... She is just the blood of Hansen... When did the blood of the Clan become so strong? ......" Night River King was shocked and angry, almost unwilling to believe his eyes.

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