Super God Gene

Chapter 2268: Is the opponent not a junior

Hansen turned to ride on the back of the **** unicorn, and the **** unicorn roared, and they smashed toward the ice blue knight and they killed it.

"Don't pay attention to the other guys, kill him first." Hansen's hand fixed the thunder to the king of the ice blue knight.

The **** unicorn did not say anything, and snarled toward Hansen’s attacking target.

"Come on!" The ice blue knight in the hands of the big sword against the **** unicorns, while giving orders to the remaining ice blue knights.

They were not the opponents of **** unicorns. They had been able to involve one or two because of the low IQ of blood unicorns. Now, the **** unicorns obey Hansen’s command, and they have no chance to even be involved.

"Han Sen, if you recreate and kill, you really can't get back." Ice Blue Knight looked at an ice blue knight who was torn by **** unicorn and shouted loudly at Hansen.

"Since I have already turned out the Ice Blue Knights, I have no plans to look back. When you shoot at me, you should also have the consciousness of death." Han Sen said coldly.

The ice blue knight is speechless. He has always regarded Hansen as a disciple of Isa. He is only regarded as a younger generation and has never regarded Hansen as a real opponent.

Even if Hansen turned out the Ice Blue Knights, he was only holding the mindset of the younger generation. He wanted to take Hansen back and get the holy things.

Until now, the Ice Blue Knight suddenly realized that he had been wrong from the beginning. He did not put Hansen in the same position from the beginning, and did not pay attention to it as an opponent.

However, Hansen is not a younger who is under his protection and needs to act according to his philosophy, but a strong person who can really fight in such a cruel world and kill a world under the natural law of the jungle. .

Ice Blue Knight Wang suddenly wakes up, but unfortunately it is already a bit late. If Hansen is regarded as a real opponent earlier, he will never give Hansen any chance at the base. He will try his best to win Hansen in the first time. Even after Hansen rushed out of the base, he only rushed out to hunt Hansen.

Under the **** unicorns, only the ice blue knight, the sin and an ice blue knight escaped to the front of the hell, and the other ice blue knights were killed by **** unicorns and Hansen.

Hansen and the **** unicorn did not dare to be too close to the hell, but they could only give up and fly back to the lotus peak where the **** unicorn lived.

"I was wrong. I should treat him as a real opponent earlier." Ice Blue Knight stared at Hansen, who was riding a **** unicorn, and his face was not angry or sad.

From this moment on, Ice Blue Knight has made Han Sen a real opponent, a powerful opponent that needs to face all his strength, not just a disciple.

The look of sin is also very dignified: "Is that guy really just a disciple of Isa? He may be more terrible than Isa, we were too young to look at him before."

"This is no stranger to us, who can think of it, a guy who was only a Marquis before, would be so terrible." Ice Blue Knight Had said.

At this time, Harder's heart is the most complicated. His relationship with Edward is the closest, knowing how terrible Edward is.

Although Edward is only a mixed-race emperor, the force is not very strong among the emperors, but his IQ, observation and mobility are first-class.

When Edward was beaten by Hansen, the shock of the Ice Blue Knight could not be described in words.

Although Hansen is now just a duke, no one dares to treat him as a duke of the younger generation.

Isa saw the ice blue knights and the three of them came back with injuries, frowning: "What about other people?"

The Ice Blue Knights said the story of the incident, did not exaggerate the strength of blood unicorn and Hansen, nor did they deliberately conceal their failure.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. The **** unicorn was promoted to a half-step deification as soon as possible, and Hansen drove the battle." Fox squinted.

They did not blame the ice blue knights, and the fox said faintly: "You will stay here to help Mr. Bai crack the ban, wait until my ban is completely solved, and it is not too late to personally clean him."

Returning to the valley where the **** kyrin lived, Hansen put them all out of the activities, and discussed what should be done in the future.

Although they took advantage of the **** unicorn power, they temporarily repelled the ice blue knights, but Hansen did not think that he was safe now, but also faintly worried.

Edwards were able to find the palace, and they also opened the ban and rushed in, indicating that they must have someone who is proficient in the prohibition.

The foxes left Mr. Bai alone. It is probably because Mr. Bai is well versed in the prohibition. If he can really solve the ban on the fox, it is really troublesome for Hansen.

An unconstrained deification, even if Hansen is a deified weapon, can't be her opponent.

But now trapped in the big bones of hell, there is only one way out of the palace, unless Hansen wants to hide here for a lifetime, otherwise he can only find a way to rush out from the palace.

"Unfortunately, the **** unicorn is only a half-step deification. If it can be promoted to deification, how difficult is it to ride it out?" Hansen thought.

The people have been negotiating for a long time, and there is no negotiation of a result. Hansen can only fully absorb the power of the ghost bones, hoping to promote the genetic terminology to the Duke level as soon as possible, and can have more fighting power and more hope of living.

"Even if the fox is really out of trouble, as long as she can't find what she wants, she will not kill me. I will have a chance." At the time of the break, Han Sen played with a piece of stone in his hand, and his mind flashed many thoughts. .

The relationship between **** unicorn and Hansen is very harmonious, but other than Hansen, others are not very close to it. Its arrogance is too heavy. Seeing everyone is like watching a piece of barbecue, it seems that the next second will rush. Go up and take a bite.

Hansen has been suffering from genetics. After about a month, the genetic terminology has improved, but it is still a lot worse than the promotion of the Duke.

Suddenly, the whole bones and **** were shaking, and Hansen heard the voice of the fox coming from the door of hell: "My good brother, my sister came to you."

In front of the hell, the fox's neck and wrists and ankles still wear metal rings, but the metal chains connected to the metal rings have been broken.

Mr. Bai, the ice blue knight, the sin and the ice blue knight Had followed behind the fox, like a courtier.

The knowledge of the foxes unfolded in the big bones of hell, and was preparing to search for the whereabouts of Hansen, but suddenly saw two figures coming over here, and it was Hansen and the **** unicorn. A slight glimpse, I did not expect Hansen not to escape, but even dared to come to her.

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